Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Looking for Mercy
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Looking for Mercy
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Sat Dec 20, 2008 @ 1:37am
Location   Bajoran Gardens
Timeline   SD3 21:15 (Backpost)
Eventually, she had to stop. She had run out of breath and lost her way. Slumping onto a stone seat in a particularly beautiful open part of the planted arboretum she bent forward and put her face into her hands, with her elbows on her knees, panting for air and trying to understand what had just happened and more importantly, what she should do now. How would she ever face Bryan again?



He had given up hope, his heart ached and it pained him, not physically, but mentally. He had not felt this way about a woman in a long time, not since he was a young man in his early teens. This was different. What had just been a ploy to save Mercy from a Bolian, had flashed into a realisation that Mercy meant more to him than just a colleague to have fun with, a bit of friendly banter and share a joke or two. He began to understand why some of his jokes had been dismissed and the occasional taunt aimed at Mercy had affected her in a way that he had not even begun to question, until he thought back to those occasions.

He sighed, relented to the fact that he would have to wait until tomorrow until he saw her.
How would he feel? What would she feel? How would their working relationship be affected?
Questions but no clarity to the answers, that would have to wait.

He searched once again with hie eyes, scanning the foliage and fauna for a sign that Mercedes was here, before finally taking a respite on a lonely wooden bench in the clearing of the small forest.
Behind him, the gentle hub bub of the singers and merry makers who had forgotten the events of a few hours before and settled into their party mindset and continued to enjoy the evening, while his world had just exploded apart into a cataclysm of uncharted territory.
He closed his eyes and saw her face, tasted her scent and swirled into her deep Blue eyes.

~ Or were they green? ~ He tried to recall, but he had never looked at her before tonight in such an intimate way, never noticed the actual colour of her eyes or the colour of her hair. In fact, the only thing he could remember with any perspicacity, was that her uniform was yellow.
he drew his legs in close, folded his arms and seriously considered calling on the computer for help to locate her, but that would have been cheating. He sniffed, softly whispering her name "Mercy. Where are you?"

In another clearing, Mercy stood up. She had no idea she was actually not too far from where Bryan was sitting. It felt to her like she was the only one in the whole garden, in fact on this whole station. Cold now, still in her party clothes, she realised she would probably catch a chill but she didn't really care.

Just at that moment, as she began to wander back along the way she had come, she turned a corner in the path and walked right into the Bolian from earlier.

"Oh my God! You followed me here?" she gasped, horrified to be suddenly alone with him again, but now away from help.

"Yeah! swotchu wannid me t'do... don' play all innnnnisint wiv me!" he slurred, lurching towards her.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" Mercy shrieked in fright and turned to run. She had to leave the path because she knew she couldn't get round him and somehow she didn't want to just run back into the empty glade she'd just left, as it seemed too isolated.

Pushing through the shrubs and undergrowth she ran blindly away, comforted by the fact that the loud grunts and drunken protests behind her seemed to be getting fainter as she put distance between herself and the lumbering giant.

Suddenly she burst into a clearing of some sort, relieved to be clear of the stinging slashes of the low branches she had pushed through. Unable to hear her pursuer she guessed she had outrun him but looking over her shoulder and not where she was going, she inevitably fell over an exposed root and went sprawling across the grass on her back. She lay here winded for a second or two before her burning lungs resumed their panting for breath.

Mercy's shoulder-length red-brown hair that had earlier been beautifully swept up into an intricate style at the back of her head and neck, now looked like she'd been dragged through a hedge backwards, which was close to what had actually happened! Her ivory skin was flushed pink with running and slashed scarlet with the scratches the bushes had inflicted as she barged through them wildly.

Emerald green eyes burned brightly with fear and pain as the CWO2 rolled over and tried to get up. It was only then that she suddenly realised she wasn't alone in the clearing.

Bryan leapt from the bench at the sound of the woman's shrieks, instinctively knowing it was Mercedes. His head bobbed left and right, trying to calculate the bearing of her voice. Now it had gone quiet, but he heard some rustling off to his far right. He deftly dove into the cover of the foliage and began pushing his way through the lower branches, one catching his head and though the sting bit deep, he pushed onward.

He was nearly on all fours, the thump in his chest and strain on his lungs as he searched blindly though the darkness of the ground, light shielded by the deciduous leaves and he cursed himself for his pathetic attempt at chivalry. His hands stung and his eyes hurt from the strain of looking into the darkness. He pushed back a low slung branch, to see Mercy laying sprawled on the dead leaves and bracken as he jumped out into the small clearing and stood over her, every sinew and nerve electrified from the exertion.

"Mercy?" His voice a low whisper as he fell to one knee and reached for her as she turned to face him.
The tears of relief, fear and joy welled up in his eyes as he dropped his other knee and wrapped his arms beneath her torn dress and welted arms and cradled her gently to him and he began to sob.

"Bryan?" Mercy couldn't believe her eyes as the one person she had prayed for seemed to appear from nowhere in answer.

Gradually realising it really *was* him and not some figment of her exhausted imagination, she threw her arms around his neck and buried her face in his shoulder, so relieved to have him here that she began to babble incoherently about everything at such speed and with such distress that even *she* wasn't sure what she was saying.

"Oh Bryan... thank the stars you're here. I was so frightened you'd never speak to me again. At first I just wanted to get away from you so you wouldn't have to find out how I felt and end up feeling sorry for me. I thought that'd be worse than anything! But then when I managed to finally be alone it was cold and horrible and I was sorry so I tried to come back, but the Bolian was there and he scares me. I ran away and all I could think was if only I hadn't run away from you everything would be okay." Mercy hadn't taken a single breath but now she stopped and her tear-filled eyes looked at Bryan.

Suddenly it occurred to her that he seemed to be sobbing softly and she noticed he had cuts and bruises all over him. She stopped thinking about herself and all the confusion in her head and looked at him with stunned realisation.

"You're hurt?" she gasped. "What happened? I'm so sorry! Are you okay?"

He shook his head, dismissing his own minor wounds, feeling a warmth and joy as he held her close, feeling her heartbeat strongly against his own chest and he recalled all the times he had teased her, taunted her and chastised her for her flights of fantasy, never knowing she was talking about him, or was he just being egotistic.
He whispered his own fears at her screams and how he had been so stupid not to realise that she was enamoured with him, but her eyes were focussed on something else......him.

Beside herself that she hadn't noticed straight away, Mercy pushed herself back a little in his arms so she could look at him properly. With her fingertips she gently pushed back his hair from his bloodstained forehead and softly traced the line of his bruised cheekbone down the side of his face that she had slapped earlier. Her heart screwed up into a ball, cringing at the memory.

Breathing shallowly as she ran her fingers gently across his collar-bone she reassured herself that he hadn't broken any bones, at least not visible ones anyway. Her face was taut with concern but her eyes were soft with love as she tried to discover the extent of his injuries but still listen to what he was saying at the same time.

As he spoke, her fingertips returned to his face and with the gentlest of touches, traced his moving lips without preventing them from their function.

He tried desperately to tell her of his own feelings of stupidity and that he had loved her for too long, from a distance, without realising the playful taunts were a prelude to his own feelings of love for her. It took that kiss for him to be brought to his senses and here she was, not caring for her own injuries, more concerned for his.

As she pushed him gently backwards, encompassing him within her field of vision, he could clearly see the red scratches and rising welts on her own china white skin. Her dressed ripped and torn, exposing small droplets of blood in sharp contrast to her skin and the twilight adding an eerie focus to them.
Her lips beckoned to be caressed by his own, but he was afraid she would reject the kiss as an act of sympathy instead of its truer meaning of a deep heart felt adoration. Yes, he adored, respected and loved her, but as she spoke to him, he could not understand what she was saying, instead taking the decisive path and kissed her, stopping the verbal utterations as she responded. Her arms tightened around his neck, pulling him close as he did to her.


Chief Warrant Officer 2nd Class Mercedes Denoublier
Played by Chelsea

Chief Warrant Officer 2nd Class Bryan Surzchenko
Played by Tasha