Things Past – Diamond in the Rough
by Lieutenant Vincent Kramer & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Petro & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant Mathew Totti & Ambassador Cala Lurn & Arrival Kaia & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Diamond in the Rough
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Lieutenant Vincent Kramer & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Petro & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant Mathew Totti & Ambassador Cala Lurn & Arrival Kaia & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Fri Mar 23, 2012 @ 2:08pm
Location   Security
Timeline   SD52 1130 hours

1130 hours
((Main Security Office ))

Lt. Kramer walked into the main security office for DS5 and stopped at the counter where he set the container with the Koski. Inside the container lay a crystalline rock creature, small enough to hold in two hands. Its surface was dry with gray and silver coloring and covered with crystal nodules and scaling. It moved like an ameba. It had no definable eyes or mouth.

"Can I help you Lieutenant?" Alexia got up and came to the counter smiling in a friendly, polite manner.

"Hi. I'm Lt. Kramer from engineering, during the process invesitgating a gravity failure we came across this little fellow." Looking down into the container where a crystaline globby creature lay, barely moving.

"Awwwwwwww! Have you killed it?" Alexia looked horrified, staring into the container too. "Anyway.... " she heard a noise from the inner office and was reminded that Trellis was likely to emerge at any time.

Kramer thought that was a ridiculous statement and did not answer.

She straightened up, did a 'Picard Manoeuvre' on her tunic and asked more formally in case he did and she was overheard. "Why have you brought this to Security? Should he... she.. it... be in quarantine?"

"Well," Kramer paused selecting the right words, "we found these where ever it went." Kramer then placed a bag on the counter. It was a hefty bag, yet was only 14 cm across.

"If there are babies in here, you may find yourself up on charges with regard to the handling of alien, sentient creatures..... " she responded, cautiously peering in, unsure of what she might see.

Kramer shook his head slightly in frustration and just opened the bag slowly, Inisde were raw clear crystals of different sizes, some as big as a thumbnail. Kramer just smiled, then said, "They are natural occuring crystal carbon."

Alexia screwed up her nose. "Are they.... excrement? Or was I right the first time, babies?" she asked, tentatively picking one up and holding it up to the light. "Wait a minute.... these are...... they can't be..... " She fetched a test kit and ran the tricorder inside it over the small, perfectly formed crystals, polishing one off with the fingertip of the gloves she had donned to perform the tests.

"They are diamonds!" she exclaimed, breathlessly.

Kramer's eyes perked up at the very good guess.

Victor Petroski poked his head around the corner. "Diamonds?" He took a step forward. "I'll bet that hurt coming out."

'Not likely." Kramer replied.

"No wonder she looks so poorly!" Alexia replied looking sympathetically at the limp creature. "Should she have water... or liquid or food or whatever she needs?" she wondered, looking up at Kramer to see if he knew what that might be.

"I think it's had enough nurishment for the day." Kramer said confidently. Kramer thought, 'True, it wasn't moving much at the moment, but that was probably because it was napping after consuming so much earlier this morning.'

"I should call the Lieutenant out." she stated, more to herself than anyone else, flicking a button on the underside of the counter which flashed a buzzer in the Chief's room indicating there was something he should see.

Victor looked at the creature then at Kramer. "Why not likely?" He asked. The closest thing he could associate a living creature creating a precious gem was a an oyster and the pearl. "If oysters churn a grain of sand over and over again to make a pearl, it hurts. It is the irritation that causes them to move it which eventually leads to the smooth object. Diamonds are not smooth and require much more pressure do they not?"

Trellis looked up from his monitor. The annoying buzzer was a relic from Lieutenant Commander Rakka's tenure as Chief of Security. He had attempted to have the thing removed, but so far Engineering had been less than swift to respond.

He stood from his desk and made his way through his door and into the main foyer. "Yes?" He asked as he noticed the gathered group in front of him and the object sitting on the desk.

