Interlude – Flashback Part 3
by Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Flashback Part 3
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Tue Nov 02, 2010 @ 8:19pm
Location   Temple of Isosis
Timeline   6 years ago

Jana regained consciousness again, she wasn't sure how much time had passed or if anyone had realised that she was missing. She looked around her but couldn't see anything, she could smell the soil and water coming in from somewhere. Jana sent up a silent prayer that she would not drown.


Grant was back at base camp, he took a long swig of water out of his thermos, wiped the dirt from his eyes and looked around. "Hey anybody seen Jana?" He called out, wondering where she had got off to.

"Check the log." The suggestion came from Tourmaline Fosset-Jones, a woman that surprised a lot of people when she chose to follow a career where she needed to get her hands dirty. The less charitable among them suggested that it was the lure of the shiny that drew her, "She didn't mention going into the caves but if she decided to she should have entered the intention there," she added in clipped cut-glass tones.

"Her last entry is hours ago" Grant looked up, worried. "She should be back by now."

V'Mek, the vulcan geo-physicist approached them. "She mentioned earlier she intended to 'feel out' the latest series of tunnels we discovered. It could simply be she lost track of time."

Tourmaline yawned, raising a hand to cover her mouth as she did so, "And she went alone to 'feel out' tunnels? How very well thought out," she remarked.

"Maybe we should go have a look, its going to get dark soon." Suggested Grant.

Hannah came running up the hill. "Guys, there was a cave in the Temple of Isosis...I barely escaped myself. I think Jana is in there!" She pulled on Grant's sleeve.

V'Mek frowned. "That temple has been perfectly stable every time its been surveyed, including yesterday. Let me get my scanners, if there is some sort of undetected activity, we may get some warning." He jogged off to collect his equipment.

Even Tourmaline got to her feet and reached for her pack, "I suppose then we ought to see what has happened."

Grant crawled through the debris, "Can anybody see anything?" He asked through the dust. "What happeend in here?"

Hannah coughed, "I don't know. I was taking photos of the frescos and I heard some yelling...then an explosion...and a woman scream."

"Have we picked up nay signs of other parties in the area?" Tourmaline asked, her expertise lay in valuation and authentication rather than excavtion so she had hardly been down this far before.

"There weren't supposed to be anyone else working here." Hannah pulled out her tricorder, and began scanning the scene. "There are about eight tons of rock blocking the way....I have a life sign! It's weak but someone is there."

V'Mek was looking at his own tricorder. "I am also reading low levels of oxygen, high levels of carcingogenic dusts, and a level of carbon monoxide which is not currently dangerous, but rising." He looked at his colleagues. I estimate we have no more than eleven minutes to locate and retrieve kasikova before it is too late."

"Can we use the transporter from the shuttle?" Tourmaline suggested. For certain moving or boring through the rock would only bring the roof down. "Either to get her out or to get someone in with breathing apparatus until we figure out what to do."

Grant nodded, "Thats a good plan, all we need to do is lock onto her bio-sign, I don't want to risk injuring her further trying to dig her out." He tapped his combadge and began issuesing instructions to the shuttle crew.

"Unfortunately its not that simple," M'Vek interrupted. There arelarge amounts of magnesite deposits in the bedrock and throughout the catacomb system. There is an eighty-five percent likelihood her signal would degrade in transit, even if a lock could be achieved."

"Then try, at least to beam the breathing apparatus in. If she'd conscious she'll work out how to use it," Tourmaline said, "If it degrades in transit all we have lost is some equipment."

Jana heard echos through the stone wall that was created when the cave in occured. She went still and listened carefully trying to distinguish between normal noises in the cavern and hopefully her friends realising that she is in trouble. "HELP!" She screamed and hoped it would echo back to them.

M'vek's ears twitched. He wasn't sure what he had heard. There was a substanbtial amount of rock and debris between them and the life sign. "Breathing appartus would be a better suggestion," he acknowledged. "In the meantime, we'd better start digging." Setting his tricorder to scan for any further unstable movement, he turned to the scree pile that blocked their way, and began to pull at the rubble with his bare hands.

"Rather than bring the roof down," Tourmaline sighed, "let's work at counteracting the effect of the deposits," she said, "Oh, and it avoids ripping our hands to shreds too."

"Can't we Still use the transporters to remove some of the debris?" Suggested Grant.

Hannah was stood back listening to the debate. "Grant's idea will work. Yes there is the magnesite deposits but it will be less of a risk if that distabilises during transport than Jana. The life signs are still weak and us sitting here debating isn't helping anything."

Grant nodded, he began issueing new instructions to the shuttle. Moments later the whine of the transporter began to fill the air. As they began to move the debris. Jana's cries for help started to come through. "Hold on Jana! We're coming!" Shouted Grant.

Jana heard Grant calling out to her. "My leg is caught! I'm pinned!"

"Hold on we're on our way!" He called, privately hoping they wouldn't need to amputate the leg to get her out.

Soon there was a hole in the rubble wall between them and Jana, a fume of noxious smog billowing out making them all cough and choke for a moment; another careful transporter load later there was a hole big enough for a person to crawl through.

"I am not reading any signs of instability, either in the fall or the surrounding geology, V'Mek confirmed. "It should be safe for one person at least to attempt rescue."

Enough light came through the whole that Jana could make out her surroundings. She sat up as best she could. Something green caught her eye, it sat on top of the rocks that had her leg pinned. Her bag was still strapped against her and put the green gemed necklace in her bag. Luesha gave her a gift...even when she was trying to kill her.

"Jana Can you hear me?" Grant called. "Can you see what's pinning your leg?" He asked.

"Grant?!" She called out. "It's a couple big boulders from what I can see. I can't feel my leg at all!"


Tourmaline Fosset-Jones
NPCby Louise

V'Mek, Vulcan geophysicist
NPC by Notty

Lt. Jana Kasikova

Hannah Blaire
NPC by Nan

Grant Malone
NPC by Brad