Beg, Steal or Borrow – Messages
by Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Messages
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Sun Jul 19, 2009 @ 10:28pm
Location   Dunham's Quarters / USS Freedom, somewhere in the vicinity of SB47
Timeline   MD9 21.45

Dunham paced his quarters thinking if it would be a good idea or not to comm Isha about the current events between him and Chelsea. It had after all been the Romulan diplomat who had set him up on a date with the good Doctor and had after all put him in this heart-break problem. But Dunham also knew that Isha was off back on Romulus dealing with the fall out of prior events so he was in two minds on wether or not to contact her.

Dunham Thought to himself that he may well get his head chewed off by the Romulan but he thought it a risk to take if he got a better idea of the diplomats good friend Chelsea and if Isha could give any insight into why the women he was falling head over heals for was acting the way she was.

"Screw it" Dunham said out loud. "Computer open a sub space comm to the USS Freedom. Mark the channel to the attention of Romulan Diplomat Isha t'Kellian. As i have no other ideas on how to contact her."

T'Pal had finally left and though she had dimmed the lights Isha still found herself unable to rest. Her attention was caught by the lgiht blinking on her console. It could not be more from the diplomatic bag - still, with nothing better to do she rose to investigate.

"Dunham?" she said to herself. "How can I help you."

Dunham smiled a guilty smile over the comm. "Sorry to intrude on your time Isha. But I have a bit of a personal problem I would like to run pass you" he paused. "Its about Chelsea."

Isha sat down and slumped back in her chair, "In that case, tell me how I can help you," she invited. After all the demands that were being placed on her it would be a relief to help someone that had no ulterior motive.

"Ok. This going to sound a little silly but we were having dinner. This was going really well, by the way then she saw somebody went pale then ran off. Next thing I know I'm chasing after her and she confessed her love for another dude. What am I going to do!"

"Calm down please, Dunham ... Richard," Isha said aware that it was her attempt at matchmaking that had caused this. "The other man, was he a Bajoran, a doctor?"

Dunham took a deep breath. "Yeah that's him Lieutenant Ryan Milarno. What's this guy's story?"

Isha sighed, "I had hoped that his recent neglect would have allowed Chelsea to ge a little perspective," she said reflecting that this is why one did not meddle too closely with the relationships of one's friends, "I care a great deal for Chelsea and I believe that she is much better off without doctor Milarno - he is moody, uncommunicative and puts his own amusement above the needs of that woman. He also spends rather more time with his dance partner than Chelsea has ever been comfortable with and when she attempted to raise this with him his reaction was to sulk ... I thought perhaps it was time to remind her that there are pleasant young men out there."

"I like her, Isha. I like her a lot. What can I do to win the heart of Lieutenant Commander Chelsea Adams?"

She took a moment to gather her thoughts as she rested her chin on her steepled fingertips. "I don't have an easy answer for you, Richard ... I wish I did. My advice to you would be to be a friend to Chelsea, and if Milarno finds that difficult to cope with, then she may have cause to see him for what he is - unworthy of her."

Dunham walked across his room then back again. Rubbing his chin stubble in thought. "Could you have a word with Chelsea for me?"

The incident over their picnic when Chelsea had attempted to speak to Isha on the topic of Rh'vaurek and Ryan's inability to remain in the same room without coming to blows eased its self forward in her mind ... it had not gone well and she was reluctant to intervene directly with her friend on the matter. "I will see what I can do, Richard," Isha said. "Tell me, exactly what did she say to you?"

Dunham cleared his throat and began to explain. "Well she tried to explain to me that she had feelings for me. But that she should also give Ryan a chance to explain his action with who ever this other woman is and that she had to know if he put it bluntly sleeping with his dance partner. To be honest it sounds like this guy might be a bit of a jerk."

"It would not be the first chance she had given him," Isha observed. "Richard, if I thought that she was happy with him I would never have schemed with you to throw you in her way. And as your colloquialism so succinctly put it, I too happen to believe he is a 'bit of a jerk'."

Dunham gave a small smile. "I think I should tell you something else. I don't know if it is relevant though. I kissed her...."

"Richard! How wonderful" Isha cried, her stress and likely execution forgotten for the time being, "Tell me everything! I know you're a gentleman and normally would not, I'm sure, try to impress others with tales of your conquests, and normally I would not encourage you to do so, but this is different ... I assume she returned the kiss?"

