Incommunicado – Cracking the Core, Part 1
by Lieutenant JG Saria Rex

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Title   Cracking the Core, Part 1
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Posted   Tue Jul 17, 2012 @ 2:47pm
Location   Science Lab, Deck 61
Timeline   SD60, 0815 hours
Although Saria was pretty new at the station, she knew the way on her shift. Out of the turbolift, twice to the right, once to the left, second door on the right side. The doors swooshed open in front of her, and the particulary smell in the Science labs made her comfortable. This was the first time she actually noticed the Romulan computer core, after Acting Chief of Security Trellis told her about it the day before. Chief Trellis... she was somehow thinking about him all the time. Probably because he was a fellow Trill, but sometimes she just thought about him all the time.

"Good morning, sir." A female voice spoke. A young human woman was re-aligning the core. She lept up to Saria and looked her in the eyes. "Ensign Madelyn Willard, reporting for duty, sir." she saluted. Saria noticed her avoiding to look in her left implanted eye.

"Good morning, Ensign. I'm glad you're accompanying me for the rest of the duty. Your help is really needed." Saria said. Instead of saluting, she gave the young woman a hand. Madelyn looked confused, but Saria gave a wink. A smile appeared on both faces.

"Well then, let's continue what Chief Tovon left for us. Have you completed the re-alligning?" Saria asked.

"Yes, sir. The core is connected with the Lab core, and the diagnostics showed some minor damage from the bombing. I'm still working on it." Madelyn said, tapping on her PaDD.

"Take your time, Ensign. We're not on offensive with the Romulans, so you have plenty of time. I might tell you some of my history to speed up the time." Saria said, while walking to the replicator. "Anything, Ensign?"

Madelyn looked up to Saria. "Uhm... No, thank you, sir. I'm not a very thirsty person." She said, with a little neurotic smile.

"Just yell whenever you need some refreshment. Replicator, one Cardassian Red Leaf Tea. Double sweet." Saria said, picking up the materialized cup.

Madelyn frowned by hearing the order. "Cardassian Red Leaf Tea? I've never heard of it. How does it taste?" She said, looking up to Saria's teacup.

Saria chuckled. "It tastes like... well... Like it's name, Red Leafs. Which taste like... some kind of Jumja Juice." She said. Saria turned herself to the computer, placed her cup of tea on a nearby desk, and spreaded her fingers.

"Sir, do you have any experience with Romulan computers?" Madelyn asked.

Saria looked up to the Ensign. "Not really, but I do with Federation and Cardassian computers." She smiled.

Madelyn reached out a PaDD to Saria. "This contains some of the decrypted codes on the computer. They were left by Chief Tovon, and might prove useful to you, sir." Madelyn said.

"Thank you, Ensign." Saria said, as she studied the PaDD. "Could you please continue your work on repairing the core?"

"Certainly, sir." Madelyn said, as she walked behind the core. She grabbed another PaDD, and connected it with the core uplink. Saria connected the Romulan console to the research console, to provide an easier interface.

"Computer, start decompiling Project RC-001 part A, using source codes of Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon regarding the project." Saria spoke. "Authorization required." The computer said.
"Authorization code Rex-1-3-8-3-Delta-Red" Saria said.
"Authorization confirmed, decompiling started." The computer replied.

"So...Madelyn, if you don't mind me calling you by your name." Saria asked.

"Not at all, sir." Madelyn smiled.

"Good, Madelyn... you can call me Saria as well if you like. But I wanted to ask you how you became interested in Science. What made you study it?" Saria asked, tapping on the console's screen.

"To be honest... it were mainly my parents. They were both commissioned in Starfleet, and both were Chief of Science, so I decided to live up to their example. So long, my highest position within Science has been a Computer Scientist, but I'm working hard on becoming a Chief as well." Madelyn smiled. "What about you? I heard you have plenty of experience."

Saria smirked upon hearing. "Well, last time I was a scientist, I was joined with my fourth-last host. So it's practically changing division every lifetime. Like, if this host would die, I might become an engineer when I'm joined again."

"It sounds like... the symbiont is talking..." Madelyn said, raising her eyebrow.

"It's actually... fifty-fifty. Like two computers working for the same task. It's... hard to explain when you're not a Trill..." Saria said.

"I also noticed you talk alot easier about... you know, death..." Madelyn replied, as she adjusted some of the core's parameters.

"Let's say, I'm a little more... expendable than the rest of the crew. If this host dies, my symbiont will be passed on. But it's actually a scary thought."

Madelyn nodded understandably, and continued re-alligning. Saria lept to a console, and checked the results from former decompilings. She browsed trough some interesting matters. It seemed that Chief Tovon already did a great job on decrypting the basic codes from the core. However, most of them were protocols on how to make the decrypting easier. Nevertheless, they still proved useful. Saria transferred some of the valuable information to the research console that was currently connected to the Romulan core.

0911 hours

"Decompiling complete." The computer said. Both Saria and Madelyn walked to the research console, and studied the results carefully. They were basically numbers in specific lines, but this kind of coding was unknown.

"Computer, start decoding the results using the transferred data from the decrypting console." Saria said.

"Acknowledged, starting decrypting." The computer replied. The lines of numbers changed into actual words, notifying a single name: Gol Prod.


Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Acting Chief of Science

Ensign Madelyn Willard
Computer Scientist