Interlude – Apology
by Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Apology
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Tue Sep 07, 2010 @ 7:13pm
Location   Promenade
Timeline   SD30

Jana had returned to her quarters with her lilies. The conversation she had with Alison. Perhaps she should go to Krem and apologise. She arranged the flowers in a vase leaving one out. She quickly changed her clothes so she was wearing her favourite black tank top and dark blue jeans. She had curled her hair earlier that day and had partially put it up. As she was leaving Jana weaved the stargazer in her hair.

She wondered where she could find Krem and decided to try the last place they were. She took her time wondering through the lounges and shops finally spotting him. He looked said and Jana was sure that at least part of it was her fault. "Is this seat taken?" She asked quietly.

"Yeah sure." said the Ferengi, eating the last of his razor toothed gree worms, wiping his face with his napkin, and putting said napkin onto the table. "I was just going anyway." He brushed himself down, and got up to go. Pushing his chair back as he did so.

"Krem...please...I came to apologise for my behaviour...I'm sorry. Please dont go."

He held both his hands up, palms flat towards Kasikova. "You know what it doesn't'll just walk off again anyway." The ferengi winced at his own words, realising instantly after he had said them that it was quite harsh.

"It might happen again." Jana said truthfully. "I am sorry Krem, please..."

Krem was taken back a little by her honest answer, but it didn't quite make sense to him. He still stood at his end of the table hands helds protectively arount the rail of the chair that guarded his front. "So let me get this straight." said the Ferengi with a confuses frown. "You want me to stay and listen to your apology, even though at any moment you may walk off again......Lady you're confusing, are all human femal's like you?"

"I am sure human males say the same thing. I am sorry for storming off...friends?" She asked and put out her hand.

The Ferengi looked at the held out hand. His grip tightened around the chair that he stood behind protectively. His lips were pursed together in thought. He wanted to say that she had dis-honoured him with her actions, but couldn't as she probably wouldn't understand. Know one ever did. He instead shook head slowly from side to side. "No" his voice was thoughtful and slightly sad.

Jana pulled away her hand, "then let's start over shall we and perhaps grow to be friends. I promise to do my best not to walk...or rather storm off anymore."

"Nah, you know what, I think I'll quit while I'm ahead. And now its my turn to walk away. I've learnt allot from this little fiasco, one being never let Rick set me up on a blind date, and avoid the opposite gender for a little bit longer....Thank you for the experience. I'll catch you later."

"Do you want to know why I walked away before you throw away any chance at anything...even friendship?" She said quietly taking hold of his arm.

The Ferengi looked down at her hand around his arm and pulled away. "No I don't.....what you think you your the only one who's damaged.....the only one who has a history that my invoke an emotional response.....well your not, but the rest of us have come to terms with it, now if you will excuse me. Good day Lieutenant."

"I never thought that Krem, weren't you the one that said to give everyone a second chance?." She said as she watched him walk off. Jana knew she would get an earful from Rick as soon as Krem talked to him. She cringed, she wasn't looking forward to that.

Krem stopped in his tracks, he knew she was right. He turned to face her. He had a tired smile on his face, He was exhausted from the argument and his shoulders were slumped. But the smile was golden. "Ok. You can buy me a drink...."

"Deal." She smiled and waved over a waiter before taking her seat. After the drinks were ordered she placed her hands on the table, resting her damaged wrist ontop of her other hand. She hoped the painkillers would keep working until she and Krem parted ways. "What happened shouldn't of happened and I am sorry. Seeing Rick again brought back emotions that I thought were long dead for him and it just complicated my life. I am even friends with Chelsea and she knows about he and I. I will simply have to learn to care for him as a friend is all." She smiled sadly.

"Ok" said the Ferengi in a confused tone, not really sure what to say and wandering why she was telling him these things. She certainly liked to share her problems.

"I am just telling you that is why I walked off. After drinks did you want to see what I am working on in the lab?" She asked quickly changing the subject.

"Ok, back up a sec, so let me get this straight, you have on purposely inserted your self in their lives.....isn't that a little selfish?" The Ferengi frowned, their was no malcontent in his words he just didn't understand the social dynamic. What he was beginning to understand was the reason why Rick had not chased after her when they had broke up. Because she probably would of run away. This women was very very complicated.