"Well it was just one lingering kiss you know. But it was wonderfull and we were both in the moment and then we looked into each other eyes. And then she ran off." Richard went from wistfull to blunt.

That must have hurt. "I imagine she began to feel guilty about what she was doing and the way she was feeling about you - particularly if she has not yet formally terminated her relationship with Milarno ..." it was possible to love two people at the same time, Isha knew that from bitter experience, though she had never acted on those passions. "Have you spoken with her since?" she asked.

"She told me not to regret the kiss and that she would have wanted it too or she would have pulled away. Then subject changed and that was the end of it. You know as a man the female side of any species is bloody complicated."

"I think you'll find that the female's perspective is just as complicated as the male's, Richard. I have sons older than you, so I understand a little of what you mean," she did not add that one of them had died ten years ago and the other was plotting to have her executed, there had been a time when she had been there for them to talk to. "You cannot force her to love you or even to like you more than she likes him, she may change her mind though, and by being her friend you will be in exactly the right place."

"Wise words, but hells bells, Isha. I do want to be her friend. But is it selfish of me to want more from this relationship? I mean I know she feels the same way about me and I think given time we could have sometihng really special. Could you just have chat with her and tell me what's going through her head at the mo?" Dunham had an almost pleading looking in his eyes.

"I don't think it is selfish, Richard, but then I happen to be Romulan, and the men who have featured significantly in my life have all been rather selfish, domineering characters - I happen to like that sort of man, being that sort of person myself and rather inclined to despise those who are intimidated by me, whereas Chelsea ..." Isha thought of the doctor's rather confused reaction toward Rh'vaurek "... Chelsea is looking for a partner she can grow with, not someone who will challenge and confront her. I will talk with her. I would counsel you to respect her wishes, but don't give up hope."

"Ok. Well thank you thats sound advise and I will keep on hoping. I owe you one. So hows things with you? When do you get home?"

Isha smiled, she couldn't help it despite the responsibilities that were in danger of crushing her. Just like Chelsea he was so alive!

"We're at Starbase 47, we had to pick up a very dull Executive Officer, then I believe we will be on our way in fewer than twenty-four hours, which is no bad thing because as far as I can tell this place is infested with Klingons ... there's a terrible smell lingering around the place." Isha wrinkled her nose for effect. Of course she had not actually left the ship, so that part about the smell could possibly be untrue. "I'll speak with her before we leave."

"Well if you don't like the smell of Klingons you are not going to like it when you get back. Both the Klingons and the Cardassians both have an embassy on Deep Space Five. You are coming back aren't you?" Dunham said with worry in his tone.

Isha raised an eyebrow; that was news. She had a lot of time for Cardassians, as did Rh'vaurek, one knew where one was with a Cardassian, but Klingons! "How typical that the lesser powers develop an interest in the sector some eighteen months after the Empire," she said only half-joking. "Do you happen to know the names of their lead Ambassadors?"

"Nah, not a clue. What would me, a pilot know about that sort of diplomatic stuff? But I'm pretty sure that sort of thing is common knowledge I can check the computer if you like. But I think you will probably get to meet them when you get back."

"When I get back," she said softly. Isha had avoided answering that particular question. "Perhaps you could do that favour you said you owed me and supply me with a copy of their official records," she suggested, "I would hate to return and not know who I am dealing with."

Dunham pressed a couple of buttons on his computer terminal. "Ok, the public station records show their names Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal and Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat. But thats all you get from me I wouldn't want to give Station Security a reason to arrest me for conspiracy with Romulans. Even if that Romulan is a friend. And are you coming back or not? This place won't be the same without you and I know Chelsea will miss you."

"That does not count as a favour repaid, Richard, but I understand your reason for not wishing to provide me with more - thank you for the names. "Isha sighed, she seemed to be doing that a lot recently, "I will return if I am able. There is a chance that I will not have that option, however I will do what I can to keep you informed."

"Ok, Ok you see now it sounds like you're miffed at me. I owe you for talking to Chelsea so I'm sending the data on a sub band as requested. All this is public info anyway so no harm done, right. Anyway I hope it helps and when you get back the three of us can sit down and have a full meal together."

Isha looked around her room, VIP quarters really were quite nice even if the decor was a little too 'Federation' for Isha's taste, "I do hope so, Richard, believe it or not I'm already missing the place."

"Ok well good luck, try not to get killed or anything."

"Believe me, Richard, I am working very hard on assuring that does not happen."


A Post by

Lt Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader


Ambassador Isha t'Khellian NPCd by Louise