Cascade – Admissions
by Arrival Atlana Durak & Arrival Sarish Anjar

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Title   Admissions
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Arrival Atlana Durak & Arrival Sarish Anjar
Posted   Thu Apr 11, 2013 @ 4:14am
Location   the gardens
Timeline   SD73 0500
It was early in the morning, by the standards of some. Atlana not being one of them, she made her way through the empty corridors of the promenade, and at first the thought had crossed her mind to go to his cabin, but no... she wasn't ready to see all the "I hate Cardassians" stuff in his quarters. She'd sent a message to him to meet her in the gardens before he went in to start cooking in Endeavor. She didn't want to go there because it was his haven, his safe place and she knew how she would have felt having him in her shop.

A smile crept across her face, well maybe not the same feeling. She knew he was afraid of her to some degree and Atlana just hated his actions but now that she knew more about those actions she couldn't even blame him. It was a bitter reality. She sat on a bench holding onto the padd in her hands, there were no people around, not much of anything, just the natural organic flora of the gardens and the waterfall.

He still didn't trust her further than he could throw her. She was after all a Cardassian and probably as duplicitous as they all were. Still he had returned his earring, his heirloom, his link to his parents. Perhaps, just perhaps she was being sincere and coming to bury the hatchet someplace other than his head.

When he had gotten the message his response had been non-committal. He didn't want to lie even to her. Really, he didn't fully make up his mind until earlier that morning as he was praying and received a release to go.

Now here he was, the sound of a waterfall in he background. He almost turned and walked away, but then he saw the PAdD she was holing and his curious nature got the best of him.

He walked up to her and said, "Atlana?"

She stood up quickly she'd been lost in thoughts of how she was going to apologize, she knew it was early even for him, it was either exhaustion on her part of just maybe it was the facts in her hands that made him seem less like a monster she'd always seen him as. And then it hit her he's called her Atlana... "I didn't realize you knew my name." He'd never called her Atlana, it wasn't in a teasing tone either, it was actually genuine surprise.

She took a deep breath and took a step towards him. "Here."

"My, uh friend, the one that kept me alive after you, after we fought, he knew your name, I'm not sure how. I just never saw the need to address you in any way other than that Cardassian bitch before."

Atlana offered him the Padd in silence after that uncomfortable blow... she really wasn't a bitch. Unless provoked of course. If he'd have cared he'd have actually seen her in her blue eyes, but she didn't think that likely. "You were right." She admitted. "I'm sorry."

"Look, I'm not quite ready to do anything other than honor our agreement, I don't think we'l ever sit down to a candlelit dinner, but I've been doing a lot of thinking about forgiveness. I may not like you. In fact I don't like you. But if I hang on to bitterness and resentment, the only one that is going to get poisoned is me. I'm sorry as well."

Atlana felt her defenses going up around her, "Look, Sarish, I brought you the evidence to prove that the Obsidian Order orchestrated your attack on the school my sister died in. I'm not asking for a buddy, I get it. I'm the Cardassian bitch you hate. I get it, we're all evil horrible family killing monsters... ok." She added. "We're so evil we don't deserve names... I was wrong and I'm trying to do something right by you." She was angry at her own government and she was mad at him.

Sarish's own anger was beginning to build. Making an effort to keep his voice even he said, "You're twisting my words. I came in here and called you by your name aa a courtesy, because, well because you deserve it." he was surprised at that last remark he had uttered.

"When I said that I called you a Cardassian bitch, that was past tense. I was beginning to think that maybe you weren't all bad, that you were different And here you go getting all upi... Wait, did you just say you had proof that your government was responsible, then I... I..." he turned away from her then, wipping at the corners of his eyes before turning back to her.

Atlana nodded her head... "You were set up to increase the Cardassians war efforts." She admitted. "That's why there was no huge man hunt for you... you were fed bad intel." She was still holding onto the evidence in her hand. "The Order leaked the lie to get you to blow up a school in order to make Cardassian people hate Bajorians."

