Database: USS Benazir Bhutto Deck Listing:

Deck 1 - Bridge, Turbolift, Briefing Room, Ready Room, Escape pods

Deck 2 – Diplomatic facilities, conference rooms (2), Observation Lounge, VIP/Guest Quarters, Captains Quarters, Mess Hall, Transporter Room 1, Storage, Escape Pods, Dorsal Main Phaser Emitters (P/S)

Deck 3 Science Lab, Main Sickbay, Security Office/Brig, Armory, Brig, Main Deflector Control, Torpedo Launch Bay Main Shuttlebay, Flight Control, Main Computer Core, Executive Officer's Office/Quarters, Senior Officers' Quarters

Deck 4 Main Engineering, Dilithium Reaction Chamber, Chief Engineer's Office, Cargo Transporters Aft Saucer Phaser Emitters (P/S), Aft Ship Phaser Emitters (P/S), Ventral Main Phaser Emitters (P/S), Ventral Sensor Dome, Transporter Room 2, Torpedo Magazine, Torpedo Loading Mechanism, Warp Core Ejection Systems, and Anti-Matter Pod Ejection Systems, Phaser Emitter, Tractor Beam Systems,

Decks 5, 6 and 7 Decks 7, 6, and 5 make up the connecting struts between the primary and secondary hulls. They contain turboshafts, fuel lines for the warp drive and Jefferies tubes. They also contain a number of power and information transfer conduits. Deck 5 houses the ship's impulse engines.

Deck 8 - Deuterium Storage, Secondary Computer Core, Fuel Monitoring Station

Deck 9 – Probe Control Room, Docking ports (port and starboard), Docking port staging area, EVA Lockers, Storage, Crew Quarters

Deck 10 – Crew Quarters, Secondary Mess/Galley, Escape pods

Deck 11 – Main deflector control, Lower Cargo Bay/transporter, Cargo Bay doors, Aft Senors

Decks 12/13 Not tall enough to be full decks, Deck 12 and 13 contains the tractor beam, deflectors, transporter emitters, plus a number of support systems for use in the lower hull. These can be accessed by a series of Jeffries Tubes. It is not accessible by turbolift.

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