Beg, Steal or Borrow – Recovery
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Ryan Milarno

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Title   Recovery
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Ryan Milarno
Posted   Sat Aug 29, 2009 @ 2:17am
Location   Sickbay
Timeline   SD11 - 02:00 to 05:30
CPO Ed McBain had just fallen asleep at last. He'd done a lot of extra shifts lately, trying to help Chelsea cover for Ryan and he knew the Show was tonight so he'd offered to cover the shift so that she could go and see it. He'd not been off duty long, Ryan having come in with his dancer friend injured and as Ed had worked all day, he left his perfectly capable CMO to sort it all out.

Ed was awoken by his comm badge bleeping the emergency tone. =^= McBain =^= was his urgent reply

=^= Ed? =^= the anxious voice of Sally enquired, sounding uncharacteristically afraid of something.

=^= Sal? What's wrong? =^= Ed leapt out of bed and pulled on his clothes as she replied.

=^= Ed you have to come, I'm sorry - It's Ryan.... he says not to send for Chelsea but he's in a bad way, please come right away. =^=

Ed was half out of the door clipping on his comm badge as he ran. He was in Sickbay in seconds.

Sally ran over to him and tugged him into the office. There on the floor was Ryan in a real mess. His face was a mass of blood and cuts and was visibly swelling with massive bruising. He lolled unconscious as Ed walked in and leapt forward to catch him.

"Ryan?" Ed picked the CMO up under his shoulders and Sally picked up his legs, one of which came up at a violent angle. "oh my god" she breathed, trying not to let go in shock as they got Ryan onto a biobed and into stasis as Ed began his long job of repairing the mangled mess.

Several gruelling hours later Ed had patched up his friend and CMO into a semblence of his former self and had administered pain killer so he could bring him round.

"So, what's all this about, Ry?" he asked as soon as Milarno's eyes fluttered open.
Normally, Ed's rank would demand that he address Ryan as Lieutenant or Doctor but this wasn't a time for formality or a report would have had to have been logged. Ed had an idea that mightn't be a good idea. Brawling was a disciplinary offence, especially on duty.

Ryan attempted to sit up slowly. "I into some trouble...I didn't help much though, I wanted a fight, and I gave him one" Ryan replied and once he stopped he eventually made eye contact.

Ed was shaking his head. "LIE DOWN" he commanded in his fiercest voice - the one he *never* used. The shock reaction of revealing this weapon usually took down any resistance.

Ryan had never heard Ed speak like that and he was quite shocked. "Ok...ok..." Ryan replied quietly and lay down.

"Thank you" Ed returned to his normal voice.

"I have just reconstructed almost every part of you!" he explained "You're the doctor, you *know* how much care you're going to have to take not to mess that back up"

"Well yeah I do but when people get on the wrong side of me then they have to be careful..." Ryan stopped and realised what he had just said. "That's bad isn't it..." he sighed.

Ed nodded, one eyebrow raised.

"What can I say?" he answered "You just said it all for yourself, didn't you? if you redamage any of my fine work here, I will personally send for Chelsea and tell her everything. Deal?"

Ryan nodded. "Yeah...Deal...thankyou Ed...could you do me one favour though?" Ryan asked.

"Depends Chief... what'd that be?" Ed hedged, wondering what he was going to be asked.

Ryan wasn't expecting himself to ask this. "Could you arrange a counselling session with Lieutenant Kasikova please?"

"Sure Boss" Ed replied, relieved it was something simple and neutral he was being asked for. "But you might want to make the arrangements for yourself so the timing fits? I'd probably book you in right in the middle of something important".

"Yeah, yeah of're right...I'll do that...everythings such a mess" he sighed and shook his head.

"Nothing's so bad we can't fix it. Isn't that what we medical types do? Fix things?" Ed replied.

"It is" he smiled slightly. "How long till Chelsea is due in?" he wondered.

"She starts at 09:00" Ed replied.