He sat down heavily almost missing the bench. He sat there in silence his face darkening. "SON OF A BITCH, GODAMN BASTARDS!" He shouted in a rage he didn't know he possessed. We were both set up, you know that, right? DAMNIT!"

Atlana sighed. "The order came to my parents a few weeks after the attack, I had the highest covert testing schools in my school. they wanted me, with my sisters death my father agreed... and I was so mad at everything I agreed." She offered. "Yes, I know we were both set up in this. " Her voice was much quieter than his at the moment. "I'm giving you the evidence to do with as you like, Sarish."

He swallowed and looked at her. "Remember what I said before about not liking you?"

She nodded, it was hard to forget.

"Well it's true, I wish it were otherwise but its not. At the same time I'm practical we've both been betrayed, we were both used as pawns. Can you live with that?"

Atlana smirked ever so slightly it was a smile that made many people shiver. "I can live with not being buddies Sarish, you cut me and I cut you... but you're not my target anymore." She nibbled on her lower lip trying to word what she was going to say to him. "Pawn's or not... we've both made names for ourselves in the last 18 years. We might have been meant for nothing, but we both turned into something the others government fears. So the question should be, you have new intel mercenary... what are you going to do with it?"

"Oh, I know what we've become, and I full intend on going after those responsible. I don't have to deal with Federation rules and playing nice."

Then he took a deep breath, "But.. I need your help."

Atlana lifted an eyebrow, "I didn't think the great Sarish Anjar needed anyone's help... ever." She offered. "He's the slayer of Cardassians, the escape artist of Getal... " she fought off a grin.

Unbidden a smile, an ever so small smile, reached his lips, "So Cardissian bitch are you going to help me or sit back and sing my ballads?"

She gave him a once over, sitting there in the early morning hours. "Tell me what you need...."

"The name of the person or person's responsible if its not on that PAaD, I have my own resources to help track them down and, and well I don't think i'll be able to pass for a Cardassian now can I?

He thought for a moment, 'You're going to take me, the great Sarish Anjar, prisoner and you're going to do your patrotic duty and take me to them."

"You'll get beat to hell, absolutely not." She objected before she realized what she was saying. What the hell was she saying, days ago she’d have given into this moment… relished in it. It was insanity. There was some part of her that told her she was insane, that she’d gotten soft.

He didn't speak at first, simply lifted his shirt, "Do you think I've not experienced it before?"

Atlana should have been able to see it and not flinch, she'd see dozens of scars and beatings and the like, but for some reason, maybe it was the new knowledge that he hadn't intentionally attacked a school it made it hard to look at him. Worse, there was this huge scar... that ran from his navel and downward towards his spleen... she knew that had been from her.

Her fingers hesitated hovering just above his own, before pulling his shirt down. For the first time in her life those weren’t just scars they were wrong, wrongfully inflicted. At least the one she had given him was. “In intelligence you look at all your options before jumping into one. It’s not about your experience with pain, you're innocent..."

"I'm willing to take the risk, but I'm open to other suggestions."

Atlana found her hair and started playing with it. "Let me get more facts, find out who and whether they're even alive or not. We'll organize an intelligent strike and set them up on our terms." she offered. "

She was trying to understand why it was that she gave a damn about him all of a sudden. If he wanted to kill himself let him, but he was innocent, he really hadn't know... her head was starting to hurt

He held out his hand, 'So I guess we've moved from a truce to detente then?"

Atlana took his hand for the second time in two days. "But we still don't like each other... right?"

"Not in the least," he said meaning it, or pretty sure that he did, but that small smile was there, just at the corner of his lips.

Atlana nodded. "Pitty." She admitted. "I've always been an admirer of your skill level." she shrugged. "I don't hate anyone."

He quirked a brow at her, but the smile stayed fixed where it was,'Really? Is that why you almost cut off my nads?"

