Intermission – Look Who's Coming To Dinner......
by Lieutenant JG Mark Dexter & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Look Who's Coming To Dinner......
Mission   Intermission
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Mark Dexter & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Tue Aug 13, 2013 @ 9:39pm
Location   Sickbay
Timeline   (after the Shiny Things post)
Adam was resetting a bio bed when his attention was drawn to a figure entering sickbay. Something about the older man. Adam tried to get a better look without being obvious about it, but then the doors to Dunham's office opened, and he was out of sight. Adam turned to see River not to far away, so he walked over.

"Did you see that man who just entered the CMO's office?"

"No, who was he?" River looked up. She hadn't spotted any man in particular. "Was it her husband? They say he's the CAG on this base. I wonder what he looks like..... " she grinned conspiratorially, hoping that was who the Mystery Man was going to be.

"I don't think so." Adam answered. "He was older, in his eighties. I didn't get a good look at his face, but he gave me the weirdest sense of deja vu." He paused then, what she said clicking. "She's married?" Why he should find that surprising he wasn't sure, she was a perfectly attractive woman, and what little he knew of her she had a pleasant personality. Perhaps it was just that she was the boss, and it was always difficult to imagine the boss having a life outside of work.

"Men! Course she is. Wedding ring, duh!" River laughed. "AND... " she smirked conspiratorially. "She had kids! Three!!"

"Oh." Adam just gave her a look. "I didn't notice, she's not exactly my type, I wasn't looking." He teased.

Whatever was going on in that office, it happened fast. Soon the elderly gentleman was exiting, and Adam did get a better look, albeit very briefly of his face.

"Shit" He exclaimed. That had been oddly creepy, Adam was pretty sure he just got a glimpse of what his husband might look like in 45 years. Adam hurried to the CMOs office, he had to make sure before he ran off half cocked. He sounded the chime.

As Adam took off, River went after him, confused and trying to ask questions. However as he got to the door of the CMO's office she decided that the best part of valour was living to fight another day and she just stood back, signalling wildly at his back, trying to catch his eye and make a cut-throat motion to try to dissuade him. She didn't know what he was going to do but she had a bad feeling about it, whatever it was. She watched anxiously as the door slid open and he disappeared inside. She moved closer but couldn't see much without making herself visible to the occupant of the office.

Adam was usually more subtle, but once he was in the CMOs office he simply asked outright. "Who was that? The man who just left."

Chelsea normally had her professional *doctors* face ready for anything so very few people at work ever saw a reaction from her face but this was one occasion when she was so surprised at the nature and manner of the intrusion that she gave away an expression of surprise with a slight frown creasing her soft Bajoran ridges in disapproval.

"I'm sorry, Ensign Chase?" she responded, not meaning it as an apology but as an question that said she did not fully understand what he meant by the demand. She was about to tell him that it was none of his business and the he was out of line barging in and speaking to her like that, but something in the alarm in his face and concern in his eyes made her stop and wait for his reply.

Adam immediately apologized. "I'm sorry Commander. But please, who was the man who just left?" Adam still couldn't keep the worry out of his tone, but he hoped his deja vu and gut were wrong.

"My instinct is to tell you that's not your concern but I know your husband's name is Dexter, from your file. That man was Dr Dexter who has come to see me on a professional matter. Do you believe there is a connection or did you recognise him? I take it if you didn't know his name, there must be some resemblance? It can't have been curiosity or you wouldn't look so intensely concerned to know about the visitor?" Chelsea was thinking out loud, which was seldom a good idea but sometimes it wasn't possible to try the possibilities without voicing them and seeing what the other person's reaction would be.

"Thank You." Well Adam had his deju vu settled. He'd been right. "I saw the resemblance." Adam quickly replied. "I need to take my lunch." Ok, it was a poor cover up story, but Adam wasn't about to let Mark run into his father without any warning.

Chelsea could tell which of her assumptions and questions had hit the mark, as it were. (although she did not spot the irony of the use of that word, given Adam's husband's first name).

"Very well, Mister Chase, dismissed." she replied, allowing him to go.

Adam about faced and hurried out of Dunham's office. "I'll talk to you later River." He gave River a smile, but he wasn't very good at faking them. His mind was obviously elsewhere.

River watched Adam go and turned to return to her work. She wasn't going to ask if Adam wasn't offering the information, he clearly didn't want to talk about it right now.

Ens Adam Chase


Lt (jg) River Danar
Medical Officer
(NPC by jools)