Cascade – Mutual Surprise
by Lieutenant JG Saria Rex & Lieutenant JG Malak Muz

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Title   Mutual Surprise
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Saria Rex & Lieutenant JG Malak Muz
Posted   Thu Feb 07, 2013 @ 11:10pm
Location   Starfighter Hangar
Timeline   SD70
It wasn't too late in the afternoon. After Saria rounded up her Alpha Shift and her daily visit to the Box of Delights and the Plaice to Be, she decided to check up with the starfighters, which she hadn't seen in a while. One of her former hosts, Ghisan, flied several Starfighters when she still was a pilot in the Trill Private Service, around 2290. A visit to the hangar was like a treat to her. And sometimes, when almost nobody was in the hangar, she crawled under a fighter to do some maintenance. But as the Chief of Science, she had her own duties. She tried to remind herself of that.

When the doors of the turbolift whizzed open, she instantly smelled the familiar scent of the hangar. While nobody would even notice it, she would, being very sensitive for different scents. She walked by the stationed starfighters. "Valkyries." She thought, with a broad smile appearing on her face. She looked at the CAG office on the end of the parking lots. It seemed that Commander Dunham was not present at the time. However, her attention was instantly gone to the officer that walked out of the office. He walked into Saria's direction, while he was working on his PADD. She had never seen him before, but his spots gave away his species: Trill.

"Petty Officer McGale - I didn't ask if I needed the Commander's approval to do it. I didn't ask what Starfleet Regulations stated. I simply asked if you could upgrade the engines to the Gamma Qaudrant Specs I gave you. I don't want you to do it. I want to know /COULD/ you do it." The annoyed voice of the pilot states as he walks out with a short bald man in a yellow jumpsuit. He is not watching wear he is going as he is looking down at him,"..It's my job to assess a situation, gain all of the information, and then provide it to the appropriate sources with my suggestion. So just take a look? Please? I'll help you out with Beta shift if you'll get me that report Asap."

He smirks as the balding Petty Officer turns and walks off, grumbling. He almost sometimes enjoyed annoying Engineers. It was a hobby of his. He still wasn't looking forward and that's how they first met. The man knocks into the woman, his hands instantly coming up to her arms to stabilize her. He turns to look at the woman surprised,"Whoa..Whoa.. Are you ok?" He says as he looks to her,"I'm sorry.. I wasnt.." He pauses - a blue shirt. Why was a blue shirt on deck,"Is everything ok?" He asks as he doesn't realize he is still holding her arms to ensure she doesn't fall - which isn't necessary anymore.

"I'm alright... Lieutenant." Saria said, checking the man's rank pips. Exactly the same as her's. "I was distracted by the Valkyries, I'm sorry. They're just such amazing starfighters." She smiled. She let go of the man, and alligned her uniform, which was creased when they walked in eachother. "And I was actually quite astonished by seeing another Trill. I'm Lieutenant Saria Rex, the Chief of Science aboard this station." She said, reaching out her hand to Malak.

"Oh? The newer ships are definetly nice, I have to admit I am kind of nostalgic. I miss flying the old Vulcan models back a long..long time ago. Though, I have always been a fan of the Maquis Variant of the Peregrine. Although, I would be remiss if I didn't atleast admit the Pariapse has a hell of a design." His eyes stay focused on the ship as he talks, a bit of admiration of his craft. He pauses and turns his head as he realizes and an eyebrow raises,"Do you run Emergency operations or just enjoy watching fine machines of war?" He offers with a slight Grin.

He pauses as she speaks to the point of him being a trill. His hands come behind him and there is another slow nod,"Well, as you know. We trills run the federation. The secret power as it were. I have come to see how you were doing." His tone obviously joking. His hand going to hers,"Lieutenant Malak Muz. It's a pleasure, Lieutenant Rex. Are you currently on duty?"

"The Vulcan ones were nice yes. Quick and agile." She nodded. "I'm just here to check up with these fine spaceships. I miss the time in the Trill Private Service, when I piloted a Vehes Mk III for several years. Never let me down." She grinned. "I'm actually just here off duty. If I was on duty, you'd find my utility belt overloaded with Isolinear scanners, tricorders, coil spanners. You name it."

