Database: The Tal'Shiar

The Tal Shiar is the Federal Intelligence Agency of the Rihannsu Empire. Its name comes from Old Vulcan word talshaya, Meaning: Swift Death or Merciful Execution. They have a broad scope of power, extending into all walks of Rihannsu life, and all citizens are assured in their safety, knowing the Tal Shiar are everywhere, watching for disloyalty and/or threats to the Empire. They are considered above the law and are responsible for ensuring the loyalty of ALL citizens, even high placed government officials and military personnel.

The Tal Shiar sets its own budget, chooses its own personnel, and practices most of its duties behind the scenes, without anyone but the highest , most trusted officials in the government even knowing it happened. They expect, and usually receive, cooperation from all citizens of the Empire.

Citizens are supposed to be ever vigilant for signs of disloyalty so they can report the offender to the Tal Shiar. Most people are afraid to voice opinions against anything the government tells them. Speaking out in any way is often taken as a sign of disloyalty and one never knows where the Tal Shiar spies are hiding.

They also receive full cooperation from the government and military. An agent can commandeer anything he needs to complete his mission, even if he needs an entire Warbird! An agent's orders are to be followed immediately, without question. Questioning an agent of the Tal Shiar is also taken as signs of disloyalty.

By the same token, Tal Shiar are expected not to abuse their power. The Tal Shiar has a reputation for handling its own affairs, and any agent who abuses his power is promptly dealt with. In order to carry out their mission, they must, and do, maintain an image of infallibility.


At the helm of this organization is the Chairman. He is appointed by the Praetor and confirmed by the Imperial Senate, and can be removed from office with sufficient evidence of abuse of power, but it requires a unanimous vote of the Senate, which has never happened in the history of the Tal Shiar. It is a largely political position, and candidates are usually chosen from government or military officers, for their knowledge of the Empire and the law, or former Tal Shiar agent, for their knowledge of Tal Shiar Operations and their considerable field experience.

Most Chairmen use one of two ways to hold on to their position. They gather large amounts of embarrassing information for use as blackmail, or they will invaluable services for influential politicians. Sometimes they do both at the same time. The most skilled ones hide their power, appearing as humble servants of the Empire while controlling vast power behind the scenes.

The power of a chairman makes a large difference. A weak chairman allows the government to retain much control over the Tal Shiar. A strong one, however, can usually circumvent the government and institute programs on their own authority.

The Tal Shiar is arranged in a strict hierarchy, but it sometimes violates its own chain of command in the interests of efficiency or necessity. If a certain project requires high security, the chairman may assign it to an agent directly, bypassing all that agent's superiors. These situations occur rarely, but give the chairman considerable personal control over the Tal Shiar and allows it to respond quickly to the empire's needs. An agent's security clearance tells how much he knows about Tal Shiar operations. Some are fairly well known throughout the organization, others are so secret only the chairman and the agents directly involved are aware of them.

It is also divided into different divisions that perform different functions. There is some competition, but agents are transferred among divisions often in order to discourage it.

Internal Security Division

Most Rihannsu come into contact with the Internal Security Division. They monitor the general populace watching for disloyalty and threats to the empire. Internal Security agents have broad discretion in determining the definition of Disloyalty or Threat to the Empire. They will often overlook an offender in order to ferret out accomplices or co-conspirators. This practice makes it difficult for disloyal citizens to know when and where the agents will make their move, which creates an air of paranoia, and keeps all citizens alert. Even though they have many agents in place, Internal Security relies mainly on the help of loyal citizens, who watch their friends, neighbors, and co-workers closely for signs of disloyalty. Anyone who questions the decision of an agent about an offender is often labeled an accomplice and arrested as well. Citizens arrested on charges of disloyalty are generally taken to Tal Shiar controlled reeducation centers for conditioning to remove disloyal tendencies. More radical offenders often disappear without a trace, never to be seen again.

Some citizens think this division has too much power and uses unnecessarily brutal tactics. They say it prosecutes loyal citizens who are just speaking their mind, or that it conducts political witch hunts. It can arrest citizens at its discretion and detain them indefinitely. And it also employs ruthless methods of interrogation, from simple torture to sophisticated holographic deception. These methods were necessary in the early days of the Tal Shiar when new subjects had to be taught to respect the Empire. Today, the Tal Shiar maintains that they are merely efficient.