"I did not purposely insert myself in their lives. He and I had met once before on this station and I didn't think that I would really see him again, at least not on a regular basis. He waved me down when we both happened to be in the promenade, he didn't remember me and I really didn't want to open any old wounds. I told him though when he said that I looked familiar to him and we sorted our differences out. After I stormed off on you I went to the holodeck and went riding, I had to work things out in my head. I turned the safety protocols off and when the horse reared up I fell off, breaking my wrist in four places. Chelsea was the doctor that attended me. She knows that he and I dated 11 years ago and she is ok with that. We are to go out for coffee later tonight and talk things out...she and I also talked about you. I told her how I screwed things up and how I wanted to apologise...but I didn't think you would accept it. These...feelings that I have are from when I was an 18 year old girl...He was my first love and so he will always have a special place in my heart. I don't want to hurt either one of them...or you."

"Ok let me get this straight," said the ferengi rubbing his frontal lobe in concentration. "Even though Rick wasn't aware of who you were, you told him anyway......then you went on to go and tell Chelsea who you are as well. Talk about sowing the seeds of doubt."

"He asked and I told him, I am not going to lie and it wasn't like I purposedly went to Chelsea to tell her. She and I got talking and now she knows. It was a long long time ago." Her instincts were telling her to walk away, that nothing good could come of her talking thim. Was she really a horrible person wanting to keep Rick in her life...and now Chelsea? She had become friends with Rick and she hoped that she would become friends with Chelsea. She was lonely aboard the space station...perhaps she was selfish....

"Yeah.....but you didn't have to tell her, but you did anyway, and now a woman who was happily engaged is now going to have this nagging doubt at the back of her head about her husband to be, and his faithfulness to her, because she's thinking that he never actually broke up with you it was all just a big that was never really resolved."

Everything in Jana was telling her to run but she stayed in her seat, she was near tears as she spoke. "I told her why we broke up and that I never had any intention of getting back together with him. They belong together, I told her about you and that you but know that after everything that I have said and me walking off the way I did we probably wouldn't be anything but friends....if that." Silent tears ran down her cheeks, how could she hurt Rick and Chelsea like that. She wiped the tears away and quietly sniffled. "I am sorry, to everyone. It would of been wrong to me to lie to Rick and to Chelsea. I couldn't be a friend to her and not tell her that Rick and I hadn't been together. How would that make me and Rick look? Then there would the doubt in her mind."

The Ferengi shrugged nonchalantly. "I'll guess we will never know now....." The Ferengi looked about the room, wandering if anyone was staring. If their was one thing in this galaxy that he didn't handle well it was a crying women. He reached into his pocket and pulled put a blue hanky. "Here" he said passing her the soft blue material. "Look I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings....but I'm just saying that from the outside looking in, this whole thing is a little messed up, and it all seems to orbit around you."

She accepted the hanky quietly. "Of course it orbits around me...trouble always does, it has since I was small. I am glad I didn't lie to them though. I think that would of made things a lot worse."

The large lobed eared alien took a sip of his drink. "Ok. If you say so." He took another large swig of his drink. He didn't know what to make of this science officer. "So what now?"

"For who? You and me? or me, Rick and Chelsea?" She asked sipping her own drink.

Krem waved his hand in the general direction of Jana's head while he spoke. "Ok look lets make one thing clear, I think you still have allot of feelings and emotions that you need to sort out about Rick and this whole Rick and Chelsea thing. So until you figure out what's going on in that head of yours, their is no you and me."

Jana nodded, "Yes I realise that Krem, at least we could be friends couldn't we? I am trying to work out the feelings that I have. I know now that they are old feelings for him, I was 18 years old and I know that he and I could only ever be friends. I could never hurt Chelsea that way. It was done to me once and I don't ever want to put someone through that."

"I'm hearing a lot about you, from you....and I'm beginning to think you have a pretty self centred approach to this entire situation. Ok, I mean none of this Rick and Chelsea thing is about you....its about them. So at this point in time, no we're not going to be friends, not until you figure out all these old feelings and emotions. I'm sorry."

Jana nodded, "I am sorry you feel that way but I see your point." She said taking the last sip of her drink and put her glass back on the table. "Well, next time you are on the station come down to the lab...perhaps I will be working on something that interested you." She smiled softly. Jana hoped one day she and Krem would be friends.

"Maybe." The Ferengi swig the last of his drink and got up to go. "Here's looking at you kid" he said with a smile, as he walked off.

Jana sighed and let a small smile creep across her face as she watched Krem walk away, he had quoted her favourite old movie. Jana remained in her seat and watched the people walk by the Promenade reflecting on everything that was said.


Lt Krem
NPC'd By Dunham


Lt. (JG) Jana Kasikova
Alien Archaeologist and Anthropologist