Things Past – Freshly Pressed Uniforms.

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Title   Freshly Pressed Uniforms.
Mission   Things Past
Posted   Thu Jun 07, 2012 @ 5:34pm
Location   Cavendish Hall, Surrey, England.
Timeline   Present.

Rose launched herself onto the back of Thunder, her large black horse welcomed his rider with a certain familiarity. Rose had won the horse some years previous in a game of poker against her long term friend Camilla Crawford. He was a fast horse with a strong back able to tolerate Rose's horseback acrobatics upon the firing range.

"Thank you Sam!" she said politely to her groomsman currently holding the reins. Sam happily handed the reins to Rose who quickly kicked Thunder into a gallop. Rose loved to target practice horseback and she combined her rifle range with the routes she rode Thunder on.

Pulling her shotgun from her holster she proceeded to practice her aim taking out target after target. Approaching the final run, Thunder suddenly stopped and reared as the large Federation shuttle roared above her head, clearly heading for the estate. Calming Thunder down she kicked him into a gallop towards her country home. After returning Thunder to the stables she burst through the large wooden hall doors.

"Ahh your Ladyship, these men are..." Branson spoke as he was interupted by his mistress.

"Starfleet desk jockeys, yes I can tell by the freshly pressed uniforms!" She spoke removing her leather riding coat and gloves and made her way to the small sitting room in the left wing. "Gentlemen if you please?" She said ushering the two Starfleet officers towards the left.

The two gentlemen sat down as Rose took the large leather seat opposite, crossing her legs she adjusted her wind swept hair.

"Lady Corrigan we've come regarding your recent decision to enlist on Deep Space 5!" The older of the two officers spoke, handing data padd with Rose's posting to her.

"Yes what about it?" Rose spoke softly as Branson arrived in the room with large silver tray and tea set.

"Starfleet are well aware of your skills within the archaeological field however DS5 requires a slightly more different set of skills!" the superior officer spoke in a dismissive tone.

"Starfleet intelligence need your expertise on Deep Space 5 regarding a recent haul of archaeological finds and track down those who continually smuggle them through the station!" The younger, clearly junior of the officers spoke interupting his superior.

"One question!" Rose said as she poured herself a large earl grey tea into her Royal Doulton tea cup, "Why me, surely there are experts within the Archaeology Council?" She asked with a slight sarcastic tone, knowing she was probably more knowledagble than those amateurs.

The officers smiled at Rose's charm and wit, "These finds relate to your father's research Lady Corrigan!" The older officer spoke as he finished his tea, almost slamming the delicate cup onto the saucer.

Rose gazed at the Starfleet officers sat across from her, quietly thinking to herself why on all days do two Starfleet officers show up regarding her father's research the day he was declared missing in the field.

"I guess I have little choice in my assignment!" She said calmly placing the cup on the small side table, proceeding to stand she motioned her guests to stand aswell. "Well gentlemen, as I am sure you are aware I have several affairs to tend to before I depart for Deep Space 5!" Rose made sure not to reveal her true feelings regarding the relevation of findings from her father's work.

"Yes your Ladyship, certainly, a long range shuttle will be departing for DS5 at the end of the week!" The older officer spoke as he adjusted his uniform, the two officers shook hands with Rose and the proceeded to leave with Branson showing them out.

Branson returned to Rose as she watched the two officers launch their shuttle, blowing the gravel dust from the drive into the courtyard. "Branson could you call my secretary Ruth in, also ring Dr McCarthy for me and get him to send over everything he knows about my father's research!" She commanded as Branson nodded willingly.

"I'll be in my father's study, could you bring me the packing cases those lovely gentlemen left, and I will be having lunch in there!" Rose continued ending her orders with a smile.

"Certainly Ma'am, large americano?" Branson offered.

"That would be lovely, thank you Branson." Rose said with a smile as she continued to look out the large window down the driveway, anxious and intrigued at what awaited her on Deep Space 5.


Rose Corrigan
Reports Officer