Malak softly chuckled as he watched the woman infront of him,"Most Tactical officers of the Cruiser and Capital ship variety will tell you that Star Fighters are the least needed in major battle scenario's now. However, I would challenge any Galaxy Class Starship to go against a Volachian enhanced Derisian Mark II. It's hard to hit something so small and you can't lock onto." He waves his hand dismissively of the thoughts of others who dismiss his field. He pauses and slowly nods as she speaks to the other points,"Well.. I would be a horrible Trill if I didn't offer to get someone with such lovely spots a drink.. Have you ever tried Kanar?" He raises his hand towards the exit, offering to take her out.

"If you mean Kanar, the Cardassian drink, you bet I have. I've lived a great deal with Cardassians. My last host was even married to a Cardassian Gul, which I still know." She said, walking up front. "It's actually quite rare to see a Joined like me this far in space. The only other Trill I know here aboard is Si'Lar Trellis, the Assistant Chief of Security. But we don't really talk a lot, so I'm quite anxious to see a fellow Trill aboard." She smirked, looking back at Malak.

"I do infact mean, Kanar." Malak says and stops a moment as he notes what she said. He nods his head,"It's not common that you meet a Joined Trill outside of our homeworld. You're joined as well? Wow.. I think the Captain of this base should join the Ferengi Lottery. She has a good chance of winning." His hands stay behind him as he slowly begins to walk again. He grins,"Three of my previous hosts drank Kanar. One of them had a problem with it - though I don't think they'd emit it." He walks slowly,"I got a taste back for it during the occu.."
The grin fades a little as the unpleasant memory hits,"I got a taste for it a while ago..I forgot how good it was."

"Yep, I'm joined indeed, and currently the 35th host." Saria said. "My symbiont is spanning over somewhat 1200 years, and it's still as small as hundreds of years before. You know that most symbionts around this age would be a few meters in length and swimming in the pools of Mak'ala."

"But I'm glad you have a fine taste for Kanar. You should try a Cardassian Sunrise as well sometimes. They make a fine one at the Box of Delights." She said. "And maybe you would be interested in Cardassian Red Leaf tea... or Cardassian Fish Juice." She chuckled, mentioning the Fish juice in a teasing way, as nearly nobody would like it at all.

"The 35th.. But wouldn't that mean.." Malak stops as she explains it and slowly nods,"Ahh.. That makes sense." The grin returns a bit more sincere as she gives some history. His voice comes back to her, exaggerated to infer teasing,"Oh? Why I never knew Lieutenant.. For my Symbiont is stolen and I never went through as one of the lucky three hundred out of five thousand.." He leans over to nudge her slightly to ensure she gets the joke.

He walks with her and nods,"I find alot of the Cardassian drinks to be appealing. I actually love Bajoran food though." A brief pause,"Oddly, not alot of Kanar there anymore." As he walks onto the Promenade. He takes a look around. It had actually been only the second time he had been on the deck,"Tell me about yourself, Lieutenant. What should I know about yourself?"

"Well... I'm not really sure where to begin. I'm the Chief of Science aboard, Rex is 1253 years old and my host 26. I was one of the first to make contact with the Federation. I've been Admiral a few times. Being shot a few times. Being flung into space. Served in all three Starfleet divisions. Just like any ordinary symbiont you'd meet, actually." She smiled.

"And what about you? Any notable things happened to you in the meantime?" She grinned.

"Ahh.. Very interesting. And that's actually a bit younger then I would have guessed for so many hosts." Malak offers with a soft smile. He nods slowly as he takes all of that in. He shakes his head,"Never been an Admiral. I had a few that were interested in Starfleet - but not alot, believe it or not. Alot of Artists, Lovers, Vulcan Military, Orion Gaurd.. Bajoran Resistance fighter - not maquis - Actual Bajoran Resistance." Malak exhales as he thinks and shakes his head. He glances to her,"If I can ask.. Though.." His hand and fingers come up to brief touch just above her right eye - the ocular implant. His head tilting,"It looks like, Borg Technology?" His voice now a bit softer and his hand comes back. He even brings his hands up and palms out as if in a defensive posture,"You can tell me to pound sand if you prefer, on that."

