Incommunicado – The Fallout
by UFP Ambassador Ryan O'Hara & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   The Fallout
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   UFP Ambassador Ryan O'Hara & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Thu Feb 02, 2012 @ 10:46pm
Location   Promenade
Timeline   SD 56 - 1532 Hours

Ryan leisurely strode into the bar. It had taken him a while to find the place, which was quietly tucked away in a less traveled corner of the Promenade. The island themed decor was charming, and the music delightful. But it was not long before he sensed what truly distinguished this outwardly inconspicuous establishment: everyone from the staff to the customers was human, a far cry from the heterogeneous crowd that inhabited the rest of the starbase. Having found the person he was looking for in the corner to his right, Ryan readied a smile and walked over.

Dorian sat in a far corner by himself as had become typical for him. In his hand, was a padd detailing the recent security incidents onboard the station over the past weeks. It gave him something to do and tended to allow him to feel some sense of normalcy. More to the point, it allowed him to see how inefficient of a job his damn replacement, Trellis, was doing since taking over the department. The whole place was going to hell in a hand-basket.

Ryan stopped at the table. "Mr. Gabriel?"

Dorian never set his padd down as he responded. "Who is asking?"

Taking a seat opposite of the ex security chief, Ryan introduced himself with a smile. "Ryan O'Hara. I'm with the State Department. You never come by the office. I figured the invitation must have been lost in the mail. So here I am, cordially inviting you over for some friendly chit chat. And as an added bonus, we proudly serve in the office Aluvian spring water, crisp and refreshing with a tinge of cucumber that everyone loves." He cheerfully mimicked the commercial for the water. The Andorian version sounded much better, he thought to himself.

Dorian looked over his padd at the individual before him.

~A suit. . .~ Dorian thought to himself. "I don't recall asking for you to sit down." he said as he returned to reading his padd.

"Well, I like to help myself." Ryan responded, somewhat frivolously, but still with the same smile. "Besides, something tells me you would not have invited me to sit down even if I had ask." Pausing briefly, he changed the subject. "So how is everything, Mr. Gabriel?"

Gabriel dropped the padd again and looked at the particularly young individual in front of him. "In case you hadn't noticed, I'm no longer a Starfleet officer." He said as he began to rise form his chair.

"So forgive me for not finding a more 'diplomatic' way of saying, piss off." He said with one final look as he began to leave the table.

Seemingly unaffected by the brusque response, Ryan shrugged with a complacent smile. "Oh well, at least we got to know each other."

Gabriel continued to leave the area without stopping to see if the young officer had finished talking.

Just as Gabriel stepped outside the bar, Ryan called out to him from where he sat, "I really enjoyed our little conversation, Dorian . . . Can I call you Dorian? . . . Hello?" Watching the former security chief disappear down the alley, Ryan wasn't sure if he had heard him. "What an angry man." He murmured to himself. He really would like to hear Gabriel's side of the story before submitting his report to the Secretary of State. But could he really help someone who didn't want to be helped?


Dorian Gabriel


Ryan O'Hara
Acting Ambassador
UFP Department of State