Cascade – First Contact
by Arrival Sarish Anjar & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   First Contact
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Arrival Sarish Anjar & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Thu Feb 14, 2013 @ 6:43am
Location   CO's Office
Timeline   SD 70 1830

The reports were still coming in. It was one of the rare occasions that Tasha felt she had to stay in her office and be attentive to the needs of the staff and personnel on the station, after such a traumatic event as the explosion. She had still not had word as to the condition of the Cardassian ambassador, Getal but knew that sickbay would her inform as soon as they knew themselves.
She had deemed it necessary to have the central security department on the Promenade ask some of the newer tenement owners to call upon her of needed as she glanced idly out onto the operations area from her vantage point above but not really watching, nor concentrating.

Sarish wasn't sure why the Captain wanted to see him. He was certain that he had dotted all the "i"s and dotted all the "t"s and there was nothing wrong with his paperwork and he doubted that his record had been leaked. More than likely it was just a routine meet and greet. He had been through plenty of them over the years, this one should be no different.

There seemed to be an unusual amount of activity, but that was probably just his imagination.

He found his way to the office, thanks to the computer and pressed the chime.

The sound of her chime made her jump slightly as she had not heard footfall or breath, signs that someone was approaching her open doored office.
She placed the cooling cup of tea on the small ledge of the window and turned, easing around to see who was calling upon her.

A young man, appearing to be early to late thirties with a head of jet black hair.

"Come in." She beckoned to the man as she hastily eased herself around the desk that served as the barrier between them that offered her little safety if attacked.

"Good afternoon," He said politely. "I am Sarish Anjar, I am the owner of the new restaurant Endeavors. I just arrived and they told me that you wanted to meet with me."

The captain shook her head as she pulled back her chair. "Not see you per se, but anyone who had any issues after the event of this afternoon." She advised as settled into the seat. "What establishment is yours?" She enquired with an easiness to her voice.

"Endeavors, and I'm sorry. I missed the excitement. I've only just arrived. What are you talking about. What happened?"

Tasha shook her head dismissively, thinking the less said the better, especially to a Bajoran regarding an attack on the Cardassian Ambassador. "Nothing that would give raise to a major concern, station troubles, that's all." She said hoping that Sarish had neither seen the aftermath or heard the reasons to the to the damage done to the Embassy, especially as she had heard little herself. "So, Endeavours, what sort of premises is it. Cafe, restaurant thought the names suggests something a little more adventurous." She smiled.

Indeed he had not heard or seen anything about the attack, nor did he know that the man who had once tried to kill him, well one of them anyway, there was a rather extensive list had been severely wounded. If the had, his spirits may have been uplifted even more than they were.

"Actually a fairly unique concept. Two stories. The top story is a kind of neighborhood bar with live entertainment and some specialized equipment. The bottom story is the restaurant itself. It's going to have real, fresh, food, cooked, not replicated on a daily basis. And what really makes it unique is that each table or booth becomes a mini-holodeck. You won't be able to get into a fight at a Klingon bar, but if you want to dine at the Eiffel Tower, the Swiss Alps or the Vulcan desert you can do so."

~Two for the price of one ~ Tasha thought mindfully.
"That certainly is unique, in as much as a bar and restaurant goes." She mused, thinking more of the time of establishment that fronted for another, like that of Xenologist, Kaia.
"I must admit you make it sound so appealing, that a small restaurant can give you the fell of somewhere completely different. How does that affect those around you though, or more to the point, your waiters?" She enquired genuinely interested on the science behind the plans and how others would interact.

"Well the food is delivered to the tables from the kitchen, on what in simplistic terms could be described as conveyor belts. and comes up through the table itself. Then holographic images much like the medical EMH 'serve' the food."

Tasha nodded, understanding what Sarish was explaining to her.
"It sounds very interesting. Are there any limitations?" She enquired casually. "For instance, could one use any holo image to use as a template to act as a guest in any location at the table?"

"Pretty much. We have a number of locations pre-programmed. Others can be added pretty much at will. Though again we're just talking about locations. If they want to eat among cavorting pirates it won't be too life like."

"I should imagine there would be little space to allow for that sort of thing around a dinner table. And for the Captain?" She posed the question without actually asking it nor explaining what it was she meant but there was a glimmer in her eye.
Tasha rose from her chair, feeling secure enough to leave the barrier of her desk. "I am sure that it will be a huge success. When will it be ready to receive guests?" She enquired as she perched herself on the desks edge.

"I am planning the grand opening for two days from now, which means I will probably get very little sleep, and for you ma'am, you will be my guest. A VIP treatment all on the house. Perhaps we should even dine together. Dance too if you are so inclined."

Tasha felt herself blush at the suggestion if dancing and immediately slipped off the desk and turned away and chuckled loudly to disguise her embarrassment.
Her question had not been lost on the Bajoran, "I am afraid I don't dance." She admitted as her voice trailed off slightly. "Two right feet." She added is if to support her declination.

With her back still to Sarish, she tugged downward on her tunic with one hand and ran her other through her hair, bringing herself back to face her visitor as she straightened her fringe.

"And if you are opening tomorrow night, I am afraid it clashes with a prior engagement but if I get the chance, I may drop in to wish you luck."

He cocked his head to one side, studying her. "Well, I understand your schedule as to the dancing, well I'm not likely to take first place in a contest, but I am pretty good. Perhaps I can teach you sometime. A woman as beautiful as you should know how. If you're interested."

Tasha dipped her head at the compliment and took it face value, no come on, but a genuine offer.

"I may take you up on that offer!" She smiled as she rose from her seat, "but all I can do for now, if there is nothing further I can help with, is to wish you the very best of luck on Deep Space five." She extended her hand to the Bajoran.

"Thank you, indeed it was a pleasure meeting you Captain, I look forward to a long stay here on Deep Space Five. A long and profitable time that is.

Tasha shook her head. "The pleasure was all mine." She smiled.


Captain Tahir


Sarish Anjar
Owners Endeavors