"You're right on that, Lieutenant. It's Borg technology, just to keep me alive. I'm not a borg or something, and I definately will not sting nanotubes into your neck." She teased, aiming her left hand at Malak and fired two of her right fingers into his neck. "I'm quite used to it, actually. But a lot of people think I'm Borg, and a some of them are not very happy to see me without the explaination." Saria smirked. "But after all, it seems you have quite an interesting life, Lieutenant."

"Most species are unfortanetly handicapped." Malak says softly to her, admitting something between joined trills that he would not so easily say infront of others. His hand coming up to his neck as if caught and faltering backward a second with a smile at the joke. He shakes his head,"With out being able to live multiple life times, they don't completely understand how to overcome bias or hatred." His voice was staying soft though as he walked. He shrugs his shoulders,"I like it. Makes you unique." Irony in that statement is unbelievable. He stops a moment and looks around,"Where..were we going again?"

"It's an Earth cafe, called "Golden Gate". Hinting to the Academy ofcourse." She grinned, going left and steering Malak with her. "They've got lots of food, snacks, beverages. I usually come here when I miss Earth." She said. "I lived in New Orleans since my 6th. My father got a job in the Starfleet Advisor Board, so we moved to Earth." She went right, walking into a cafe with a 50's Terran look.

"Golden Gate.." The mere name seems to sour the mood of the Lieutenant as she says it and he slowly nods His face becomes a bit stoic and he makes his way in. An eyebrow raising at the make up of how it is. There's a brief pause,"I don't think my hosts were ever here to see this .. era.. of Terran history." He adds slowly. He looks around briefly and then makes his way over towards one of the tables. He goes to pull a seat for the woman, motioning with his hand,"After you?"

"Thank you kindly." Saria said, smiling toward Malak. She waited for Malak to sit down. The cafe looked just as usual. There was some rock music playing in the background, and the bartender was washing up some glasses. A few other customers were scattered troughout the building. When Malak sat down, Saria's hand went to the spots on the side of the head, making clear she wanted to establish a quick bioneural bridge between the two Trills. "May I?" She asked, looking in Malak's eyes. "I know that it might be an intrusion of privacy for you, but it's been a long time that I had the chance to, but you can shield the things you want for yourself from me. Plus, I'm quite eager to see some events you mentioned."

The touch of the cold fingers is not something uncommon to Malak. He was a Trill. They all had cold hands. As she speaks of merging he pulls back a second, concerned. His eyes watching hers. Their ability of telepathy was generally contained between Symbiont and Trill - not between. He watched her cautiously now as if he wasn't sure what she was doing. It wasn't that he didn't know of the process - it just wasn't something asked alot. This woman was certainly different. There was a brief nod,"Just a short trip.." His voice was soft and he slowly moved forward to her fingers, again. His eyes close after a few moments.

For the most part.. She only see's the dominant side of the current host. Muz was certainly accustomed to war - being through three of them - but Malak was not. Images that were brief but telling. The breen attack on the Golden Gate Bridge, Ships fighting at various battles with him in the cockpit, an over whelming Dominion fleet and his ship crash landing on a planet. A hurt Muz crawling from the wreckage and watching from afar as Dominion troops occupy the capital city of Betazed.

When the dominant memories of the host finally submerge, she does begin to see a few of the other hosts. She sees Zorana (an earlier host) dilligently studying everything she can, declining to go out and have fun. Klian, the host after her - being the exact opposite and not meeting a person who wasn't a friend. And Rochelle, a host who was far better at taking war then the current host - a commander during the times of Kirk.

Saria saw most of the things that Muz had to offer. The first joining, the Dominion war, the old days on Trill, the introduction to the Federation. Even the emotions that Muz had endured. Grief, anger, happiness. She just met the man, but already knew what he had been up to. As did the cafe, where he didn't seem to be very comfortable. She saw the Breen attack on San Fransisco, like she was there herself. The other moment, she was in the cockpit of a starfighter, which was in a dogfight and pursued an enemy vessel that was quite familiar to her. The phaser cannons were fired up, and the spacecraft was destroyed.

The next moment, she was still in the same cockpit, but flames covered the windows of the fighter. "Engine malfunction. Crash landing in ETA 5 minutes and 40 seconds." A computerized voice said, as the craft shook heavily. The next moment, it was if the memory fastforwarded and ended with crawling out of the same fighter, crash landed on the surface of Betazed, while Dominion landing crafts descended onto the surface, and began a planet-wide invasion.