Military Affairs Division

The Military Affairs division serves two purposes. First, it watches the military in the same manner that the Internal Security Division watches the general populace. It has agents hidden among the ranks of the military, specially trained to maintain their cover and report to the Tal Shiar at the same time. Members of the military have become accustomed to having their every move watched by the Tal Shiar, even more than the Citizens have. They often fear the organization, since one word from it can ruin an entire career.

Second, the MA Division serves as a liaison between the Tal Shiar and the military. They often commandeer military resources with no explanation other than their authority as Tal Shiar. The division likes to give the illusion of working hand in hand with the military, they more often treat it as a group of pawns to be used at their whim. Because of the way they deal with the military, there is a strong feeling of dislike toward the Tal Shiar among the ranks of the military, especially in the Star Navy and the Tal Diann.

From the military point of view, the very existence of the MA Division is an insult to the oath of every military officer. It implies that the military is less than completely loyal. Officers dislike the Tal Shiar because the spy on their own people while the soldiers fight and die on the front lines for the greater glory of the empire. But, as much as they dislike them, the wise officers never voice their opinion of the Tal Shiar.

Special Operations Division

The official purpose of the SO Division is to handle emergency situations and serious threats to the Empire's security. Unofficially, it controls all operations outside the empire, especially those directed against other powers. It is the most secretive branch of the Tal Shiar because many of its operations are illegal, and in violation of several treaties that the Empire has signed.

Its primary task is gathering intelligence on civilizations and species outside the empire. It employs numerous agents for this purpose. Most of them are disguised to pass as non-Rihannsu, but some headed for the federation or near the Federation, undergo much training to repress their Rihannsu tendencies and pass as Vulcans. These agents will often use information they gathered to blackmail key people in order to gain greater access to information or to compromise the security of that world. The information provided by them is used to plan the Empire's Military strategies and operations.

The Special Operations Division seeks to test other civilizations and determine their readiness to fight the Rihannsu Empire. It also works to weaken powers seen as a threat to the Empire, like the Federation/Klingon Alliance. It uses subtlety instead of direct confrontation, as is the natural Rihannsu tendency, employing undercover agents or brainwashing techniques to create sleeper agents to carry out operations. They sabotage relations using misdirection and sowing paranoia and mistrust among enemies of the Empire.

Intelligence Analysis Division

The Intelligence Analysis Division takes the data collected by the other branches and studies it to sift the most important data and conclusions. It is expert in code breaking and decryption. Encryption experts from the IA Division set up and maintain the Romulan Information Network. The IA Division makes regular reports to the Chairman and the Senate, briefing them on the latest information concerning both foreign and domestic matters. Their reports are considered extremely accurate, but many believe a lot of information doesn't get farther than the Chairman's office, censored for the good of the people. They also work hard gathering data on the Borg Collective, considered a major threat to the Empire.

Research and Development Division

The R&D Division is responsible for developing and producing new technologies intended for use by Tal Shiar agents. Among other things they work on: Offensive & Defensive weapons such as more powerful disruptors, miniature disruptors, disguised disruptors, or disruptor offshoots like the extremely painful Veron-T type Disruptor which slowly tears a target apart from the inside molecule by molecule; improved cloaking devices like the planetary cloak and personal cloak; replications of foreign weapons for use in convincing other powers that a certain empire or federation has been selling weapons illegally; and espionage equipment like miniature, concealed sensors & computer systems, explosives, concealed body armor, incapacitating drugs & other chemicals. They also analyze scientific data and foreign technologies collected by agents.

Mind War Division

The Mind War division is responsible for developing new technologies and methods for interrogation, brainwashing, intelligence gathering, and psionic warfare. Originally a subdivision of the R&D Division, it grew so rapidly that it was made into a division of its own. Mind War and R&D still work together closely on developing new technologies.

