Beg, Steal or Borrow – A Tale of Two Ensigns - Episode 2
by Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon

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Title   A Tale of Two Ensigns - Episode 2
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon
Posted   Sun Aug 09, 2009 @ 10:27pm
Location   Runabout USS Zanzibar / Korvas VII
Timeline   SD10 00:25


Watts' hands flicked with trained speed over the flight controls soon they were soon at Warp six. The runabouts emergency speed. Something they could keep up for about six hours but at this speed they would soon be at the colony. Thats more like it said Watts to himself.

Ensign Brosarn looked down at the computer's navigation screen.

"The new eta to Korvas VII is thirty-five minutes, let's hope that's soon enough!"


Ensigns Brosarn Log USS Zanzibar Supplemental:

We're now only two minutes from Korvas VII and I am starting to get worried. No matter how much we try to hail the colony we get no reply. Maybe they are performing a diagnostic on their communication relay, but that would be one hell of a coincidence. I think someone is jamming them, and that is not good.

"Check the power regulators to the phaser banks and torpedo tubes. Just in case. I don't want to be caught with our pants down." said Watts seriously.

Tral checked a few systems and flicked through status screens. "All weapon systems are functioning properly and I have the shields on standby." He looked across at his friend, hoping this man's calm demeanour might rub off on him. "When we drop from warp I'll do a full system scan, if there's anything strange going on we should pick it up."

Watts took out the gum he had been chewing from out of his mouth and stuck it under the piloting consol for good luck, something he had picked up in flight school. He took out another bit from hjis pocket and started to chew that in thought. "I think we should raise the shields now."

"Good idea." Tral tapped at shield control, raising their defences. He read from the readout: "Forty-five seconds to Korvas VII, I've got sensors ready to scan the planet and the surrounding area." He turned to his friend. "You ready?"

Watts gave a thumbs up in reply. While looking at the read out on his display. "Begining count. Coming out of warp in, six, five, four, three, two, one." On the count of one Watts powered down the warp engines. The small Runabout game out of warp in the Korvas System. "Begin sensor scans lets see if we can get a closer look"

As the stars returned to pinpricks of light outside the runabout Tral quickly and expertly tapped at the sensor controls. The grey, blue planet of Korvas VII sat lazily orbiting the G type star at the systems core. He could pick the colony on long range sensors. Other planets filled the screen, but Brosarn focused the sensors on the Korvas VII region alone. Slowly the image of a small vessel resolved on his screen. The runabout was having a hard time scanning the strange ship, it was definitely the cause of interference.

"Watts." He said turning to his friend "There's another ship and it doesn't look friendly. I think it's trying to hail us. What shall we do?"

"For now we keep our distance. I will put the ship in a holding pattern here on the edge of the system. But lets be friendly and see what they have to say."

Very well, thought Tral as he tapped the button to open comms. A Lissepian face appeared on screen.

"This is Ensign Brosarn of the USS Zanzibar, please state your business in this system." Tral tried not to let his nerves creep into his voice.

"An ensign? I am Captain Moldreg of the Grobash, my business is with you my Bolian friend. It seems you have arrived slightly earlier than planned."

"What do you mean?" Tral realised as he spoke that they had been lured to Korvas VII under false pretenses.

"I am transmitting co-ordinates. Proceed there and lower your shields ready for transport. Don't try anything funny, I have my launchers locked onto the colony's main dome." The Lissepian seemed very pleased with himself and leaned back in his plush chair. "You have five minutes."

"Just what the hell is going on here!" said Watts. "I say we kick this guys ass!" His hot headed pilot jock temper getting the better of him. "Come on we can take um."

"Don't get carried away or the colonists will get killed." Tral turned off the communication system and brought up the co-ordinates. "Fly to the co-ordinates, but fly casual. Maybe by the time we get there I'll have found something in-system we can use as cover or a distraction." He worked away at his console, checking everything between them and the colony. As the ship approached the co-ordinates something occured to Tral. He spun to a side console and selected probe command controls.

"I have an idea. We're approaching Korvas VII's only moon. More of a potato really, but if I launch a probe with our warp signature pumping out of it as we stop behind it we may have long enough to creep up on them if we power down everything but thrusters." He turned to Watts his fingertips feeling slightly sore, worry etched on his face. "What do you think?"