All in a sudden, Saria retracted her hand violently. She opened her eyes, and saw that Malak was recovering from the bioneural bridge as well. A few customers looked surprisingly toward the odd couple, but then resumed their activities. Saria leaned toward Malak, which was still blinking his eyes. "Are you okay?!" She asked in despair.

Malak moved back and his hand came up to the bridge of his nose as he shook the feeling from him. He hated doing the telepathic bond. It always caused headaches for him. It was always teh same regardless of what fashion. Trill to Trill, Trill to Symbiont, or Symbiont to Symbion. He exhales softly and finally opened his eyes, the light being a bit bright. He nodded his head, confused as she moved forward,"Yea.." His hand coming up as if to wave the past away,"Don't meld with someone if you don't want answers.." He slowly tried to grin. He moved forward and his voice soft,"Muz and I are still finding eachother out.. My previous hosts don't much care for my.." He pauses,"Weakness. Well that one anyway."

A slight smirk as the starfighter pilot continued,"Why don't you tell me about those implants.. If you don't mind?" He didn't offer to do the same link.. not yet anyway. His tone and demeanor acted almost as if what she saw hadn't happened.. ignoring it.

"Yes, ofcourse." She said, still recovering from the meld. She pointed at the implant on the place where her eyebrow should have been. "Occipital implant," Saria said. "Controls my ocular implant and corrects some brain functions." She activated a red borg-like laser from her left eye. "Enhanced vision," She went on to the the right side of her jaw, where a small implant was attached. "This control the jaw functions, as those nerves were destroyed, so does the exoskeleton on my left hand." She showed her left hand, which was covered in some kind of light harness.

"Well, there isn't much left to show you," Saria said. "Unless you want a lecture on my red-polished toes as well." She teased.

"How did you know I was a foot guy?" Malak offered with a slight chuckle. he slowly nodded as he watched the eye and then then jaw and hand. He considers and then asks softly,"Was this done by the borg - or some sort of operation using borg technology? How did you get federation approval for such a thing?" He seems genuinely curious. There must be some great cognizant dissidence for him to be able to forget all about what just occured - you can block alot of things if you try.

"It was done by Federation doctors, with Borg technology. When I came in, roughly a quarter of my body wasn't even functional anymore. So, they applied nanoprobes and applied implants that kept me pretty much alive." She said. "But it's not like I think I'm different at all. I just live a normal life like any other. Doing a small EVA without a suit won't stop me from that." She joked. "After all, some things got it's advantages."

"Oh Wow.. I'm sorry." Malak offers with a frown and shakes his head,"I'm glad it all worked out." He watches her a moment and glances towards where the bar may be. He pauses and looks back with a smile,"What do you want? Let me go get us something to drink and eat? Then we can talk about this red polish you're talking about?" A slight smirk.

"A coke would suit" She smiled. "It's an Earth beverage with soda and tastes quite good. But I'm not sure what you like the most."

"One coke it is.. I do enjoy Root Beers." Malak says with a laugh and does head off towards the Bar. He is gone only a few minutes before and then returns, placing her drink infront of her. He moves to sit across,"I did enjoy Terran food - I'll admit." He chuckles,"So you married, Lieutenant? Any pups? It's not something that we're really supposed to move towards, but it's ironic how many of us Joined Trills manage to find mates, eh? Must be the weak part of the host." He softly jokes at the expectation of their Symbionts to want to do something more then to repocreate.

"Have been, but not at the moment." Saria replied. "However, I currently am in a relationship with Propulsion Specialist David Straggard." She paused. "And what about you?"

"No.. to both. Either I am just horrible with Women or my Symbiont has more power then I give him credit for." There's a grin and he is about to say more when his compin beeps and the voice of the original Annoyed Petty Officer comes on,"Sir - Your modifications analysis is done.. On your desk."

Malak taps his compin,"Understood." He looks to Saria and dips his head as he pushes the Root beer float forward,"Nice talking to you, Pretty Spots. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day.." He stands up and nods, before turning and heading out.. Well, an interesting interaction to say the least.


Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Chief Science Officer


Lieutenant JG Malak Muz
DS5 - Wing command Executive Officer


Petty Office Giles (NPC)
DS5 - Deck Support/Engineer