Beg, Steal or Borrow – Ambassador's Daughter
by Lieutenant JG Derick Fox

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Title   Ambassador's Daughter
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Derick Fox
Posted   Sun Jun 28, 2009 @ 6:16am
Location   Classified
Timeline   Approximatetly two years ago........

Two years ago……………..

The shuttle streaked across the night sky as a small insignificant speck in high orbit……

“Captain Prichard to Fox…..”

“Go sir.” Fox replied.

“May I remind you Mr. Fox that for the remainder of this mission that you are Major Fox and you are in the Marines. Your records as of this moment show you back on active status. If you are caught, Star Fleet will deny your existence. You are on your own until you call for pick up. God speed Major.”

“Thank you Captain Prichard, see you on the other side.”

Fox rechecked his gear. Once out the door he was on his own and there was no turning back. He checked his hand phaser, full charged and set to maximum stun. He checked his rifle, full charged.

The shuttle pilot yelled back, “One minute to drop point, Major!”

“Understood.” Fox replied and put on his helmet, walking to the back of the shuttle with a bit of anxiety. No matter how prepared he was, he always had some anxiety and there was a lot riding on this mission.

“30 seconds Major”

Fox hit the green button to his right and a force field activated behind him.

“15 seconds,” the pilot said over the com in his helmet.

Fox hit the red button to his right and the back wall of the shuttle lowered. He looked down at the planet and thought to himself, ~That is a long way down.~

Fox felt his breathing and heart beat were elevated from all that adrenalin coursing through his body. He closed his eyes trying to control his breathing. He felt the beating pressure in his heart subsiding.

“Now Major!” Fox still with his eyes closed jump from the back of the shuttle, turbulence washing over him along with heat from entering the atmosphere in low orbit.
His arms and legs were straight against his body to create minimal drag at least till he reached the Stratosphere. Then he would try to slow down. He hoped there were no Jet Streams on this planet like on Earth. They were known to move as fast as 320KPH and that could really take him off target before he could get out of it.

Once Fox reached the Stratosphere he began to check his portable Nav system. According to his calculations, he was right on target. He spread his arms and legs to slow his decent. If he went to fast, the blood would leave his head, he would black out and wake up dead.

When he reached 10000 feet, he would deploy a brake chute, which is a small parachute that would slow his decent but would keep his body horizontal.

At an altitude of 1200 feet he would deploy him main parachute.

Upon his landing he stripped off the orbital suit. He wore black boots, black pants, black sweater and a black cap. His face had black stripes diagonally. The weapons he carried were also black. Nothing on his person reflected any light. A tactical night incursion was perfect for this type of mission.

Fox checked his equipment to make sure he had everything, and then check his Nav system. Perfect, he was not far from his target, roughly three kilometers.

Fox began to move with caution and speed.



Lieutenant JG Derick Fox
Tactical Officer