Interlude – Who Needs Counselling?
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch & Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk

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Title   Who Needs Counselling?
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch & Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk
Posted   Tue Oct 26, 2010 @ 8:15am
Location   Security - The Brig
Timeline   SD34 - a.m.
Tag   Gabriel


"Lt Kensington will be confined to Sickbay as a result of your self-confessed infliction of his injuries - and the brig seems the most appropriate place for you if for nothing else than to ensure the safety of whomsoever you might deign to 'defend yourself' against next! In the light of this and my displeasure at discovering my officers, or any of my staff, brawling and inflicting harm on any sentient being... the oath being '... to do no harm'. I am adding an order to that ample authority of Lt. Trellis. As your head of Department and a Lt. Commander of Starfleet Medical, I order you to accompany Lt. Trellis and desist all attempts to make any more out of this than the disgrace it already brings this department."

Up to now the CMO had delivered all of this diatribe in one tone, matter of factly. "You will also, both, attend sessions with the Chief Counselor to ascertain your potential danger to the public and other staff." She then left the monotone finally and concluded with the full force of the anger she had been holding back.

"DO I MAKE MYSELF PERFECTLY CLEAR, LIEUTENANT?" she raised the volume of her voice and thundered in a way that made all the staff in all the nearby bays jump and turn to stare at the strange occurrence.

Lance suppressed a yawn.



Lance lay on a bunk in his containment cell in the brig. His hands were clasped casually behind his head and he was whistling "Row Row Row your Boat." Over and over.

"Will you please, shut up?" Lieutenant Commander Dorian Gabriel demanded moreso than requested in the nearby cell. It was bad enough that he was confined to a security cell while the Executive Officer conveyed a Kangaroo-Court in his "honor". But he was not going to sit and listen to the pedantic blabbering of any other prisoners.

Lance stopped mid tune, "Ahh some company, so what are you in for?" The surgeon asked.

"He is here because we have laws that must be followed." Lieutenant Trellis stated from the end of the hall.

"Yes, yes, please lecture us Great One. Please tell us of how we are here because we are guilty of crimes against the Federation." Commander Gabriel said from his cell with obvious contempt for the security officer.

"It is that cavalier attitude that landed you in the trouble you are in to begin with Lieutenant Commander. It would be in your best interest to cooperate with the ongoing investigation." He replied.

"Ah, Ive seen you've also met my enthusiastic, if somewhat misguided friend Lieutenant Trellis" Lance said sitting up. " I'm Doctor Lance Murdoch, the new head surgeon around these parts. Lt Trellis here has locked me up for accidentally knocking out an assistant medical officer." Lance smiled as he introduced himself.

"Oh, I'm sorry Doctor. you seem to have me confused with someone who actually gives a damn." Dorian said as he turned in his cell to face the wall. "We all have problems, learn to deal with yours." He said coldly.

Kreallia walked in small strides as she neared the Brig. Indeed this was not the happiest place on the station, nor was it filled with happy go-lucky people just dying to have their session with her. Why did she get all the nut jobs? Approaching the desk of Lieutenant Trellis, she leaned over the ridge of the desk and gave a sigh. "Who's done it this time?" She asked blatantly.

"Nobody" Called out Lance from his cell. "I've been wrongfully imprisoned."

Trellis sighed in frustration. "Pick one. I've got Gabriel as well as Dr. Murdoch. Both of them are in need of a possible lobotomy." Trellis stated.

Since the man in the adjoining cell didn't give a damn, Lance decided he didn't either, so he launched into a fresh chorus of "Row row row your boat" while he waited for the shrink.

"Let me know if you need me to increase the gravity in their cells to hold them down." Trellis added.

Kreallia gave a two finger send off and sighed heavily. "Will do." She said as she pushed her self back from the desk and walked towards the cells that aligned the walls of the hall before her. Arriving at the two cells that housed Commander Gabriel and Doctor Murdoch, giving a brief exhale she put on a sort of annoyed smile and put her hands on her hips. "Who wants to go first?" She asked.

"Why don't you go to hell, with the rest of your kind." Dorian said justifiably angry. He was sitting in this cell under arrest because a Romulan had brought a concocted allegation of murder against him. Any other time he would have dealt with the situation in his own manner, but he was severely restrained due to his current incarceration.

The individual standing before him was probably connected in some fashion. For the time being he needed to find a way to get out to deal with the issue.

Kreallia turned to Lieutenant Trellis. "Can you cut their vocal cords too? Or is that beyond our reach?" She asked.

"If I could, I certainly would." The Trill replied.

"Can't blame a girl for trying." Kreallia sighed, snapping to Dorian she glared at him. "No smart comment from you!" She pointed with a certain 'look', "So I ask again, who wants to go first?" Kreallia said, dogging certain comments made by commander Gabriel, turning to Lieutenant Murdoch she gave a confident sigh and nodded. "And welcome to the nut house to you! You've been assigned to the insane asylum!"

Lance smiled, "You are way to attractive to have to deal with these kinds of problems." He nodded towards Dorian's cell. "Or that kind of attitude for that matter." He stepped forward, up the forcefield so she could get a good look at him. "How about we discuss this over drinks..." he extending his invitation.

"Ha! Not only is he insubordinate, but he's also blind." Dorian couldn't help but comment from his cell. "One Romulan had her family launch and unprovoked attack on the station that killed several citizens, the other one completely betrayed her oath to go run a Space-Trucker company for her grandpa, I'm giddy with anticipation to see how this one is going to reveal her true colors." Dorian continued.

