Time is Fleeting – Discovered, Lost and Found
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Discovered, Lost and Found
Mission   Time is Fleeting
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Wed Sep 30, 2009 @ 7:15am
Location   Quarters/Promenade
Timeline   BACKPOST: SD11 - 21:30hrs to late

They wer both lying on the sofa in the throes of passion and kissing each other deeply. They were so lost in the moment of new love that neither of them was aware of how long they'd been there until Dunham stopped suddenly and looked into Chelsea's deep eyes.

"It's getting late" he said.

"Oh, Kim?" she asked, guessing his thought path.

Reluctantly disentangling herself Chelsea let Dunham stand up and as he offered her his hand to pull her up too she took it and rose, ending up standing very close to him, almost in his arms where she desperately wanted to stay, but knew she couldn't for a while until Kim was safely restored.

"She should have been back by now. Rick you... we.... have to go look for her. There can be some pretty weird people out there when it gets late." she stated, expanding on the thought she guessed he would be having.

Dunham sighed softly. "Yeah I guess your right" he said with a slight tone of worry in his voice. "We should go and look for her"

Picking up the comm badge she had placed on the side with the little Spitfire she had admired, Chelsea slipped her hand into Rick's and squeezed it.

"She'll be fine, don't worry. We'll find her having a great time, giving as good as she gets." She tried to be reassuring but she could hear how ambiguously that sounded and wished she had a better talent for saying the right thing, instead of the wrong one half the time.

Dunham smiled without a word and they headed out of his quarters still holding hands.

As they walked to the Promenade Chelsea bubbled over with happiness, chattering about what had happened today and asking all sorts of questions about Rick's day. When they got there, they started with the lowest level of the shopping and leisure sections and worked their way around, shop by shop.

After a while Chelsea shrugged. "We're going to be all night at this rate. I wish I'd given her my comm badge. What if we split up. That might help cover more ground? I'll start with the next level up" she looked up at the gallery above them.

Dunham scratched the stubble on his chin in thought. "good Idea. I'll carry on looking around on this level see what I can find" He looked around to make sure knowbody was looking and gave Cheslea a playfull slap on the bum as a goodbye.

Chelsea pulled a face that appeared to object but the fire in her eyes told him different. She took herself up to the next level and began searching afresh, making a circular tour of all the facilities and premises.

Having asked until she was exhausted and hoarse with shouting over the noise in all the bars and clubs as she tried to describe Kim to the bar-tenders or proprietors, Chelsea finally walked into the bar where she had met Colonel Darson and that nice Bajoran whose name she had forgotten. The one Ryan had wanted to kill because she had spent so much time discussing Bajor with him... she sat down to rest and tried to remember the man's name.

A drunken Klingon staggered over and plonked himself down opposite Chelsea and began to enquire why she didn't have a drink and what she wanted.

Beginning to politely refuse a drink, explaining that she was here to look for someone, Chelsea went to get up and move on. The Klingon growled in offended protest and reached up, grabbing her arm in an attempt to drag her back into her seat.

Chelsea was taken by surprise and tried to free her arm when suddenly the Klingon roared in pain and let go, swearing and staggering around, upturning chairs. The security staff for the bar were coming over and from nowhere, Kim's mischievous smile appeared from behind the Klingon.

"Come on Chelsea, don't just stand there. Let's go before he realises who kicked his shins" she took hold of Chelsea's elbow and steered her out amongst the rest of the crowd that was leaving en masse as the flailing Klingon's friends began to come over to see what was wrong with him.

Before Chelsea had managed to get her lower jaw off the floor, Kim had turned to her with her hands on her hips. "Honestly! Uncle Rick shouldn't let you out on your own. You're really not street-wise enough, are you?"

"Wait, what *are* you doing here? You haven't broken his heart have you?" she added accusingly.

Chelsea didn't know whether to burst out laughing, look offended or thank the little minx. She chose to attempt to regain some form of equilibrium by shaking her head in disbelief and slapping her comm badge without further comment.

