Things Past – Things That Go Bump In The Night?
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Gunnery Sergeant Luke Wyatt

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Title   Things That Go Bump In The Night?
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Gunnery Sergeant Luke Wyatt
Posted   Mon Feb 25, 2013 @ 10:49pm
Location   A Random Corridor
Timeline   Late at Night - Not relevant to Mission Times
Luke was wondering the corridors slightly intoxicated on his night walk around picking off any stray drunk marines left after the battery do which ended up getting messy and although it was a pain it allowed him to think about his current situation. With the last attempt of getting the old spark with Abby's mum back was gone and he couldn't help but think that there was little time left for anything like that to happen again.

Quietly thinking to himself he noticed that even though it was night there was still an abundance of shoppers and sellers causing Luke to walk down the smaller back corridors leading to the accommodation section of deep space five. He soon found himself utterly lost being new to the stations system and the station's layout he didn't have a clue where he was.

Chelsea was coming the other way and spotted a new face, peering at the nearest wall console in what she imagined was a confused manner. She didn't like to imply that she thought he was lost because he was wearing a marine uniform and she had gathered from her neice-in-law who was an avid fan and devoted wannabe marine, that they weren't the type to take kindly to being accused of getting lost if they weren't.

Dunham considered her husband's neice Kim to be an authority on Marines since she followed Colonel Darson around like a puppy and had been adopted as the Marine Battallion's mascot, so as far as Chelsea was concerned, Kim's testimony that lost Marines were a prickly breed was apparently to be trusted. She thought twice about approaching this specimen without kid-gloves but was unable to avoid his gaze as she walked right up to him on her way past.

"Um.... Good Morning." The CMO offered tentatively with a friendly smile that she hoped would show her peaceable intentions.

Luke took a moment to respond he was rather tired and a little intoxicated, "Is it morning already? Last time I checked it was 2200" he went to check his watch but it was missing, "It seem's I have lost myself and my watch tonight." he laughed to himself before looking back up to face the female, She was wearing.... "Sorry, I didn't catch your name. I am Gunny Serjeant Wyatt" he extended his hand.

"I didn't give it yet." Chelsea smiled gently and held out her hand to shake his outstretched one. "Chelsea Dunham." she finished as let go and flexed her fingers subtly. Marines had firm handshakes. She wasn't surprised by that if a little unused to such robust *handling*.

He lent up against the corridors wall and peered out of the window before looking back"Oh... I must be going mad!" he joked, "What are you doing out this late?" He eyed the woman "Especially someone like yourself" he didn't mean to sound rude and in his tired mind it came out as a compliment.

"Someone like myself, out late at night?" Chelsea was tempted to laugh. If she hadn't been an expert at the "Doctor's impassive face" she would have done. "I don't think I know WHAT you mean, Sir?" she replied, a pretence at really not knowing if that was an insult or not was difficult to fathom and she knew it but she liked him for no better reason than that he made her laugh and he just *seemed* like he had a sense of humour which was her weakness. She loved people to have senses of humour.

He smiled "Oh come on! Someone as pretty and as sweet like yourself shouldn't be out this late especially when there are drunk marines looming the walkways" he took note of her uniform "Going to or back from shift?" Luke asked she was clearly Bajoran and had dark brown hair and eyes to match, pretty too.

"Going home to my drop-dead GORGEOUS husband!" she laughed, dusting him off ceremoniously and pointing him away from her in the direction she'd just come from. "Sickbay is that way if you want something to sober you up or the barracks.... turbolift just around the next bend in the corridors. Ask it for a *lift* home!" she laughed giving him a gentle shove in the right direction.

"See you around, Soldier." she called as she set off again, resuming her short journey back to her quarters with a big grin on her face. "Bless" she muttered to herself.

Luke shock his head... The night was getting on and he decided to retire "See you around, Commander" he said walking in the opposite direction back to his quarters.

Gunnery Serjeant Luke Wyatt
1st Serjeant


Commander Chelsea Dunham