Atlana smirked. "I told you I was distracted. There was a huge Klingon coming at me." She retorted. "In my defense...." She pulled the corner of her shirt down so he could see the edge of some of the scar that he'd given her, the shoulder of her collar bone downward, it went deep but her shirt hid the rest.

The smile was a little larger now, or perhaps he too was smirking and his eyes lingered on the spot the shirt did not hide before jerking back to her face. "And if the Klingons hadn't drug us off of each other we'e both be missing important parts of our antanomy.

Although I do have to point out that my aim was better."

Atlana nodded her head. "I do remember you needing help recovering though." She added. "As where I was able to get back to my ship on my own."

"And you expect me to believe that?"

Atlana smirked and shrugged her shoulders. "Have I ever lied to you."

"I think it better if I don't answer that question."

Atlana still had that somewhat pleasant smirk on her face, was she always so damn happy. "Well, I should let you look over that evidence I know you have to start cooking." She took in a deep breath. " I on the other hand cannot open my store."

He cocked his head and looked at her even as he took the PADD from her, "Why not?"

"Because the head of security wanted to know why we were fighting in the corridor and i refused to tell him." She admitted. "Personal business wasn't a good enough answer."

"That stupid racist bastard." Then giving her a funny look he finished, "Did i just say that?"

She glanced at him. "Be careful, Sarish Anjar, people will think you care." She'd said it once before and she was saying it again.

He looked at her again, a subtle shift in the way he looked at her, perhaps even a subtle shift in the eyes themselves, "Maybe its time I did."

She didn’t notice his eyes, or the shift in his demeanor at first. Although his words definitely derailed her thoughts for a moment. her smirk faded some, and she found herself just looking at him for a moment, actually seeing him. Sarish Anjar had a rich voice and was fairly handsome by Bajorian standards. Atlana had always seen him as an opponent, an enemy The black king on the chess board in their worlds. Only to learn that they were both being played as pawns, was starting to settle in. She finally shook herself out of her thoughts, "it's ok., if i can't the licensure I will just have to pack up and find somewhere else to settle down." She offered.

"You want me to go talk to him?" Now that he knew the truth, a truth that he realized he should have picked up on years before he didn't want her to be forced out. "I think I know something about racial bigotry."

"And for what its worth, i... I don't want you to leave."

“I know…” she chuckled softly. “You like knowing were I am, it’s easy to know what to do when your enemies are within sight.” She offered, but truth was she was covering for being taken back by the comment and more so by the offer... then when he said he didn't want her to leave Atlana didn't know what to say. She found herself playing with her hair again. "thank you," she finally got out. "but I don't want you compromising your restaurant." She admitted. "I'm sure Lt Trellis will come around."

"If he doesn't then come back and tell me. I'll... I'll deal with him."

He sounded like he cared, actually cared. "I'm sorry I'm taking up all your morning. I know you cook breakfast for the fleeters, your place is very popular." She admitted. "I should let you go."

"Yeah I do need to leave, but, but would you like to meet again tomorrow at this time? You know just to compare notes."

Her eyebrow lifted in even more surprise. He was asking... hadn't he said yesterday he didn't want to see her if he could help it. She was surprised but then so much was changing he wasn't the badguy anymore. Relatively speaking they were the only two who knew each other best, it had been an interesting conversation. "I'm not sure how much more information I can gather in 24 hours but of course, if you want to."

"Yeah, I think that would be a good idea." He almost added that he was looking forward to it though he had no idea why he thought he would do so. Instead he just said, "Till tomorrow. Oh and watch your ass. There is no telling what might happen if you start digging."

Atlana stood there for a moment, she thought about saying that same line she'd said before be careful someone would think he cared. Instead she only nodded her head, "You too... "

He gave her a small grin, then turned and walked away.

Atlana Durak
Owner Unique Antiques

Sarish Anjar
Owner Endeavors
SB 5