Incommunicado – Cutting Loose
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant JG Lyhse Sullivans

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Title   Cutting Loose
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant JG Lyhse Sullivans
Posted   Thu Jun 21, 2012 @ 8:23pm
Location   The Box of Delights
Timeline   SD 57 1900
HI there and welcome aboard

I play Yolanthe Ibalin, the resident Bar tender and shoulder to cry on, with a side order of slightly dodgy bad habits, though she's no where near as bad as Quark

I was wondering if you would like to do a JP with me. You can either encounter Yolanthe, or I can provide you with any NPC you like to develop your own story/plot with, just let me know what you need


Well, I see Lhyse likes parisee squares, One of my NPC's A shy Bajorran called Pelin, who works the bar at the Box is a big player. Howabout Lhyse comes in looking for him, looking to maybe join his team, or ask about finding a team or something? Sound okay to you?


Pelin was enjoying work much more now Yolanthe was back behind the bar. It was spreading the load, and he could take time to do more elaborate tricks than just pouring by eye. He was mixing a Bolian Mist, flashing the glass with a tiny blowtorch starting, the reaction that soon turned it a delcate blue. Then he sent it spinning down the counter to the waiting customer, and turned to look for a new patron.

He saw the dark haired young woman before she saw him, looking uncomfortable and slightly lost. He immediately clocked her as Fleet. They all seemed a bit shell-shocked the first time they stepped into his boss's pleasure palace.

"Can I get you something miss?" he asked her.

Lyhse's look of 'Is this ever a big mistake' replied; " Was informed"; her voice trailed off, she began again "Looking to see if ... Parisee Squares team who needs 'new' members."

At the mention of the game, Pelin's eye's lit up. "You're in the right place. What position do you play?"

"At one time or another all of them," smiling wickedly, " Could be worse, they would have to go against me in Anbo-Jyutsu." more to herself; " more likely than not with the same results."

"I play point, though sometimes rearguard. prefer to do one job at a time. Wing can get too complicated." The rest of the conversation caught up with him. "Anbo-jyutsu huh? I bet that helps with the spacial awareness on court."

Lyhse replied: "Yes it does;oh, Lyhse Sullivans." As she extended her right hand "And you are?"

"Rosh Pelin," he held out a hand across the bar, "Pleased to meet you." The chain connecting the earring and cuff of his Bajjoran earring swung back and forth as he reached over. "I don't think I've seen you around. New on board?"

She cautiously took his hand and shook it: "Is that Pelin Rosh, or Rosh Pelin?"

The firm handshake surprised him, it seemed much more confident than its owner. The question was a welcome surprise too, he wasn't used to non bajorran's being careful enough to ask. "Rosh is my family name, Pelin my given. " He looked her over. "operations huh?" he nodded towards the yello piping on her jacket. "Which shift have you got?"

Lyhse replied "Rosh Pelin; I am an EO, Manufacturing Production Officer. As to shift, it's usually 'on call' in nature. The position is of a Liaison / Coordination."

Pel gave a big grin. "Excellent, the we don't have to worry about finding you a team that fits with your shift." One of the many handsome waiters interrupted a moment to hand over a new order. "You could come practise with my team tomorrow evening. 1700 in public holodeck 34?"

"1700 hours, public holodeck 34, Looking forward to discover what contributions to the team strengths." was Lyhse's reply.

"Great, I'll see you then," Pel gave her a shy smile. "Looking forward to it."


A JP Between:

Lieutenant Lyhse Sullivans EO/ Manufacture Production Officer

Rosh Pelin
Assistant Barman, The box of Delights