Intermission – Plotting
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw

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Title   Plotting
Mission   Intermission
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw
Posted   Sun Dec 22, 2013 @ 8:13pm
Location   Box Of Delights
Timeline   SD 75 1700

They had agreed to meet in this place after the shift changes, so they could keep a lower profile. It was also convenient so they could go their separate ways until the next part of the plan could unfold, as it was discussed, he would enter first and take a table near the back of the room then he would wait for his partner to discuss the final details, as part of the plan he ordered a drink while he waited for the other to arrive.

As he walked toward the meeting his mind was going over the various aspects of their plan. Everything should work out, and they had backup plans if things went south. Their biggest advantage was that no one would suspect them of any wrong doing and hopefully they would have the needed time to simply disappear. For now though they had some plans to make, he ordered himself a drink and headed for the table where his partner was already waiting. A quick glance around showed that everything was good and with a little luck they would soon have everything done that they needed to do.

He looked at the other man, "Is everything in place?"

"yes everything is ready on your command." said the other man with a evil smirk on his otherwise handsome face. "Those people will not know what hit them when the package goes off" he added

"It will send a message for sure.." Pausing as the drinks arrive.

"Scotch on the rocks." Yolanthe arrived with a tray in one hand, and reached over the table to place the first glass in front of the new comer. At six foot four, it was a reasonably long way down for her. "And for you..." she put the second glass in front of his companions. "Anything else for you boys?"

"No thank you I really must be going I have some other business to take care of today." said the second man he rose from the table. "Best of luck to you my friend." He added as he turned and walked toward the exit his part of the plan done and now it was time to sit back and relax though he was not about to do that in public.

Yolanthe watched him leave, fading slightly aqua. Not many people came in and just left again without touching a drink. She turned to the remaining human. "And you sweetie? Anything else I can do for you?"

Not wanting to raise suspicion "Could I get a Budweiser classic and some potato wedges?" "

"Sure." Yolanthe tucked the tray under one arm and tapped the order into her padd. The man's whole body language looked tense. Bad news perhaps? She held out the padd for his authorization. "Everything okay sweetie?"

"yeah...Just been a long day traveling." He said

That pause. A lie? It was so hard to tell with the lack of skin colour in the humans, but something felt off. The human was definitley not right. Furtive. If she was reading him right. "Well, sit tight and enjoy your beer, the food will be out in a few minutes." She headed back to the bar, concentrating on not looking back over her shoulder at him.

He went over his next move, the device was planted in way to disable the station, the location was pure coincidence, as he took a sip of the beer he remembered that he hadn't seen earth in it in a decade, so his actions would send a strong message to those he detested the most, he sat back as the food arrived.


Posted by

Wayne bradshaw

Jarred Wallace

Yolanthe Ibalin