Things Past – A Taste of The Future

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Title   A Taste of The Future
Mission   Things Past
Posted   Thu Mar 21, 2013 @ 1:39am
Location   Starfleet Academy
Timeline   8 years ago.

His body ached. "Maybe I shouldn't be up so late. Cramming does me no good." David said under his breath as he got up from bed. He stepped over to his bathroom and used the sink to wash his face and try to wake himself up. He looked into the mirror and smirked. Starfleet Academy Entrance Exam, this time he has to pass. That psych test is nothing to him now, or was it? David grabbed a quick bite from the replicator and briskly walked out of his parents house. He went over to the local transport for San Francisco. It was a half hour of constant anticipation while he looked out the window, at the other passengers, and looking down. In that order. He did this at least a couple dozen times while he also would intermittently look over some notes on his PADD.

The transport somewhat bumpy and David rushed out in front of the others. Starfleet Academy looked majestic as ever. David walked through the main courtyard and saw all the cadets, officers, a couple admirals, and the infamous Boothby. David didn't have much time to really tour the area. He had the exam to attend to.

He stepped into a room full of young prospective cadets all teeming with anticipation and talking with each other. They compared thoughts on various subjects that were in the test. David sat down near the front row since none of the cadets really wanted the pressure to perform the best if they sat in front.

Dynamic Relationships seemed like kids play since David had such experience with problems sch as these. The cube spun around and round while David slowed down enough to get a perfect score and not try to rush and just pass. He completed among the top quarter of the applicants and readied himself for the other portions.

On hyperspace physics the test was aware of David presence and an interesting question was placed into his exam. Unfair, yes. Yet it was necessary. The question was regarding a transmission being transmitted across hundreds of light years on a subspace frequency that was not being relayed by subspace relay stations. This baffled David. He was last to finish the hyperspace physics section. He barely passed.

The other section of the test proved interesting, but David passed. The last was the psych test.

David stepped out of the room where the major sections of the exam were taken to where he was designated to take the psych portion of the exam. The instructors stated that his test would be "strenuous both physically and mentally". David was worried since he was asked to give auditory consent to the test. They could do pretty much anything to him as long as they didn't harm him in any mortal way.

David went down the corridor to his testing area when the whole building around his lit up. The people around him disappeared and David was all alone. He walked around and tapped comm panels to see if anyone was there. No response. David proceeded to a room. He sat there. "Must be a holodeck of some sort. I was transported here." David concluded.

Time passed. David was able to access the replicators for food and water, nothing else. David's mind was being tested by the idea of no interaction with anyone. The truth was, a week went by. David was still alone. He had ventured out into the city by foot, his feet callused quite badly and he could find no one. Was this really a continuously running holodeck? David's sanity was wearing thin as another week went by and he felt "reality" as he perceived it to set in. He was alone. He was lost. He pointed up at the sky.

"AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" David yelled. His pulse rose as he ran around the city. "Where is everyone?!!!?!!?!?!!?" David exclaimed. David then came to the Golden Gate Bridge. Then he saw it. He looked at the bridge and saw something. David woke up.

David sat up with a apparatus connected to his head. "Ah, Mr. Straggard." A man in a teal Starfleet Uniform greeted him. "Enjoy our neuro interface? We stimulated your sensory perceptions in your subconscious as you were dreaming and made you feel as if you had been in 'San Francisco' for about uh, two weeks?" The doctor tapped a few keys on a PADD and smiled. "Seems you found the glitch. This test was to show that you will be subject to forms of torture like this that far surpass our technologies and can trick the mind into losing its sanity over a short period of time. You just about lost it when you seemed find the glitch. I guess that's a pass for you. Also don't worry about long term effects, they will wear off in a few days."

David got up and walked. His feet felt normal, his body felt fine. He felt just... fine.

"Report next Monday at 0700 hours for orientation." The doctor called out as David left.