Watts keeping his cool. Or at least not trying to show the building tension he was feeling gave a nod. Ensign Brosarn began to work the controls again his finger tips dancing over the ships controls. When the probe was ready to go. Watts held his hands steady over the ships power controls. As soon as the probe was launched. Watts de-activated the ships warp core and powered down all the ships non essential systems. He left only thurster power and control as well as minimal life support. The lights in cockpitt of the Zanzibar faded to a low red leaving both ensigns ona eyrie almost silent bridge. The usual familiar starship sounds that came as a comfort to any space farer had gone. Both ensigns felt the tension as Watts keyd in the thurster control and began the silent approach towards the target.

Tral watched the enemy ship on his half-lit screen. It seemed to be going after the probe decoy creeping along at half impulse with shields raised. The Lisspeian ship was a dark sleek dagger shapped vessel and was trying to hail the probe itself. Brosarn turned to his colleague.


Watts powered up the Zanzibar and fired her photon torpedo banks at the ships warp nacelles. He then put the runabout in a flyby of the dagger shaped vessel turning the ship upside down strafing under the enemy hull while firing the phasers. Upon finishing the attack run he brought the ship around for another pass, passing the ship in a large arc while twirling the ship on its nose.

The enemy vessel slipped and turned like a Corbarian Eel, spinning and rolling in response to Watts' maneuvers. Tral watched as the ship fired pulse cannons across their bow, skimming their shields. Looking past the ship he could see the probe hanging in space, patiently sending out the false warp signature. He quickly tapped at the probe controls, firing its thrusters and bringing it to bear on the enemy vessel. With their attention solely on the Zanzibar the pirates were clearly ignoring the probe. The two ensigns watched as the small probe crashed through the ships shields and impacted on the black angular hull. Flames erupted into the dark void.

The small victory was short lived however as the vessel pummelled the runabout with phasers and torpedoes. The ship shook and the readout showed that the ships shields were down to twelve percent. Tral turned to Watts, who was clearly enjoying the experience.

"Shields are at 12%. Maybe we should withdraw, get some backup from DS5?"

Watts looked at his friend. Thinking the same thing but being to stupid or to stuborn to say anything. "Agreed. Can you make me some sort of distraction to get us the hell out of here?"

"I'll do my best."

As Watts turned the ship Tral tapped as fast the nacelle protocols into life as his fingers could go. He accessed the plasma manifold sub-routines.

"I'm venting warp plasma, just a little. As he comes round to follow I'll ignite it with a torpedo and you take us to warp." He looked his new friend in the eye. "We may get hit by the blast, but it's all I can do."

A red smudge drifted behind the ship as the runabout curved through space at full impulse, small burns marking its hull. The enemy ship turned behind it coming round to face the ruanbout, the rapidly forming cloud between them.

"I think their trying to lock a transporter on to our cargo hold! I'm firing...." The ship rocked almost instantly as the torpedo ignited the warp plasma behind them filling space between the two ships with deadly fire. Both vessels were hit, but the pirates fared worse than the Zanzibar. Sensors blanked out with the force of the blast and Tral clutched his chair arms.


Watts punched the warp drive. The star lines streaked around them as they wen't into warp. But it wasn't clear sailing. As the vessle pushed foward towards warp speed it was hit by the small blast wave. Not normally a problem for a ship their size but with the pounding they had taken thus far. She was shaking up bad. Both men were shaken to their bones. Sparks flew from screens and control panals. Above Watt's head a small panel blew open, wiring and data modules hanged from the sealing wrapped in small flame. It took all of the young officers skill to keep control of the vessle as she continued into warp. "You alright" he said to his friend not actually looking but with worry in his tone.

"I'm fine, shaken but fine." Tral reached under the control panel and pulled a small fire extinguisher. He squirted it at the fires above Watt' head and then turned to his control panel. He tapped at a few buttons.

"Shields are gone and the structural integrity field is a bit shaky, but I think we're going to be alright as long as the engines hold out." He gave the warp core readouts a worried look and then shrugged his shoulders, not much I can do now. He stared down at the internal sensors and then turned back to Watts.

"It looks like they got almost half of our cargo." He rubbed his bruised head. "We're gonna have to report this asap. What could they want with engineering supplies?"

"i think we should find out" said Watts.


Ensign Watts
Played by Dunham

Ensign Tral Brosarn
Played by Tovon