Interlude – So What Happens Now?
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   So What Happens Now?
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Tue Jun 01, 2010 @ 3:40pm
Location   t'Khellian's Apartment, Romulan Consulate
Timeline   SD19 / shortly after 'Press - ure'
Isha was apprehensive about her next meeting, one that would take place inside her private apartment rather than in her office. The ambassador had not seen her niece since before she had failed in her attempt at hhoasl and she did not know what state she would find Rianni in. Isha pushed aside all her own concerns putting herself in a position that would allow her to receive Rianni both as her niece, and if the girl would agree, as a member of her House.

Rianni walked into Isha's apartment slowly, almost lifelessly. Though the sadness that had led to her attempt on her life was still around, she did feel better in the presence of family, especially Isha. She also couldn't claim she wasn't thrilled not to have a medical tech on constant observation of her for the first time in days, ~Did not enjoy having to use the bathroom with someone watching me.~ She remembered, bemused.

Rianni walked in and took in the view of Isha's place, as much as she'd like to she didn't get by here often, visiting her Aunt at the Consulate too often would only bring Gabriel down on all of them. Not knowing exactly what to say she looked at Isha and simply said, "Hi."

"Come and sit, Rianni," Isha said gesturing to the sofa opposite. Whilst Isha had external forces acting against her it was clear that her niece was fighting part of her own self; what was unclear to her was whether or not Rianni had won. "Have you spoken with your father yet?" she asked.

"Not yet." Rianni replied, "Though I've only been out of sickbay a few minutes. My mother is going to drag him away from whatever he's doing to come see me again. He did come a couple of times when I was in sickbay, mom and Ashara practically camped out there. Ma'erlit tells me the Spoonheads are giving you shart. Well, you and everyone else. Is it true?"

"Tea?" Isha asked rising to her feet. "Its true," she said as she crossed to the replicator, "I have trouble understanding a race that seems to take pleasure in nothing other than marching about and shouting. Its positively juvenile," she added as she brought the tray back to the table and retook her seat. "Can you keep a secret, Rianni?" Isha asked. She thought that this particular story would amuse her niece, or at least bring something of a light to her somewhat lifeless expression.

"Of course." Rianni answered, her curiosity peaked for sure now, ~Wonder what kind of secret this might be?~

"I got so fed up with that cardassian hnoiyika that I shot him. I think I also broke his hand," she told Rianni conspiratorially. "That should settle the matter once and for all. The end," she said not knowing at this stage how poor her assessment of the course of events was going to prove.

Rianni couldn't stifle the laughter that image elicited from her, nor did she even try, "I'd have loved to have seen his face when he got hit." She managed to quit giggling long enough to take a sip of her tea and continue, "I can't stand Cardies. Right now I'm not a huge fan of Klingons, either, truth being told."

"Who is?" Isha remarked as she tucked her legs beneath her. "Any Klingon in particular?"

"The one who stole her from me." Rianni said sadly, "The one I thought was my friend, the one we fought side by side with. Him."

"I'm not sure I understand," Isha said. She knew that there had been a relationship but the details she was not familiar with.

"Basically, right after we got together and she told me how much she loved me and how I'd brought new things to life for her Ayren dumped me for Da'nal." Rianni sighed, "Ran off to find her one true love with a side of 'Suck it, Rianni' for me. Oh, and she kept the ring, too. What a bitch."

Isha nodded. The pretty Diplomatic Officer who had departed with the USS Freedom, so that was it. "Then she is not worthy of your concern," Isha said, one did not attempt to spill ones own guts because of failed love, but, she reflected, Rianni had been brought up among humans who, she had noted had a tendency to romanticise. "Tell me, Rianni, we spoke some time ago about you joining us. Have you had time to consider?"

"I have." Rianni replied, "And, if you're interested, Starfleet is making it a lot easier for me to decide." Rianni sighed and shook her head sadly, she'd planned on joining her people, but she didn't want to be put out with a Section Eight, not after all she'd given the Federation, ~So much for going out on my own terms, huh?~

"A psychiatrist came this morning and spoke to me right before I came her, a Lt. Cdr. Burns from the USS Wijambu." Rianni began, "He was sent by sector command to put me out of Starfleet as 'mentally defective', but he said he'd 'spare me the disgrace of a section eight' if I resigned my commission. He's going to bring me the papers to sign later today. He didn't ask me any questions, didn't even ask how I was, just looked at my wrists and my medical charts and said 'So, you really did try to kill yourself? You make me sick.' Even called me a coward before telling me my career was over."

"faelirh ch’ghache," Isha said. "What in the names of the elements does a havam kllhe know about mhnei'sahe? Sign the documents, Rianni and don't give it a second thought," she told her with a glint of savagery in her emerald gaze.

"I intend to." Rianni said, smiling weakly, "I've never been the type of girl to hang around when the party's over.

"And what will you do then?"

"Not really sure." Rianni shrugged, "I mean, I've been in Starfleet almost my whole life. Does the Empire need fighter pilots?"

Isha sighed and lounged back against the cushions. "On this matter I cannot speak for the Empire," she said, "Galae appointments are not within my remit, and I doubt that you would find it any easier to integrate on a ship of the line than you have within Starfleet," Isha observed. She was no longer speaking as an aunt or as a friend but as an Ambassador and as the heir to her mother's House.

"Yeah, kinda saw that one coming." Rianni laughed, ~First it rains, then it pours.~ "Maybe I can catch one with an independent freighter or something. Might go to work for Grandpa Gregori."

"Rianni t'Khellian, I told you that I cannot offer to find you a place in the Galae. I myself have need of an officer, preferably one of my blood," Isha told her.

Rianni raised an eyebrow and locked eyes with her aunt, ~What is this woman planning?~ She wondered with a certain glee, "Okay, go on."

"Fifty percent of crew appointments on the ships my House provides to the Galae are made on my recommendation. Don't be mistaken, the position of which I speak is aboard the flagship of the Illialhlae, the name Khellian will buy you no favours there. It is aboard my own personal vessel, the IRW Dhelan which I command as hru'Hfirh of the Illialhalae. "

"Wait a second, we've got warships?" Rianni asked, she'd known her family to be powerful, and Isha even more so due to her marriage to a man of another great house, but this was even a shock to her, "Okay, tell me more."

"I am many things, Rianni, but a warship commander is not one of them. The fact that thanks to my late husband I hold the rank galae'Enriov induces me to fits of laughter if I think too hard about it. You are what? A Lieutenant Commander?"

"I am. Took me forever to get that, too." Rianni answered, remembering well their first conversations when she spoke of being the last remaining Dominion War ace to not be a Major when she was aboard the Bismarck, "Seems nobody wanted to see the Romulan get ahead."

"If I offer you this command you will encounter just as many people who will be suspicious of your human side," Isha warned her even as she revealed her intention, "the difference is that they will respect your Rihannsu blood and consider it to outweigh the human taint. In time you will be accepted not only on the Dhelan, but as an officer of the Galae. When that time comes you may of course choose to seek a transfer, should you wish to do so, erie'Riov t'Khellian."

Rianni mulled it over for all of a second, realizing that her best hope lay with her Romulan blood, ~They've accepted Mommy, she's not a human in their eyes anymore, they all address her as Lady t'Khellian, there's no reason they wouldn't accept me.~

"I'd be honored to serve you, Aunt Isha." Rianni replied, her eyes misty, ~One thing is for certain, with my people, you know when someone loves you, no guesswork like with humans, and Klingons, and Betazoids. Especially Betazoids.~

"Under the circumstances I'm not sure that 'Aunt Isha' is an appropriate form of address," the older woman said with a smirk. There was one other thing that she had not yet told her niece, and that was that the Dhelan was already here at Deep Space Five, in one of the vast internal bays and under cloak.

"My apologies, Madam Ambassador." Rianni replied with a smirk her very own, taking Isha's hand for a second and feeling truly secure for the first time since she couldn't remember when.


Galae'Enriov Isha i-Ramnau e-Khellian t'Illialhlae
Romulan Ambassador to DS5
hru'Hfirh of the House Illialhlae
erie'Hfirh of the House Khellian


erie'Riov Rianni t'Khellian