Judgement – Vain? Maybe. Shallow? ...
by (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Vain? Maybe. Shallow? ...
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Sat Jun 18, 2011 @ 6:00pm
Location   Holodeck 12B
Timeline   SD38 - 14:00hrs

"In for your last shot, Emily?" Kaelin asked the young girl that walked into Pediatrics. She didn't answer, simply moving over to the biobed and pulling herself up to sit on it.

"How are you feeling today? Looking forward to finally seeing the counselor?" he asked, trying to get to girl to talk, even though he knew she wouldn't. She hadn't talked since the attack on DS5. Pushing the hypo against her neck, he injected her with the proper medicine before helping her off the bed.

"Your mom said she can't make it today, so I'll have to take you to therapy, okay?"

Telling the nurse he'd be back in half an hour, Kaelin led the teenager to the turbolift which deposited them on the holodeck levels of the base. Checking her sheet to see which holodeck he was supposed to take her to, the Deltan continued to walk with her until they reached the proper number. He pressed a button on the panel, alerting the group inside of their arrival.

The doors opened, revealing several people in Meidcal blue, several anxious parents, and several withdrawn looking children, sitting round a bright colourful room full of soft lights, soft cushions and soft edges. And one young man in operations yellow.

Audrey Ilashuoe Ahaefvthe

He didn't appear to have noticed Kaelin.

A nurse came over to him, "Hello Emily!" she said to the little girl keeping a tight hold on kaelin's hand. "Thank you doctor, How's she doing?"

"She's doing fine," Kaelin said, slightly absentminded as he watched Lash, wondering what he was doing there. Then, realising it was a bit rude, he turned back to the nurse and smiled her kindly. "Emily is okay, she's still a little scared, but she'll be perfectly fine," he said soothingly, looking kindly at the young teenage girl. "This is Amanda, Emily," he told her softly. "She's going to take care of you for the next hour. Is that okay?" he asked, moving to pull his hand away, but her grip tightened, the girl looking up at him with pleading eyes.

"You want me to stay?" he asked and she nodded shyly. Kaelin smiled, "Okay, I'll stay with you," he said, making a note to alert Medical that he'd have to be absent for a bit longer.

"Thats okay," The Nurse said, "It takes a while to get rid of some of the parents." And she was right, each set of parents was being caferully and considerately extracted from their offspring, and slowly herded out, and more than one child then attached themselves to Lash as a substitute. THe nurse looked down at Emily. "Want to come help me rescue Lash in a minute?"

Emily looked up at Kaelin. "It's okay. Lash is nice, I promise," Kaelin assured her with a smile. She nodded to the nurse, but still didn't let go.

"Oh he's more than nice," the nurse admitted to Kaelin before turning back to EMily "Don't leave it to long, honey, you know what Petra and Jelina are like."

Emily nodded. It took several more minutes before the teenage girl finally let go of the doctor and took the nurse's hand. Kaelin watched then walk away and decided to stick around a bit longer. To give Emily some moral support, of course. Yes, that was definitely it. It had nothing to do with his curiosity about what Lash was doing here. Certainly not.

The nurse left Emily trying to pick up both of the younger children crowding Lash, who by now was rolling on the floor letting them climb all over them.

"He's good with the kids," the nurse observed.

Kaelin smiled at the younger man's antics. "Yeah, he is," he admitted, surprise evident in his voice. "How long has he been working here?" he asked the nurse, knowing that the program had been active for a few years.

"Oh, about a year. He comes down three times a week normally, more if he gets us as part of his regular duties on the holodeck."

"Really?" Kaelin asked rhetorically, looking back at Lash talking to some of the kids. He couldn't help but be surprised at the self described "vain and shallow" young man doing something as selfless as volunteering to help traumatized minors like this.

"Yes, he's been an absolute godsend. Means we can run extra sessions without having to pester operation too much."

"That's great," he nodded. Watching Emily getting more involved with the other children, he smiled. "I have to go now. Emily's mother will be by to pick her up, okay?" he told the nurse, giving her arm a light squeeze. "I'll see you at working tomorrow," he told her sweetly. "Bye." Before leaving, Kaelin looked over at Lash again, finally catching his eye.

The holotech looked surprised to see him, and then looked away, and Kaelin thought he saw him smile. He smiled back involuntarily, feeling a warm tingling inside him as he watched Lash go back to giving his attention to a little boy pointing something out to him on the wall.

"I'm sorry Doctor Niers, we need to get started." The nurse said, trying not to smile herself as she saw the exchange of glances.

"Of course. I'll see you. Bye bye," he told her, giving her a small wave before starting to leave. He tripped a bit on a toy as he looked over at Lash while walking, and gave an awkward laugh before finally leaving.


A Jp between

Ensign Kaelin Niers
Clinical Pathology Resident
NPC by Maja


Crewman Lash
NPC by Notty