Judgement – Serving the Serpent
by Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Serving the Serpent
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Sun Oct 31, 2010 @ 9:24pm
Location   Romulan Embassy
Timeline   SD35. 21:00
"Isha!" Getal screamed down the hallway at her office. Guards conglomerated to him and gave random threats and pleas. He was deafened to them, and was content on only hearing one voice. t'Khellian's, explaining why Meran was working for her, instead of him.

"You appear to be out of sorts, Ambassador," she was very clear on that as she signalled for her guards to enter her office behind him. "Did you wish to talk?"

"I'm going to do more than talk! I'm going to rip out your fucking eyes!"

Isha swallowed. Meran had not come to the meeting she had arranged with he and Darson. Was this why?

"Vi'kar Gul, I am loathe to ask my attendants to restrain you, but if you continue to speak this way I must," she said raising a hand to stay her guards from using the weapons they were going for. "How have I offended you?" she asked, rising from her chair This time she might have added with a roll of her eyes.

"Get in your office. Now." He demanded. Getal would gladly take on Isha's guards, if it meant she would hear what he had to say.

"Leave us," she said then walked alone into her office. Isha did not go far though, not did she sit.

Isha paused for a moment then turned back to the Cardassian. "Have we not agreed to co-operate?" she asked.

"I will co-operate when I know the truth. Meran is a traitor. All the evidence adds up, to his actions, led by your hand."

"What are you talking about?" Isha asked. "I have spoken with Meran and he questions your judgement but that is hardly a capital crime," she said wondering as she did so, if, indeed, Getal thought that questioning his will was such. "I speak with many people. Why would you think that I was maiking him do anything?"

He threw down the Kotra piece by her feet, then awaited a reaction.

Isha glanced first at Getal, and then to the floor. She knelt and examined what he had thrown down.

Isha could not deny that it was hers, the design was so ancient and unique. "Did you steal this so that you could accuse me when you found ot convenient?" she asked without rising as eventually she raised her gaze upwards.

Tharek stepped foward and dwarfed her. "No. This was found in a bottle of my special reserve. Reserved, only for my hands. He has had access to the bar. He has had access to my office. He, is to blame. But his actions were not his own, were they?"

There had always been a risk that Meran would be found out, and though Isha had not expected it quite this soon she had a contingency plan. Of course she could not be sure that he had not spilled the entire story and laid the blame ay her feet to save his own sorry skin. The fact that Getal was still listening to her suggested that Meran had not.

"It can't be genuine," Isha said rising to her feet in one fluid motion, "And believe it or not I have better things to do than skulk around the station conspiring with random Cardassians. Someone may want the finger pointed at me," she said placing the piece on her desk, "but I can assure you that this is not mine."

She went for the flat box that contained the pieces and with the conviction of someone who genuinely believed that all the pieces were there she thrust it unopened into Getal's hands, "See for yourself," she said.

Of course there were three empty slots, one had been smashed into shards, the second had been left on Getal's desk and the third now stood on hers.

"Theres three pieces missing." Getal stated in a dark, cold manner.

Isha actually swayed slightly as though about to faint as he turned the box to her and she looked in. "It can't be. Who would do this to me?" she said voicing her thoughts, as she turned away. "I thought it was Rh'vaurek who was trying to destroy me, but there must be someone else here ... why can I not have people I can trust?" Isha paused, a look of perplexed distress beneath her wrinkled brow. "Oh I don't expect you to believe me," she said to Getal as she dropped into a chair, "Why should you when this gives you too convenient an excuse to do me harm?"

The Isha she was presenting was not the ambassador, not the lawyer, not the powerful lady, but one without any barriers, merely a very frightened vulnerable woman, one who did not have a move left to make.

It was a high risk strategy but one that would work simply because Getal wanted to believe that Isha really was this weak.

Isha rested her elbows on her knees and buried her face in her hands, "Forgive me," she said, "I only left him in here for a moment or two. I didn't know." Isha was very careful not to go too far, she had carefully choreographed this exchange and was not about to spoil it now; she was merely handing him a chance to appear both magnanimous and in control.

"Do you know what... I believe you." Tharek said, calmly walking back to where the Kotra set had been, then replaced it. "Meran has always been too 'friendly'. Never could follow orders like a good little soldier. Always had to voice his own opinions. I believe you aren't to blame."

"Thank you," Isha said through a breath.

"But Meran will be punished. He is never to be in my service again. Glen Telet will accept his roles until further notice. Denat Meran is to be imprisoned; indefinitely."

"Meran is not my concern," Isha said as she dropped her hands into her lap. Meran had approached her, he had known the risks. "I am sorry for him, but actions have consequences," she said blinking up at Getal through moist eyes.

"Not all actions." He responded curtly. "Anyway. Thank you for your time, Ambassador." Getal responded politely for the first time since the incident. "Oh. There was one other matter. t'Merek hit Miss Ibalin. Yolanthe is... Important, to me. I need your word t'Merek will be disciplined. Or I will do it myself."

Isha knew to what he referred, and she would not allow that. But Getal was wrong about consequences; he was not going to get away with what he had done to her, he just did not know it yet.

"Why?" Isha asked softly, "Why did t'Merek hit her? Please Vi'kar Gul, you cannot expect me to punish my staff at your request unless I know why."

"For whatever reason, physical violence from your staff unto civillians is not good. It doesn't set a good image to the station."

She gulped back what threatened to become tears as he told her what to do. Isha knew that already, mhnei'sahe compelled her to comply with his wishes for now.

"I will see that t'Merek receives appropriate reprimand," Isha conceded.

"I want proof and a report of t'Merek's 'reprimand' once it has concluded. I'm not having you give her a stern telling off because Getal was blowing off steam. Get it done." Getal ordered.

Isha had no choice, "What do you want me to do?" she asked knotting her fingers more tightly together.

"Show her that civillians, aggressive or not, should be dealt with in a professional, diplomatic manner." He said casually. "t'Merek broke that professionalism. Find a suitable punishment for physical abuse."

Isha could not afford right now to challlenge Getal; she had just abased herself to gain his trust, and she needed that for her own protection. Her true feelings could not be allowed to interfere ... and on the topic of physical abuse ... Isha burned at his towering hypocrisy, but she bore it. For now.

"I will do as you ask," Isha agreed without further protest.

"Good." He praised her sarcastically. "I want the proof and the report in my hands as soon as possible." Getal turned and left in his usual manner, enjoying every second of Isha's torment and disgust at having to obey him. This was the Cardassian way of doing things.

What upset Isha the most was that Getal had a point; embassy staff who caused trouble among the populace reflected badly on the embassy, and in particular on the Ambassador. Now that the matter had been brought to her attention Isha had to do something about t'Merek's action.

She only wished that it had been of her own volition, not as a result of a command from Getal.


Ambassador Isha t'Khellian

'Ambassador' Tharek Getal