=^= Adams to Dunham =^= she made the connection. =^= Rick I've found her. We're at the balcony rail outside "Tlern's Bar", one level above you. =^=

Dunham received the comm and headed up to the next level. Upon his approach to the balcony rail he had to make his way past a Klingon. Who was protesting very loudly to being carried away buy two starfleet security guards. He seemed to be shouting and complaining about his shin. Dunham caught Chelsea and Kim by the railing looking down onto the level below. Dunham relaxed a bit. His shoulders slumped from a tension that had gone but he did not relise he had had until he had seen that his niece was safe. He marched over to the teenager and pointed a finger at her. "If your Mum found out about this should would kill me and God knows what your Gran would say!" In truth he didn't really mind in fact he was not sure as to how to react anyway as his experience with any sort of kids was very very limited. "ok. Back to you quarters young missy and straight to bed"

Kim looked at her uncle tilted her head to one side then just giggled. "please don't talk to me like I am five Uncle rick" she said with maturity in her voice.

Dunham just looked confused not sure what to do. He looked to Chelsea with confusion in his eyes.

Chelsea shrugged. "Kim just floored a 300lb Klingon in defence of me. I'm not entirely sure how I managed to be in need of rescue when I was *supposed* to be here rescuing *her* but... " she turned to Kim. "Thanks hun. I guess you're right, I'm not all that 'streetwise' as you put it and last time I went inside that particular bar it ended in a near fight, so I guess it might be *me* your uncle should be sending back to my quarters and straight to bed in disgrace!" she grinned.

Dunham had to slap himself mentally before his lips moved in inappropriate cheeky rude response to the last comment on bedrooms. So he pushed the conversation forward. Thinking he had a allot to learn about Kim. But he should of guessed that she had her mothers tenacity to get in and out of trouble. Dunham smiled. "Ok then young lady lets get you home. But straight to bed."

On the way back, it was Kim's turn to bubble over about all that she had seen and done. Chelsea and Rick let her tell them and joined in her enthusiasm about the rich pattern of 'life' around the station. Chelsea remembered her own first impression of DS5 and how huge it was but how diverse and wonderful at the same time.

"I'm keeping you to that promise that you'll show us everything you've bought!" she grinned at Kim, peering curiously at the surprisingly small number of bags she was carrying.

"Oh, there was SO much to see... I hardly had time to stop and actually *buy* much this time. Tomorrow, I'm going to.... " Kim beamed, mischief still all over her pretty face.

"Can I keep the 'tab' for another day? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez?" she implored.

Chelsea rolled her eyes in mock resignation, but in truth she had no worries at all. She had mentioned that there wasn't a fortune on there, just enough to do what she had hoped Kim would, which was to discover the potential of the Station and begin the journey towards treating it like home.

"First I'm mauled by a drunken Klingon, then I'm mugged by a teenage wannabe fashion queen!" she pretended to complain.

Kim wasn't fooled. She laughed. "Yeah, what did you say to that guy anyway? He was pretty smitten!"

"He was no such thing!" Chelsea objected, serious this time. "He didn't even know how many of me there were, he was so out of his face!"

Kim laughed. "You *were* looking a bit lonely sitting there."

Chelsea's brow rippled into a passing frown which was gone as quickly as the memories that she'd been lost in at the time that Kim was describing. "Not *lonely* so much as thoughtful. I was remembering the last time I was in there, that's all. It wasn't a particularly *good* memory. And anyway... that didn't give any drunk the right to start hitting on me.... not that drunks ever *think* it out of course.... "

Suddenly Chelesa's thougths chagned direction. "....and ANYWAY... *missy*" she gave Kim a gentle, playful poke in the ribs. "You really *did* frighten us half to death when we couldn't find you and it was getting so late. You *do* know you actually need to be careful about kicking Klingon's, of any persuasion or drunkeness, don't you?" It was a rhetorical question but it was said with genuine feeling to let Kim know they truly *had* been worried and she shouldn't take risks. "What if he'd realised it was you? He could have snapped your neck like a toothpick!"

Kim put up the usual young-teenage bravado about how she could 'take care of herself' and how she didn't need to be lectured etc. but behind the tough face that she always showed the universe, Kim was someone who had become used to *having* to be independent and make do with her own company.

She wasn't *really* uncomfortable with having someone (or two) who were willing to *fuss* over her some of the time but it would *have* to be on her own terms. She was used to making her own decisions and after all, she'd travelled halfway over the universe to get here, in far more dangerous situations than the Station Promenade. She would have to *train* these two new 'in loco' parents but they were shaping up so far.

Soon they were back in Dunhams quarters. He couldn't help but think to himself that it maybe worth tidying up a bit. However Kim did not go to bed straight away it was not until after her ritual glass of Andorian hot chocolate that Chelsea and Rick found themselves alone again.

"You know what?" Chelsea commented, finishing the hot chocolate she'd joined Kim with, suddenly having remembered how hungry she was.

"Your sister is going to owe you *years* of babysitting when you get married. You'll be able to park half a dozen babies on her for the first 2 yrs of their lives, before you'll get payback for all the grey-hairs and lost sleep that lovely little minx is going to give you! How long is she here with you for?" She leaned back in the deep, comfortable cushions of the sofa and stretched out her shoulders and neck to ease the tension they'd accumulated over their trip to search the Promenade.

Dunham let out a long breath. "I'm not rightly sure. She ran away after all and her dear mum didn't have time to come after her before she got sent on assignment, and I don't think even she knows how long she will be away for. One of the problems about wearing the grey collar with the uniform. I should probably contact mum to see what she might know" he mused.

"Okay" Chelsea said quietly and thoughtfully. "So exactly how old is she then?" Many questions and realisations were popping up inside her head.

~This doesn't sound like 'babysitting' to me, this sounds like fostering, long-term~ she thought, not liking to break this idea to Rick just yet, in case she was putting the cart before the horse.

"Kim is about fourteen I think. Last time I saw her and her mum face to face was about three years ago. From what I can understand she had a barny with her mum just before she was shipping out and ran away. I get the impression the argument was about how our starfleet family keeps on abandoning her. Her farther was a Marine and is listed as MIA for the last four years. My sister buried herself in her work to cope with the grief. Kim wen't to stay with my mum for a while. But my mum is a captain and although the galaxy class starship is a good place for family and I know she really wanted to spend quality time with her grand daughter. It never really happend and soon Kim was back home. I think inside she is a very angry child.

"... and a lonely one" Chelsea added softly. "I take it she doesn't have brothers of sisters either?" she asked almost rhetorically as she felt she could guess the answer.

Dunham shook his head.

"Rick, we're going to have to deal with this very sensibly. From that sort of background there's every chance she could develop some very natural but troublesome problems. "She's going to need us to change the patterns of rejection and neglect before she rebels any more than just by running away. That was a cry for help and we have..... " Chelsea realised suddenly that it wasn't appropriate for her to be saying *we* which would assume to include herself in this for the future.

Much as she wanted that to be the way it would go, she couldn't just take it as read or start giving her opinion unasked. She stopped, blushed and lowered her eyes. "Um... I'm sorry.... i didn't mean to push myself into your family's business like that. I meant that *IF* I were asked my professional opinion, my advice would be that Kim seems to be looking to *you* to be there for her and not just for a holiday period."

Dunham took both of Chelsea's hands in his. "I really appreciate your help Chelsea." His shoulders slumped. "But I don't know what to do. This is really new territory for me. I don't know the first thing about kids let alone helping to bring one up. Hell I still need to do allot of growingup myself. I still act like a kid. I don't even know if the path I'm on is the right one let alone help someone on their own. I need you...."

Chelsea moved closer to Rick and looked up into his troubled eyes. "Just promise me you have no intention of doing any more 'growing up' please? I love you just the way you are right now. Pretty much as crazy as I am!" she grinned and gave him a kiss. Then, changing back to being serious again for a while, she added.

"If we can offer her somewhere to feel she belongs until she's ready to fly the nest willingly rather than feeling she's been pushed, then we won't need to change who we are to help her. After all, she obviously adores *you* - she makes that perfectly plain.... and she *did* say she approved of me, so.... here we are, officially appointed foster-parents"

"You think we can? Until her mums back." Dunham said a little worried for his sister and the sort of work she did for starfleet and the federation.

"oh Rick" she gazed at him with eyes full of love. "I feel like we can do *anything* as long as we stick together." Winding her arms around his neck again she snuggled in tight.

".... really *close* together" she murmoured, turning her face up towards his and hinting for another kiss.

Dunham gave her a long lingering tender soft kiss on the lips. "I think your right."

"mmmmmm" she approved and pushed her nose against his neck, nuzzling gently. "You just hang on to the thought that I 'might' be right" she smirked. "I might need you to remember it later when I want you to think it again!"

Duham gave an approving smile it had been one hell of a kiss.

The mood for romance had returned and they were alone at last but mischief had resurfaced too and Chelsea took the opportunity of scooting round and putting the sofa between them for refuge before she let him see she was smirking. "I'm just making sure you don't have any ideas about getting your own back for the other day" she issued a thinly veiled challenge, putting her hands on her hips and tilting her head.

Dunham placed a finger over his lip in a quiet motion then pointed to Kim room. Indicating they had to be quiet. It was a dirty trick. Because as soon as her eyes turned briefly to the door he was jumping onto the sofa and then bounding over it to her side with a smile on his face. He then reached to one of the sofa cushions instigating a pillow fight.

Chelsea was taken by surprise and tipped off balance. The sofa that was meant to be her protection then got in the way and she ended up tumbling over the arm and into the cushions. Grabbing a cushion as she landed amongst several, she rolled and came off the edge to avoid his rain of cushioned blows. As she got too far and too low for him to reach any more, she turned and banked in for an attack run that would have made any fighter pilot proud. Up onto the arm and down on top of him she used her momentum and weight to land in his arms which toppled him backwards and gave her the chance to land a barrage of her own.

"Where does it say in the rules that you're allowed to get your own back?" she puffed, out of breath from climbing up and leaping off sofas. If her colleagues from Sickbay could see their serious doctor now, they wouldn't believe their eyes as she found herself caught by Rick with her feet still a good foot off the ground and waving a cushion dangerously as she tried to balance enough to get a clear shot.

The trouble was, it was in his interests that she shouldn't get her balance so he was making it as hard as possible for her. Besides, she couldn't put any real force into hitting him with the cushion because she was laughing too much and trying not to make lots of noise that would wake Kim.

"I doesn't say any were in the rules I should" said Dunham still holding Chelsea. With both hands holding her off the ground he was unable to defend himself from the barrage of blows across his head. "But then again I like to make things up as I go along. Now it was a glass of water wasn't it?" he said with a smile and a wink. Still taking hits from the sofa cushion he carried her towards the bedroom. At the last moment he switched course and took her into the bathroom. "Computer. H20 Shower. Warm...." He said quickly with a giggle. The shower unit began to jet out water from its nozzle. He then promptly stuck her fully dressed into the water.

"You wouldn......." she didn't get to finish her horrified exclamation before she got proof that he *would*! Spluttering, Chelsea stood in the shower as the warm water ran down over her, dripping from her hair which fell out of it's clasp when it got wet enough, and heavy enough.

"I suppose I should be grateful it isn't cold at least" she conceded, putting out one hand and grabbing Rick by the front of his shirt, tugging at him to pull him in with her.

Naturally she wasn't strong enough to force him into the shower cubicle but she tilted her head to one side prettily, tossed the soggy sofa cushion out onto the floor at his feet, batted her wet eyelashes at him and pursed her lips in an invitation. "Okay, you win." she grinned, tugging softly at his shirt again. By now the water had soaked her clothes right through making them stick to her figure in a flattering way. "Wanna come claim your prize?" she purred.

Dunham couldn't help but let his eyes take in the wonder of the beautiful view in front of him, as he stepped into the shower. Water flowed over him soaking through his uniform as he placed his hands around her waist "what did you have in mind?" he said lustfully.

"Winner takes all" she stated softly and simply, slowly peeling off his shirt that she'd used to pull him into the shower. As she dropped it, she began on some of the soaked clothing that was hugging her too. The mischief that had been so evident in her eyes a few moments ago seemed to change to a sultry look, betraying a passion that matched the one in his renewed kisses.

Dunham took her up in his arms as more clothes found their new home strewn all over the floor. Their passionate embrace never faltering.

Arriving in the Bedroom, carried with much more gentleness than she had been transported to the shower with, Chelsea wondered how Rick had managed to find his way without bumping them both into the walls or doorways. She was sure he hadn't been able to see where he was going half the time because he hadn't broken their kiss all the way there.

Lost in the magic of the moment they fell on the bed, both still soaking wet, even if no longer dressed in wet clothes. Chelsea's long hair was still dripping but neither of them cared. It seemed like they'd waited for this was a moment for ever and it had been worth the wait because this was perfect.

She gazed into Rick eyes and met the all the fire there that she hadn't dared hoped for, but secretly longed to find. She wound herself deeper into his arms and it was the next morning before she even gave a single thought to anything or anyone but him.

Waking from a blissful dream, Chelsea wasn't sure at first whether it had *all* been a dream or if last night had really happened. It had been too amazing to be real, but here she was, still wrapped in Rick's strong arms. She didn't want to move and wake him so she just lay there, contented and the happiest she had ever been.

Daydreaming as she lay there, running over the whole brilliant night in her head, it suddenly occurred to her that they'd left their clothes... ALL of their clothes.... either in the shower or in a trail from there to the bedroom as they had cast them off. ~Kim!~ she thought, sitting bolt upright.

Dunham was woken from his reverie with a shock. It made him jump and he clumsily fell out of the bed rolling onto the floor in a heap. "what's the matter" he said urgency in his tone.

"Um... my clothes.... Kim! What time does she get up?" she said, incoherently.

"Our clothes" He said simply as he dusted himself off and got back into bed as he realised their was no fire or romulans were attacking the station. As he got back under the sheets he heard noises from the living room and the sound of the quarters computer entertainment unit going on. "Sounds like she is already awake. He said unable to hide his laughter behind his hand.

Chelsea sat there, wide eyed, with her hand over her mouth in an *oops* gesture and with the other hand, pulled up the sheets to cover her modesty instinctively, almost as if Kim were actually in the room.

Dunham couldn't help himself. "Kim!" he shouted "stick a brew on would ya!"

Chelsea looked shocked and picked up a pillow to bash him with. "Rick!!!" she admonished him. "I have nothing to wear! My clothes, even if they were *here* are soaked. If she comes in... or if I want to get up.... Rick!!" he was collapsed with laughter at her protests and embarrassment so she landed the pillow and the blow shoved him back off the bed onto the floor again.

"MEN!" she muttered, moving to the edge and peering over to see if he was hurt. He hadn't come back up yet and she was concerned.

A blur of movement came from the floor as a pillow that he had grabed on the way down hit Chelsea on the side of the head. He rolled out from off the floor and got up. He made quick jog to a set of draws. "I have a shirt or a T-shirts you could wear? It will cover your modesty. Then just go out to the living room and replicate a new one. The computer will have all your measurements."

Chelsea was tipped sideways and sent sprawling by the surprise attack and squeaked as she went down. "But if I go out to the replicator in your clothes won't it be somewhat obvious that my modesty was the least of the inhibitions I managed to throw off last night? That's a rather public declaration of .... oh what the heck." She conceded that actually, whatever she wore it would still be obvious she had stayed the night and the rest would be apparent from the shine of love in her face. She never was good a hiding her feelings and she was besotted with Rick right now.

She went over to where he was standing and picked up a shirt. Holding it in front of herself she moved sideways so she could look in the mirror and spotted him laughing at her.

"wha?" she said, frowning. "What did I do now?" She got to a place where she could see herself in the mirror and realised what was so funny. Her hair had taken the brunt of that last pillow attack and was more resembling an ancient 20th Century *punk* than a Starfleet officer... on or off duty! She groaned and abandoned the idea of choosing a shirt in favour of the search for a hairbrush and just accepting the shirt she had in her hand for ease in the meantime.

She put it on and it was large enough to cover all except her long, shapely legs. ~Okay, Flyboy!~ she thought, coming to terms with her situation at last. ~Let's see how you cope with the temptation of the 'minimum clothing' ploy, in front of your niece!~ she thought mischievously working out how to get her own back.

Deliberately making no attempt to add trousers or even a towel to the shirt, Chelsea virtually strutted towards the door, brushing her hair out as she went. Her long dark hair fell below her shoulders loose and rebellious, seemingly illustrating the mood of the shirt as it rode tauntingly high at the top of her thighs. If there was any doubt as to what he was in for, Rick could not fail to read the sultry, dangerous look she shot him from under long dark fluttering eyelashes and the pout that formed the challenge she issued as she flounced out towards the living room. "Ok, but you asked for it!"

=You are the luckiest man in the world dude= He thought to himself taking in the view in all its glory.

He smiled. "I ain't complaning. Its a great view from over here, and just you wait until I put on my Hugh Hefner smoking jacket." He said with a chuckle and a double dare stair.


Lt Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader.


Lt. Cmdr. Chelsea Adams