Alexia watched her boss approaching and waited for him to look at her to indicate that he wasted her to speak. "These gentlemen have found an alien life form. It appears to be crystalline in nature and it produces, periodically, crystals as a bodily byproduct. The by products don't appear to be it's young as they are not sentient in their own right. A test scan reveals that, as suspected, they are diamonds, however the creature itself appears to be in a bad way so i have sent for a Xeno-biologist to attend in the hope that they can offer the equivalent of Veterinary assistance, Sir." She reported the events so far,

Trellis looked at the. . .the. . . thing sitting on the desk. "Put a level 2 forcefield around thing immediately! We have no clue what kind of threat it could pose to this station or anybody else around here!" He said excitably.

"Get science and medical down here!" He said as he kept his distance from the creature and its "by-products" "Immediately!" he added.

Kramer didn't think that all the security was necessary, but he did not interupt their proceedures. "I'm sure that you will find it non toxic and safe to deal with. I found no hazards with my initial scans." Then he added, "Well, except that it can change it's overall shape and likes to eat carbon lithinum. ((???))

"So it is a shape-shifter?" Trellis asked while never taking his eyes off the creature. "Lieutenant, we have no clue what that thing is capable of. You carrying it around like a tote back could potentially place civilians' lives in danger." he added.

"No, no." Kramer tried to correct the Lieutenant, "It's appearance doesn't change, just how it moves, from a round ball shape to flat, and unfortunately can wiggle through a small hole." Kramer brought up his hand, touching middle finger and thumb as an example.

"Whatever it is, deal with it immediately before it creates a dangerous situation." Trellis said tepidly.

Kramer put his hands on his hips and rolled his eyes because of the over cautious Lieutenant.

Petroski stared at the creature, still trying to picture diamonds coming out of it. "Where did you get it?" He asked, feeling like a little kid dying to poke a stick at it.

"It was captured after it was returned to its encasement in the residential section." Kramer began to explain. "I believe that this creature is the source of the damage that caused the artificial gravity to shut down in that area this morning."

"Captured twice?" Petroski asked. "how would this little thing damage the artificial gravity?"

Kramer answered, "he has quite an appetite for carbon (blank) shielding covering the gravimetric cable to the plating."

"Kind of like a squirrel chewing through power lines."

Kramer replied, "Something to that effect." After a pause he continued, "Gravity is back up now, but I felt uncertain leaving it there, expecially with this bag of stones." Pointing to the bag on the counter. "I'm not an investigator, but if I was, it seems that someone has brougth this creature onto this station and is having these crystals made for some reason."

"I don't know." Petroski said, sounding dubious. "If I had a creature that could make diamonds I wouldn't let it wander off."

"That is the peculiar part." Kramer responded, "He left it with a boy to watch over."

"Maybe we should bring him in for questioning." Petroski half-teased.

Kramer was getting frustrated by what seemed a mediocre Security Officer, then said sarcastically, "The boy or his uncle?"

The question caught Victor a little off Guard. "I suppose both." He became serious at the sarcasm. "If the uncle brought the creature on board we can question him as to the why. As for the boy, he can explain how it got away. I would guess that when questioned the one would divert to the other."

Now, Kramer felt they were on the right track, and asked, "How can I help?"

"You may help by making sure that thing hasn't caused anymore damage." Trellis piped up. "My . . .erg. . .this office will handle any further investigation." He stated, catching himself as he remembered that his replacement was coming eventually.

"Until this, Ms. Jackson, please get science down here to detain this thing for further study." He said, still not sure just WHAT the thing was or its purpose.

Kramer felt much like an unwanted 5th wheel at that moment. "Yes, we are checking into any further damage and will be replacing those gravimetric cables that have been damaged."

The Security personnel nodded confirmation that things would be taken care of, as one placed a reasuring hand on the top of the container.

Kramer then said, "I guess I will leave this in your very capable hands." He hoped that what he said didn't come off as too smug. He just wanted to get on with 'his' work. He said, "Thanks for your help." and turned and walked out of Security.

"Is it me or is he a little uppity today?" Petroski asked to no one in particular.


Lt. Vincent Kramer
Asst. Chief of Engineering

Victor Petroski



OOC- I appologize for not having signatures at the end of the post. It's been out there a week, but no one has updated.