Seth Mahuri’s Personal Log - Settling down

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Title   Settling down
Author   Seth Mahuri
Posted   Mon Jul 26, 2010 @ 9:23am
Seth Mahuri's Ambassadorial log, stardate 63171.54:

I have been to the administration offices as Karen Villiers instructed; and I must say, they are much more suitably equipped, although Miss Villiers was a charming host.

They briefed me on Federation culture, as i did of my own kind. Although we are different species, most of our cultural norms are very alike: They express emotion through the medium of dance; dance is a very sophisticated communication technique in Saoirs art. After more small banter, they assigned level 2 quarters to both myself and Kila, who will sleep in the foyer.

While I prepare for future meetings with more representatives from the Federation, Kila has been instructed to unpack our belongings and settle. Maybe afterwards, we will visit the promenade... End Log.