Time is Fleeting – Traveller, Trader and all round Trouble Maker - Episode 2
by Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon

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Title   Traveller, Trader and all round Trouble Maker - Episode 2
Mission   Time is Fleeting
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon
Posted   Fri Oct 02, 2009 @ 5:13pm
Location   Promenade
Timeline   SD15

Glanf stood at the window gazing out across space at the anomaly. He was sure he could see it pulsing, but that was ridiculous at this distance. The promenade on this level was full of people staring out at the anomaly, half intrigued, half frightened. No-one had any idea what the thing was and little had come down from station authorities to inform the general populace of what was going on. A few extra security staff could be seen around, but those had been there since the bungled war game. It looked like Starfleet were 0 for 2, shocker. Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea coming to DS5 after all.

His ship had been sidelined by station authorities, not that he had been able to get clearance to leave dock yet, meaning it wasn’t fixed yet. So he couldn’t even get out of this soon-to-be-consumed-by-a-strange-anomaly hell hole. Oh well, he thought looking out the window, might as well enjoy it while I can. He turned away from the window and headed across the walkway that bridged the viewing ledge and the shops and bars on the inner balcony.

As he crossed he glanced down at the people on the level below. Most were lingering near windows, but some were going about their business. A human couple were talking with an Andorian security officer. He was assuring them that there was nothing to worry about and the senior staff were taking care of the anomaly. Glanf laughed to himself. I can imagine those Starfleet simpletons now, scratching their heads and running in circles. No, there was something to be said for the efficient and strong handed organisation of Romulan outposts.

He reached the other side and walked into a bar. He didn’t even look at the name above the door. He plonked himself down at the bar and barked his order at the attendant. When his drink was in front of him and he’d paid he pulled out his personal security PADD. He linked his communicator to the device and entered the passwords to link through to his ships computer. Nothing happened. The secure data link hadn’t initiated. This had only happened once before. He quickly ran the self diagnostic within the small PADD. No technical errors found. Looking up he could tell that other people in the bar were having similar issues as they tried communication systems and devices.

Glanf stood and walked out of the bar. He reached the balcony edge and leaned over. The Andorian security officer still stood below. He whistled loudly at the man.

“Hey! Up here.” Glanf called. The Andorian turned around and looked up at him.

“Sir, please do not lean over like that.”

“Yeah, whatever.” Glanf leaned slightly less. “What the hell is going on around here? Are communications down?”

“Sir, when we have information concerning the current crisis we will let everyone know.” With that the officer moved away, obviously not wanting to get a grilling from every civilian that walked past.

“Crisis?” Glanf muttered to himself.

It seemed that something was really wrong on or around the station. He had seen this kind of thing before. People would start off scared and worried, begging authorities for whatever help they could give. Worry would turn to anger as people were told to just ‘remain calm’. Then people would start to get angry with each other and that was when fights and looting would break out. With no ships leaving people would be even more anxious to leave the station. The block on traffic would only fuel the fear of common people even though it was in their best interest. The promenade and civilian levels would be filled with scared and lonely Federation citizens.

“Excellent.” Glanf rubbed his hands together, contemplating the opportunity.

“But where to start?”


Lt Greo Tovon

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