Judgement – First Meeting
by Cardassian Glen Sulla Parek & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   First Meeting
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Cardassian Glen Sulla Parek & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Sat Jan 15, 2011 @ 11:47pm
Location   Cardassian Consulate
Timeline   current

Parek made his way back up to the Promenade Deck, and used his PaDD to search for the Cardassian Consulate. He found it in short order as he wended his way through the crowds. The section the Consulate inhabited was rather quieter than the other quarters here. Stood to reason, given their reputation.

Entering the Consulate was like coming home. Dimly-lit, dark panelling on the walls. And the temperature set to a comfortable level. Nodding to himself in approval, Parek made his way to the main desk. The reception was a fairly Spartan affair, little comfort would be given to those who visited. It was as if someone had taken the typical idea of a Cardassian and had pushed it to its limit.

'Sulla Parek, the new Ambassador's Aide,' he said to the person sitting at the desk. 'My credentials.' They nodded, clearly uninterested in him. Parek carried on, 'check that the Vi'kar Gul is in. I would like to meet him as soon as possible and begin my work.' He fell into his native tongue with ease, adopting the tone and manner of one speaking to his inferiors. It would do well to establish a reputation with those beneath him, if only to make things run more smoothly.

The receptionist nodded, and sent a message through to Getal. Sent along with some instructions, Parek found the door to his office. He pressed the chime and waited outside patiently, calming his mind and placing himself in the right frame for meeting his superior. A mistake here could cost him dearly further on in his future.


Tharek was sat as usual. Sat back in the darkness, the only clearly visible part of him being his hands and forehead crest. "Come." He said with a voice that broke the silence, and filled the room.

Walking over the threshold, Parek felt a chill run up and down his spine. The ominous lack of light and the stuffy atmosphere caused great apprehension in him. Having the man set in shadows did not play well on his mind. He sensed that Getal could be a very real danger to him if Parek did not get the measure of him.

He inclined his head before snapping into a crisp Cardassian salute. 'Vi'kar Gul Getal, it is an honour to finally meet you in person. I am Glen Sulla Parek, your replacement Aide.' He spoke in the appropriate Cardassian tone of deference and respect. He raised his PaDD. 'My transfer orders, sir.'

"Glen. I assume you know what this posting requires?" Before Sulla could answer, Getal piped in again. "It requires you to trust me. If I tell you something, it is the truth. If I ask you to do something, it is for the truth. Understand?"

'Indeed, Vi'Kar Gul. Your word is truth, and my place is to facilitate you in spreading that truth,' Parek kept his tone deferential. The Gul's words were hardly a manual as to how the Cardassian wanted him to assist in the smooth-running of the Consulate or how he should manage his personal diary.

"Good, you're quicker than the previous aide. You'll do fine, as long as you know and respect rules and loyalty."

Parek inclined his head once more and saluted, 'Cardassia teachers her sons well about loyalty and respect, Vi'Kar Gul. You have only to ask, and I shall obey.' He knew of the man's reputation, an anachronism, a throwback to an earlier age, but he could not ignore his duty - or his own personal safety. Parek had to swear unquestioning fealty.

"I like you Glen," Tharek sat back in his chair and eased up his 'boss' image. "computer, increase lighting to Cardassian preferences." The room filled with a dim light, and Getal's face, scar and all, was revealed. Smiling.

'You do me great honour,' replied Parek, acknowledging the compliment as the lighting increased. Given the Cardassian's rank and his age, and what he had heard about from people around the station - mostly Commander Dunham, he was mostly unsurprised that Getal sported a scar proudly. 'If I may, Vi'Kar Gul, what shall my specific duties be? My transfer notes were rather ... nebulous ... and I merely ask to be able to fulfil my duties to my utmost.'

"Your duties are to assist me in my business as much as possible. You are to manage the minor paperwork, freeing up the receptionist a little. Oh, and Sulla," Tharek adressed him by his first name, a rarity for new staff. "I reward initiative greatly. I also punish for disappointment greatly though. Is that clear Glen?"

'A man in your position should demand only the best, Vi'Kar Gul,' said Parek, glad that his assignment was more concrete - though not by much. The assignment his superior had given him had quite broad parameters. His fear now was to become entangled in some plot or game or other that Getal might conceive. He had high hopes of his assignment here in the Federation, and did not want to jeopardise it. A careful game would have to be played.

"Good. You may leave at your leisure, Glen Parek. Talk to the other staff, mainly the senior Cardassian officers. Lemat and Sotar for the time being. They'll get you in and ready to work as soon as possible."

'Your will be done,' said Parek, still stood in the position he had been in since entering the room. He was relieved that the meeting was coming to an end. Getal was, to be frank, an intimidating person, and he had no wish to cross him, even after this brief interlude. He turned on a heel, and exited the office.

A Joint Post By:

Glen Sulla Parek
Ambassador's Aide

Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Ambassador