Interlude – Off to a Rocky Start.
by Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova

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Title   Off to a Rocky Start.
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova
Posted   Wed Sep 29, 2010 @ 10:56pm
Location   Sickbay
Timeline   SD32

Jana's screams and the crashing of men fighting caused an uproar in the whole of Sickbay as medics came rushing and patients sat up, straining to see what was happening.

Ed McBain strode down the aisles and arrived to find the ACMO out cold on the floor, clearly the worse for a beating of some sort. "What the ....." he stopped himself.

"What happened here miss?" he looked up at Jana and then as she was answering him, he scanned Ben with a bio-scanner and started to assess his injuries.

Ben groaned and began to stir.

"Keep still, Trouble! What've you gotten yourself into *this* time?" Ed muttered gently but made no attempt to acknowledge Ben's senior rank nor position. Ed was one of the foundation stones of DS5's Medical Department, mentoring even the best in his time. He had been this way with the former CMO and the current one and this new 'chief'-in-the-making was no exception.

To Ed's senior years, 28 was still 'young', much to the annoyance of the men and women to whom he applied this measurement but his paternal attitude was born of a genuine caring for them all. He could be abrupt with them but he was always fair. He could be tough if they needed it, but never without understanding and compassion. He was highly respected and a little feared at first, but very popular and much trusted both with confidences and lives alike. He had been a major influence on Chelsea in particular during her time here. He worked as Jana explained.

Jana explained how she had been on the Promenade and Lance had made a comment about her body, she stormed off and rebroke her wrist after being pushed down by the Klingons that she ran into. She told how she refused Lance's help and rather wanted to see Chelsea or Ben, someone she trusted. While Ben was performing the surgery Lancec kept making snide comments until he said something to her again and basically shoved his ass in her face. Of course, Ben took exception to this and was defending Jana. She told Ed that all Ben wanted to do was have Lance apologise but Lance punched Ben in the face knocking him down. After that, Ben was simply defending both himself and Jana. "That's basically the Cole's Notes version of it...Is Ben going to be ok?..."

"Thats not how I remember it." Commented Lance dryly. "There shouldn't be any permanent brain damage, well no more than there was before anyway." The surgeon added.

"Maybe you should get your head examined for brain damage, perhaps you have a concussion." Jana said looking up at Lance, she refused to leave Ben's side.

"I seriously doubt it, loverboy there doesn't hit hard enough to do any real damage." He countered.

"Hard enough I heard the cartlidge snap in your nose." Lance was a true idiot and didn't know when to quit.

"With those deflector dish ears I'm sure you could here a pin drop in the next room, but don't worry about me love, its just a little bruised, nothing broken." He grinned, pulling the wads of cotton out of his nose and tossing them into the bin. "See no harm done." He postured.

~First I have an amazing body now I have deflector dish ears?~ She wanted to throttle him but Jana knew taht is what he wanted, he simply wanted a rise out of her. "That's too bad..." Jana said sarcastically.

"Well, we can't all be perfect,'" Lance quipped.

"You definately are not." She replied.

"That's not what you said about my ass." He countered.

"I said nothing about your ass!"

"Thats not how I remember it" Lance said with a note of finality.

"Of course you wouldn't, you are living in a completely different reality than the rest of us."

"Isn't that true of us all." Lance replied philosophically. As he watched security enter sickbay. ~This should be fun~ he thought to himself.


A JP Between:

Lt. Jana Kasikova


CPO Ed McBain
Senior Nurse
NPC'd by Jools

Chief Surgeon
Lance Murdoch