Beg, Steal or Borrow – Meetings & Reports
by Commander Richard Dunham & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   Meetings & Reports
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Thu Jul 16, 2009 @ 7:11pm
Location   CAG OFFICE
Timeline   MD9 09.30 Back post

Rianni had been going over efficiency reports, the one part of being CAG she hated with a passion, I should be out flying and teaching these kids some real efficiency instead of in here processing PaDDs. Grimacing as she saw the stack had grown since she last lifted her head Rianni plowed ahead, before something hit her, Wait a second, I have a second in command! =A=CAG to Dunham, can you meet me in my office?=A=

Dunham had just finished with his very interesting conversation with the Romulan Ambassador Isha. Please to hear his commanders voice on the comm he quickly replied.

He had been a little worried as he had not spoken to her since after the battle yesterday but both had been very busy.
=A=Dunham, on my way.=A=

He swiftly made his way to the CAG's office. Dunham was exhausted and tired but still happy to be alive and a had bit of a spring in his step as he entered the office.
"Good Morning Ma'am" He said with a smile. As he began to sit down in the chair opposite.

"Hi, Rick." Rianni smiled, pointing to the stack of PaDDs in front of her, "Maybe you'd like to give me a hand?"

Nothing could put down the good mood Dunham was in. "No problem Boss. What we got here reports?"
Dunham picked up a padd and began to work through it. "So hows things?"

"Not bad, not bad." Rianni nodded, "Just got a lot of work here. Let's see, we got Ensign Galloway's review to cover, he's up for his promotion, and I barely know him, we've also got the supply recquesitions to go over, and two pilots trying to transfer in. How's your bird? Mine is top notch but I've got Micklin to think for that."

Thumbing through the data on the padd Dunham took on-board the information. "I haven't had a Chance to meet Galloway myself yet either. But looking at his record and his flight skills he seems to me to be up to the task. How about we put him in charge of Omega squad. The Furious Eagles need a new squadron leader after the confrontation with the Romulans? Mine and the rest of Bravos Valkyrie Space Superiority Fighters are working great I had to scrounge a few parts and Industrial Replicator time off Lieutenant Freeman. But everything is operational now. Only a few scratches and dents to bang out now. Do we need more pilots for transfer?"

"Okay, so put Galloway in for his JG's pips and move him to the Eagles then." Rianni nodded, "Good to know all of Bravo's birds are good to go. As far as pilot transfers go do we have any empty seats? If we do we might as well fill them while we got the chance, it's not like Starfleet is fond of coughing pilots up for us or anything."

Dunham thumbed through the data on his padd again. "Hmmm" he said in thought. "Well Echo squad could do with another pilot I believe Ensign Wash is going on a Leave of absence with his new wife. Who is excpecting by the way."

"No problem boss." Dunham paused mulling over something. "Tell me what do you know about Isha t'Khellian the Romulan diplomat?"

"You mean aside from the fact that she's my aunt?" Rianni replied, not making eye contact with Richard now as she had just become furious, ~Gabriel must have put him up to this.~

"Thats cool. She seems like a really nice woman. She set me up on a date with her friend Doctor Adams."

Hearing that changed Rianni's whole outlook on the situation, especially since it was just the sort of thing Isha would do, "Did she?" Rianni asked, looking up and smiling, "Congratulations, Rick, Chelsea's cute. My aunt must really like you a lot to do something like that." ~That rules out any involvement between him and Gabriel, Isha'd smell Gabriel on him a parsec away.~

"Well she's a good women. And your right Chelsea is cute and I'm looking foward to dinner tonight. What about you? Have you got a fella?"

"After three divorces I swore them off." Rianni laughed, "My last lover was a woman on the Soval when I was XO there, and she let them just leave me here in a fracking coma without telling anybody anything, not to mention leaving me at Gabriel's mercy so he could accuse me of acts of terrorism I couldn't possibly have commited having been in said coma. So, as it sits, I'm sort of a down with love type of girl. I have no interest in a relationship with anybody of any gender or species, and if I need to get laid I'll go onto to promenade and hang out in the bars where I'll have my pick of people to kick out of my bed when I'm done."

Dunham scratched the stubble on his chin in thought. "Whats the deal with Lieutenant Commander Dorian Gabriel anyway? I have heard allot of rumblings about him. But I have only met him one on one a couple of times and both those times he came across as very professional?"

"Yeah, a professional bigot." Rianni said matter-of-factly, "The man's a total racist who targets me and my family for the crime of being Romulan. Living proof that some people don't learn from history. Either that or it's proof that racism is okay in the Federation as long as it's against other species and not different colors and genders within your own."

"It amazes me that a federation citzen can still be thinking these sort of things. Are we not about equality? But I must admit he has never done anything like that to me. Yet. So what else is on the table at the mo?"

"Okay, we took care of Galloway's promotion, the two transfers, Wash's LOA, the maintenance reports." Rianni reviewed, stopping for a second, "How are we on fuel?"

"All wings report full fuel and weapons compliments. Though I would prefer the Peregrine Heavy Fighters to have double theirs weapons allocation slots. As they have a knack of burning through fuel and ammo. Also wouldn't mind increasing the patrol range for our birds. Maybe even take them out of the system for deep patrol elements. They are warp capable."

"Great ideas, Rick." Rianni smiled, her XO knew his stuff and made her life so much easier, "To do that though we almost have to have a vessel follow behind as a carrier in case the mission goes into overtime. That or rig one of our warp capable shuttles up for in-flight refueling like they did with the Tomcats in the old days."

"Well a runabout would do the job. Or one of our two wallace class vessles could do it. We could get the boys in engineering to have a look at it. After the Romulan assault I think it best if we keep our eyes open."

"Okay, I'm not sure how command would feel about us taking one of the Wallace's and turning it into a warp capable gas station, so we should probably stick with the idea of a runabout." Rianni suggested, getting up to walk around because it helped her to think, "So if we modify the roll bar on one of the Danube runabouts to carry a large amount of super compressed fuel and set up refueling points throughout our desired patrol area where the refueler could jump to them and jump back quickly and safely, we could increase our patrol range greatly. We'll just need one of the science geeks to tell us how to compress the fuel, an engineer to help us with the mods, though we could probably use Micklin for the actual modifications to the runabout, and someone from Astrophysics to work with us on plotting points where our fighters could always get there and our refueler could get there and back safely. It'll require a lot of work and a lot of study, Rick, but if we do this we can cover twice the space we currently cover."

"This is going to kick ass." said Dunham with cheer in his voice getting some 21st century gum out of his pocket and starting to chew it. A habit he had picked up from the rest of bravo and delta wing. Who the stuck the gum to the ship for good luck before take off.

"Yeah it is." Rianni smiled, going over and helping herself to a piece of the gum, "Much better."


A post by

Richard Dunham
Squadron leader


Lt. Cdr. Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian