Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Another Evaluation
by Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman

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Title   Another Evaluation
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman
Posted   Mon Jan 26, 2009 @ 3:48am
Location   Counselor's Office
Timeline   SD6 13:40
Zorana was reviewing Lieutenant Freeman's profile preparing for their meeting. She was making small notes as she read through the file.

Bruce made his way to the Counselors office. He wasn't to thrilled to be leaving his work behind with being understaffed, but he knew that his crew would be able to make up for his absence for a little while. He entered the room and waited to find out what he needed to do.

Zorana looked up and saw the lieutenant standing in front of her. She stood up from behind her desk and smiled. "Ah, welcome Lieutenant, how are you today? Please come sit down." She offered the chair in front of her desk.

"Thank you Ma'am." Bruce said politely and took the offer. "What was it that you wished to see me about?"

"Well since I am new to the base, I thought it would be a good idea to meet everyone and since it looks like it has been a long time since any of you have had an evaluation, I thought we would get that over too. Are you busy or do you have time to do that now?" She smiled warmly.

"At the moment I am a bit busy, however it will be better for me to do it now as I wont have another opening for a while." He replied.

"This wont take long, I promise. So how long have you been here on the station?" Zorana asked as she grabbed a fresh PADD from the drawer in her desk. Her fingers were ready to start making notes.

"Not really sure, probably about a year now. Haven't really thought knowing the time on board was quite for me." Bruce said adjusting himself in the chair.

"Why is that?"

"Keeping the Ship or Star Base I am station on working has taken precedence over it. One wrong thing here or there will compromise the entire vessel."

"Why did you choose Starfleet?" Zorana asked as she jotted notes on the PADD.

"Well..." Bruce started to think a little deeper he didn't really remember why he had joined
Starfleet. "I guess it all started with my love of Engineering. I always was messing with stuff back home on Earth and very quickly started to run out of things to tinker with. One day I was looking through some holo vids and ran across one of Captain Picard. Seeing the good that he was able to do in space, I wanted to be able to do some good myself also. I also would be able to kill two birds with one stone by joining. Get to play with the best technology around and do good while doing it."

Zorana smiled, " I can completely understand." It was the same reason that she had joined, helping and doing good.

"How do you handle the stress of the job? What kind of things do you do to relieve the stresses ?"

"I handle it alright, I have a holo deck program that I enjoy using to relieve the stress of work."

"Tell me about it."

"A while ago I was able to map out most of the old railroads that used to line the old Continental United States. Depending on the mood I am in I will either drive the trains or work on completing my map of the railroads.

Zorana jotted a few notes down on her PADD, nodding her head as he spoke.

"What about during a crisis? How have you handled that kind high stress situation?" She looked up from her PADD.

"I just go with the flow. If I don't get to far ahead of myself then there is no reason to be stressed. I create mental simulations of different probable outcomes and choose which one seems fit to the situation."

"Well Lieutenant," She said with a little giggle, "Either you are playing me or you are one of the most level headed people on this starbase!" She smiled.

Lt. (JG) Zorana Kasikova
Lt. Bruce Freeman