Kreallia hung back for a moment. "Yes I'm very interested in my own motives in just throwing back my cloak of deception and stabbing everyone in the back. I just can't wait for the connection that ties me to murder!" Kreallia said with a false tone of her usual enthusiasm. "Okay, so what did you do?" She said with a nod to Lance.

Lance rubbed his knuckles, "Punched out a trouble maker in the med lab." He replied. He looked back and forth between Kreallia, and the adjoining cell. "We can do this later if I'm intruding on anything here." He winked at Kreallia. "How about you come round to my quarters and I'll make us a nice meal, we can open a bottle of wine and get to know each other properly?"

At that moment, there was an arrival at the Brig entrance as the chime sounded at Trellis' desk.

=^= CMO - Adams requesting access =^= Chelsea spoke into the comm. at the outer doors.

Trellis was trying to ignore the bantering that was going on within the detainment center. He noticed the approaching Doctor and immediately allowed her access. Hopefully she was here to tranquilize everyone so they would shut up.

The door slid open and Chelsea made her way through the 'airlock'-like outer and inner doors approaching Trellis as she arrived inside.

"Thank you Lieutenant." she began. "I'm here to see Lt. Murdoch but first i should like to check on Commander Gabriel."

"You too? Why have those two suddenly become so popular?" Trellis asked. It wasn't everyday that he had so many senior officers in his brig at one time.

"It's simply routine to check on prisoners welfare and medical shape when they have been incarcerated for an extended period, I would be negligent if I didn't drop in on him from time to time." she didn't need to justify her visit, but chose to do so to keep the peace.

Trellis nodded, "Very well."

"I will deal with Murdoch afterwards. Miss t'Jay, if you would be kind enough to excuse us, I should be most grateful if you could resume your counselling sessions on a regular basis. I feel a full course will be necessary in this case." she nodded in acknowledgement as Kreallia made notes on her padd and gave Lance a date and time for his next consultation in the Chief Counsellor's Office.

"Commander? Are you going to allow me to conduct your check-over? Or not?" Chelsea turned to Dorian, having given him a few moments to calm down and think about it.

"Check-over for what? I am not due for a physical and I'm certainly not going to disrobe inside of this cell. Whatever it is you wish to do it will wait until I am released from here." he said definitely.

"It is routine for me to check to see you're being treated well and make sure there are no signs of physical duress" Chelsea stated matter-of-factly. "You do, of course, have the right to decline however i should point out that i would use a scanner and you would not need to undress".

"Fine, make it quick." He stated ruefully.

Having discharged her duty towards Commander Gabriel, Chelsea turned her attention to Lt. Dr. Murdoch. "Alright, Doctor. Apart from breaking your Hippocratic oath to *do no harm* and breaking half the bones in my ACMO's body and breaking every moral code in the Officers' handbook, what other party-pieces do you have up your sleeve?" It was a rhetorical question which she didn't pause to let him answer. "Because, to be perfectly blunt. I am not impressed. My doctors and nurses are not expected to tolerate abuse or violence from the patients or visitors to Sickbay, so why should *you* be an exception to the rule just because you're staff? Quite the contrary, you ought to know better."

Lance met her gaze,without flinching or reacting in any way. "You know your nostrils flare very unattractivly when your'e angry." He commented.

"The relevant point here is this: I will not have my officers, nor any of my staff, resorting to violence to solve, retaliate, start, finish or perpetrate ANY situation inside Sickbay or any part of the base, whilst in uniform and on duty and I shall take the necessary disciplinary action to enforce that, as I have always done, and my predecessors before me." She told him resolutely.

"In case you didn't notice, I'm not in uniform nor was I on duty. I'll remind you that what I do in my own time is my own business." Lance replied non-plusssed.

"What you do in MY sickbay or whilst you are engaged as one of MY medical officers IS my business, Lieutenant. What you do in your own time is only exempt if it doesn't disgrace the department and the Fleet that commissioned you." Chelsea responded with indignation. This man was the limit. He was rude, disruptive, down-right unpleasant and openly disrespectful and derogatory. His behaviour was not fitting of a Starfleet Officer and she was sure he wasn't going to be able to hold onto his Commission much longer at this rate.

"I am not pressing charges this time, and i don't believe that Ben will be either on this occasion, but..... " she took in a significant breath. "However, this IS going on your record as a warning, and if there is any further incidence of any kind, involving you and violent or inappropriate behaviour, I will come down on you like a ton of bricks and this event will rear it's ugly head again to add itself to whatever happens in the future." she made it clear that she was not messing and meant every word.

"So can I go now or what?" Lance replied flippantly.

"Get out of my sight" she growled, hating the way this unpleasant piece of work made her lose her natural serenity and clear head. She promised herself it wouldn't be long before he ceased to shock her and then, once he lost that edge, she would regain her control over her own reactions and the situation as a whole.

"Lieutenant Trellis, please release the Chief Surgeon. The quicker he gets back out there, the faster he'll make more trouble and the sooner the Fleet can be rid of his sorry rear." She said loudly enough for Lance to hear the warning in her words as he left.


A JP Between:

Lt. Cmdr. Chelsea Adams

Lt (JG) Kreallia t'Jay
Chief Counsellor

Lt (JG) Lance Murdoch
Head Surgeon
Deep Space 5


Lieutenant Commander
Dorian Gabriel
Chief of Security