"A little while then..I should rest're a medical type..." Ryan smirked. "I know what your going to say"

"Hell yeah!" Ed gave Ryan his best serious look, one eyebrow raised. "And if you don't, cos I know you Medical Types!, I have this... and I'm not afraid to use it.... DOCTOR!" Ed laughed, holding up a hypospray and a phial of sedative to make his point.

Ryan chuckled. "You won't need too, don't worry...Thankyou" Ryan gave him a serious look, a thankyou for everything, not reporting the incident and for not informing Chelsea.

"No worries" Ed replied, patting his friend's shoulder. ~state she's been in lately, i don't think she could handle this.. it'd break her~ he thought but didn't say it.

"Just take it easy, ok?" he said instead.

Ryan nodded. "I will" he replied with a smile.

Just at that moment, Nora, who had woken and wandered to find Ryan, appeared at the doorway of the sideroom he was in

"Ryan?" she was alarmed to find him on the bed, clearly a patient too. "What happened? Are you hurt?" she hurried to his side, took his hand in hers and gazed intently into his face, frantic with worry and trying to work out what had happened before he had chance to reply.

Ed was uncomfortable with this, being such a close friend of both Ryan and Chelsea and having been almost a part of their relationship as it had developed from the day she first arrived and had to turn to Ed to explain why Ryan was ripping lumps out of her, so to speak.

He'd watched them discover they were in love, smiled to see their bright, bubbly young love grow, worried when they'd hit rocky patches, been filled with pride as they'd overcome their problems each time and lately... It had been hard on Ed, keeping Chelsea from the edge. She was exhausted, stressed, unhappy and in pain and now, here was the reason for all that, gazing at Ryan the same way Chelsea did that first day. Ed didn't know what to say or do, so he left the room and walked the corridors for 5 minutes.

Nora didn't even see Ed. All she had eyes for was Ryan. She had a feeling, a bad feeling, about why he was on the bed. "Ryan?" he hadn't answered her so she whispered his name again.

Ryan looked at her. "I was hurt...I'm ok now though..." he said as he re-adjusted his pillow. "I was in the cargo bay checking the medical inventory and I fell from the upper level..." he stopped and realised that didn't sound plausible and hoped she didn't click on. "I'm fine though" he smiled a little, lying. "Seriously don't worry" he smiled again.

Nora was too worried to work it out. "Oh God Ryan... and I slept through it? I can't believe it! How *could* I? What sort of friend am I?" she was beside herself.

"You're a good's not your fault" he told her. "'s your leg?" he asked.

"What leg?" she smiled.

Ryan smiled. "I take it, everythings fine then?"

"I can't think about me.. i'm so worried about you" she picked up his hand and put it to her lips. Then she remembered she wasn't supposed to do things like that and she dropped it back to the bed again, blushing. "Can't go losing dancing partners, they're not 10 a penny you know.. not the good ones!" she laughed it off.

Ryan knew what she felt, and he watched as she raised his hand close to her mouth. After the kiss, he couldn't help but know. But he laughed aswell. "Nahhh I'm not that good..."

~Oh my god you so are!~ she thought. She smiled weakly, desperately glad he wasn't a betazoid. "You're being modest as always, but I know." she said.

Ryan lay back. "I know too..." he said absent mindedly. "I mean erm..." he laughed. "Ignore me I'm still drugged up a bit..." ~God I'm so stupid, I'm gonna give it away that I know she kissed me if I don't shut up! Jeez! ~ He cursed himself silently.

Nora was too absorbed in her own slip to notice his. "I should let you rest. I'll leave you now and see you in the morning. Sleep well, sweet dreams" she said, tempted to lean in and kiss him goodnight but managed to resist. She waved a little tiny awkward wave, blew a nonchalant kiss from the doorway and vanished.

Ryan lay and just stared at the ceiling for a while, he began to think about recent events and his thoughts shifted to Nora, he couldn't help it. A few minutes later he drifted off to sleep.

A JP Between:

Lt Ryan Milarno



CWO Eleanora Martin
Science Officer - DS5


CPO Ed McBain
Nurse - DS5

Played by Chelsea