Interrogation and Brainwashing

The primary work of the Mind War Division is in Interrogation and Brainwashing. They study the humanoid mind and psyche, specifically its construction, and they study psychology and sociology to better understand hot it works and how to manipulate it. Agents in this Division are masters of subtle and brute-force interrogation techniques, and usually find out what they want to know. Their techniques go anywhere from advanced holographic simulations and neural deceptions to plain old fashioned torture. They also study the effects of pain on the body and develop a comprehensive knowledge of anatomy and physiology. They know where to generate the maximum amount of pain with the minimum amount of damage. Some interrogation techniques date back to Vulcan involving primitive instruments and brutal physical treatment. Propaganda

The Mind War Division is also responsible for controlling the propaganda that is sent out, intended to inspire loyal citizens and strike fear into the hearts of the enemy. They point to other versions of events as propaganda coming from other governments.

Psionic Warfare

The Psionic Warfare Subdivision researches deeply into the Rihanha's innate telepathic abilities as well as the possibility of creating psionic weapons like those used on Vulcan before Surak. When the Rihannsu left Vulcan, they abandoned their telepathic abilities in favor of more practical skills. Thus, even though the potential still exists, few Rihannsu have any real telepathic skills. Those that do are quickly snatched up by the Tal Shiar for study and training. Most Rihannsu telepaths are limited to close range, but they usually have formidable skills. This subdivision also studies potential defenses against telepathic attacks. The large number of Telepathic species in the Federation concerns the Tal Shiar. They do not trust the Federations good intentions and continue to study various options for providing mind shields for high ranking Military and government personnel.

Tal'Shiar Ranks
Rank Translation Description
erie'Eredh Private/Sub-trainee A fresh recruit. Privates have no authority, nor are they allowed outside the agency academy.
Eredh Corperal/Trainee

A tenured student at the academy, a corperal may (depending on their section) may hold an ‘in field’ post.

EnEredh Seargent/Line-Trainee

A non officer rank issued to students in their final year at the Academy. Seargents often work on their ‘final projects’ or as teacher assistants at the academy, or as residential student aids to Coperals and Privates. An EnEredh has little to no authority.

erie’Arrain 2nd Lt/Sub-Centurion

The first officer rank, and often the first time an agent has the chance to experience field duty. Second Lieutenants have relatively low access to agency material, but may commandeer small crafts (not warbirds) at their descretion.

Arrain 1st Lt/Centurion

The rank of Department Heads, Junior Professors at the Academy, competent Political Officers, and PR aids. While a First Lieutenant is not normally allowed to act as a spy, they hold a respectable amount of authority in the agency and greater Empire.

EnArrain Captain/Line-Centurion Highest rank worn by political officers, the first rank of spies, and usually the first rank of CO level officers.
erie’Aendeh Sub-Major

Sub-Majors CO and XO ships and even squadrons of ships in the MAD. Generally, they fill in for Majors and Colonels when and where they may not be able to serve.

Aendah Major

Majors have a tremendous amount of power in the Tal’Shiar. They are a majority of the academy professors, CO and XO ships, run major operations under their own authority, have access to the third to last of the circular halls of the Tal’Shiar’s main complex on ch’Rihan, and have level 5 access to all data – not just prevailent data. Majors are also allowed to seize control of military craft if it is a necessity.

erie’Ssiebb Sub-Colonel Though an erie’Ssiebb is only supposed to CO a single ship or an Agency Squadron, they have commanded entire fleets of naval craft in the past. As with their superior Colonels, may server as chairman of a group or department.
Sseibb Colonel Colonels are among the most connected and dangerous people in the galaxy. They have access to everything outside of the Generals’ inner circle of the headquarters, level six access to everything, and they are even allowed to run academies off Homeworld. A Colonel is free to formulate their own plans and plots, they are only under the generals in power.
erie’Khrein Sub-General

erie’Khrien are most often found (on the rare occasion that they can be found) running the sections of the Agency. In the post of minister, they are alloted a spot on the senate floor, and are essentially unlimited in access to materials.

Khrein General In reality, Generals have more authority then the senate, and do not need to inform it of anything unless they so choose. They Command fleets, formulate plots, organize the structure and goals of the agency as a whole, and serve high posts in the political structure of the Empire. If anyone is ever lucky enough to meet one of them, they wouldn’t even be aware of it – Khrein are so secretive (aside from those in public spotlight) that only the upper ranking of the Tal’Shiar and the government know who they are.

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