Incommunicado – All bets are off
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   All bets are off
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Wed Mar 28, 2012 @ 10:15pm
Location   Somewhere in the bowels of DS5
Timeline   SD55 0300
Standing next to the Lurian bookie, Yolanthe watched the two Andorian's starting to square up to each other. They were both keen, but as the compare introduced them, and snapped the ushaan chain around one wrist, it was clear who was going to win.

"Two bars on Sa'Mataleh Kuno." She told the lurian, and handed over the latinum just as the bell rang and the betting closed.

Thw two andorains drpped into crouches, each armed with an andorian ice mining knife. There was a further moment of pause, and then they went for each other, lashing and stabbing, twisting and tugging the chain that joined them as each fought to land a blow. It wasn't long before the first cut was scored, and a small splatter or blue blood hit the deck. But this duel was to the death, and the two combatants didn't stop.

She watched the match with a mixture of fascination and repulsion, because at her core, the idea that men could fight was so utterly taboo it made her fingers itch to break it up. But by now she had a much firmer grip on her cultural difference and could at least watch with some appreciation of the duellists skll

"Well, Well, well. Yolanthe Ibalin as I live and breathe!"

She looked round in surprise, and then a huge of orange settled over her skin. "Tyler Short." She acknowldeged the dark skinned human, in his cheap suit with a displeased nod. "What are you doing here? I don't think there's enough business for another bookie."

"Out of that game, sweetheart," Short beamed back. "Managing now. Brought a couple of my boys up for some proper fighting. Maybe you'll care to cast your eyes on them, and tell me how they'll do."

"No." she turned back to the fight.

"No?" Short looked crestfallen. "Not even for old times sake."

"especially not for old times sake. I don't deal with the syndicate, or anyone attached to them. You take their latinum, so you're not getting mine."

Short chuckled. "Very wise," The human leaned closer conspiritorily, "and about that. A little bird told me you're no longer Draylin Tal's darling girl. He isn't very happy with you anymore."

THe orange lightened to yellow, and the skin on her face where Tal had cut her itched hard. "That is no one's business, but ours."

"Au Contraire, my towring temptress. Its all certain people can talk about. Some of us were very interested to hear the news."

The bokkai was getting irritated with Short's failure to get to the point. "Such as?"

"Odan Vehr."

Yolanthe went emerald green in a blink of an eye.

SHort chuckled. "I thought that would get your attention. I saw him just last week. He's well by the way. Doing nicely."

Yolanthe forced her attention back tot he fight. Her pick was clearly winning now, though both had sustained some horrific slashes, the loser had taken a slash to the side that had caused his skin to snap away and peel back to reveal a chunk of pale blue muscle underneath.

"Nothing to say sweetheart?" Short asked. "Shame. Well, I'll give him your best ewhen I see him, I know hes just - "

"No!" SHe had to resist the urge to slap the smary little man down. "No." She repeated in a more normal tone. "He doesn't have to know."

"He doesn't, but he will. He hates the idea of the one who got away..."

She ground her teeth. "How much?" She asked Short. "For your Silence?"

Short grinned and leaned on the railing of the combat ring, watching the two Andorian's wrestle for a minute. "I don't know. I have to weigh the income from you, against the fact that Vehr would cut my bollocks off with an Ushaan if he thought I was keeping secrets."

"Or I could just kill you now, and save myself the money."

The human just laughed. "Nice try my darling, but we both know you'd kill yourself before you touched a man in cold blood. Lets set it at something reasonable, that you can mange. Say a brick of latinum, every standard month."

"A brick?!" She hissed. "A month? I don't have that sort of money."

"You have to understand, you need soemthing to take your mind of what Odan Vehr wants when talks to you. A brick is awfully helpful for distraction. But you know distractions. always temporary."

"Face it Yolanthe. You either have to get back in the good books of that sociopath Tal, or prepare for Odan Vehr to come to call. Or you can pay me. Its not such a hard decision is it? Short patted her yellow hand sympathetically.

In the ring, Sa'Mateleh Kuno triumphed. His opponent crashed to the floor, spurting blue blood from an open artery. Yolanthe stepped back to avoid the spray, and turned to the Bookie for winnings, who reluctantly handed over six bars of latinum. She turned and shoved them into Short's hands. "Consider that a downpayment. I'll get you the rest by the end of tonight. Just get out of my sight."

Short looked at the bars as if they were his own babies. "Your wish is my command." he grinned. "I'll see you at the end of the night.

As Short melted back into the crowd to attend to his fighters, the bokkai turned a darker and darker shade of green. Odan Vehr was a name she hoped she'd never hear again. She had come to the edge of the universe, and had avoided the syndicate as hard as she could. And now it looked that she hadn't gone far enough.

A post by

Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights