Interlude – New Beginnings
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Vincent Kramer

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Title   New Beginnings
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Vincent Kramer
Posted   Mon Oct 25, 2010 @ 8:36pm
Location   Sickbay
Timeline   SD35 Just after "..Keep Off The Grass" post

Chelsea was in the office in Main Sickbay, surrounded as always by padds. Admin was the bugbear of her life. She needed to get an Administrator in to help keep it at bay but somehow, doing her reports helped her consolidate her thoughts on each patient, especially the difficult cases. Frowning over one such, she looked up to see a new face arrive in Sickbay, speak to a nurse and get sent in the direction of the office.

~Routine coming-onboard, mandatory medical!~ she guessed to herself. She was torn between being bored to do yet another straight-forward mundane medical check over and being relieved to have an excuse to leave the *paperwork* for a while.

She stood up in anticipation of the Lieutenant (jg) - judging by his uniform pips - who was about to arrive.

Upon arrival into Sickbay for his initial physical, the nurse had welcomed him and then asked Lt. Vincent Kramer to sit on the bio-bed and pull off his shirt. He pulled off his shirt and exposed his bulging and well defined muscles. The nurse did a double take and her mouth dropped open just a little.

“No, I’m not a gymnast,” Kramer began. “I get that question a lot. I rock climb for fun. But I really enjoy music.”

The Ensign stammered a little and fumbled with the tricorder, accidently dropping the scanner on the floor. Kramer was not sure what she needed a tricorder and scanner for if he was sitting on a bio-bed. He definitely needs to keep his shirt on around the younger ensigns.

Chelsea approached with a frown, her light Bajoran ridges always seemed to make her frowns look darker and more effective.

"Ensign? Get that equipment recycled and put in an order for a replacement to the Quartermaster." she said matter of factly without emotion.

"Who do we have here?" she picked up the discarded uniform top to look at the pips. "Lieutenant" she declared looking at Vincent. "Kindly dress yourself appropriately. We have no need to remove clothing in order to do our scans here, we're not in the the 20th Century now"

Kramer slipped his shirt back on.

"I'm Chelsea Adams, Chief Medical Officer." she held out her hand once he had his top back on. "I take it you're new, reporting for a medical?" A corpsman giggled close by. Chelsea turned the dreaded frown on her and she darted off, suddenly remembering duties a long way away.

Kramer extended his hand and gave a firm shake. "I'm pleased to meet you Doc, excuse me, Commander." Straightening his shirt better. "I thought it was kind of odd to take off my shirt, but who am I to argue with a pretty nurse. I'm an Engineer, not a Med Tech." Fishing his PADD from his pocket, he handed it to her. "Yes, I'm a new transfer to the Starbase. I'm Lt. Vincent Kramer. "

"Welcome aboard Lieutenant Kramer" Chelsea smiled, accepting the padd. "I apologize for my nurse's prank." She loaded up the demographics from the padd and the 'previous' to his medical record. Then she ran some genuine tests and raised an eyebrow.

"Excellent results, Lieutenant, you're in top form - but you don't need me to tell you that. It would appear from your medical records that you've kept yourself in shape for a while now. I note that your baseline serum creatinine is 2.0 mg/dL (150 μmol/L) which would be high for someone less.... 'active'... " she smiled again. "I'd just like to keep an eye on the trend but I don't see any cause for concern. It's just a precaution. You know how we doctors are. Always belt *and* braces, just in case. Please report back in four weeks to have that re-done - otherwise, go to the top of the class!"

“Thanks Doc! I try to keep in shape.” Kramer replied.

Handing back the updated padd, Chelsea patted Vincent on the shoulder reassuringly. "Nice to have met you, Lieutenant Kramer, any worries, don't hesitate to call by but to be honest I can't see you being a regular here with that score!" she tilted her head towards the padd.

“It was nice to meet you too Commander Adams.” Kramer responded in kind.

"I hope you're going to enjoy life here on the station. Engineering is a busy department, good luck."

“Thanks, I think I’m going to need it.” Kramer said. “The Starbase makes me think of the ice berg illustration. I’ve only seen the tip sticking out of the water. I think tomorrow will be my day to find out just how big it really is.”

Chelsea laughed. "Yeah, good luck with that!" she grinned, watching him go.

~Seems like a nice guy~ she thought, turning back towards her office and the awaiting mountain of padds.

Lt. Kramer left the Medical Bay with a good feeling. He would see a little more of the station this evening and then report for duty tomorrow.


A JP between:

Lt. Vincent Kramer
Asst. Chief of Engineering


Lt. Cmdr. Chelsea Adams