Beg, Steal or Borrow – Fly/Bye
by Commander Richard Dunham & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   Fly/Bye
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Thu Aug 20, 2009 @ 3:30am
Location   DS5 Air Space
Timeline   MD10 1200 hours approximately
The two Valkyrie Space Superiority Fighters flew majestically side by side. The starlight of the surrounding space twinkled off their darkened canopies as they sawed in a patrol pattern in a wide orbit around the space station that was deep space five. Each fighter carried enough fire power to destroy a small starship. They were simply birds of prey. Out in the cold of space Dunham thought things were allot more simple. Just you, your fighter and the void. He was flying wingman for the ship's CAG, Lieutenant Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian. A woman he had come to greatly respect over the last few days, but yet who had remained a bit of an enigma to him. Both had had very busy schedules in and out of the office. Dunham had managed to get to know some of the other crew and most of the other pilots in the starfighter wing. But he had not had much of an opportunity to get to know his commanding officer. Each encounter they had was either under enemy fire or straight down to business.

=^= So I think going forward the the ideas we knocked up for the fuel transport and a stealth fighter should go well i liaise further with Mr Tovon to see how we go =^= he said over the comm

=^=I agree with that.=^= Rianni replied, =^=I want to get both of those projects up and running as soon as possible, especially that re-fueler . We can really expand our patrol capabilities then.=^=

=^= Ok. When we get back to the barn I'll chase up our new science boy and see what he has come up with. I was thinking that we are a little short on engineers for these projects. I was thinking if we could maybe rope in some guys from intel. I know those guys would love it if we had a spy plane for them. =^=

=^=Yeah, that they would.=^= Rianni replied, laughing at how the very idea of working with intel on anything would've made her sick a few weeks ago, but now seemed like a great idea, ~New CIO makes a lot of difference in the atmosphere here.~

=^= Well I will have a chat with Mr Wallace. See what he makes of the idea. Hope he doesn't have to much on his plate at the moment=^=

=^=Actually, if you'd like I can handle that while you deal with Tovon.=^= Rianni offered, =^=Wallace actually can be dealt with, unlike his predecessor.=^=

=^= Sounds like a good plan boss. Wasn't Lieutenant Commander Dorian Gabriel head of Intel before his promotion? what you got against him? =^=

=^=You better ask him, Rick.=^= Rianni answered matter of factly, =^= He's got something against me. Since day one he's accused me of being a traitor based solely on my Romulan heritage. He harasses me at every turn, he harasses my family, even flaunting diplomatic law to hassle my Aunt. My problem with him is based on that and that alone, as for his problem, who the frack knows?=^=

=^= Bloody hell. That don't sound good. I didn't know he was that kind of guy. In my encounters with him I have found him
profesional and direct to put it in a good way. Actually that reminds me. Do you remember when we first met in your office? Before we got out their and kicked some Romulan butt. You were going to tell me about your coma. What was that about? =^=

=^=Search me, Rick.=^= Rianni joked, =^=I think I slept through the entire thing. All I know is one day I'm XO on the Soval, asking the woman I loved to marry me, the next thing I know I'm waking up in sickbay here, apparently they just left me, and I never heard from my 'lover' again.=^=

=^=Thats a little weird=^= Said Dunham. He tried to change the subject. =^= you have been on this station longer than I. What do you know of Chelsea....I mean Lieutenant Commander Chelsea Adams=^=

=^=Not much really, I try to stay out of sickbay.=^= Rianni laughed, =^=But, my Aunt speaks very highly of her, in fact, I'd say Aunt Isha loves Chelsea. And, just my opinion, she's definitely not hard to look at.=^=

=^=Hell yeah.=^= he said in agreement with perhaps a bit to much enthusiasm. =^= your aunt and the good Dr are very tight friends. Don't think their is anything out their that could pull them apart. Your Aunt is an interesting one to, hope she is ok going to Romulus=^=

=^=Hope your right boss=^= he said with a little worry in his voice. =^=So um how are things with you?=^=

=^=Pretty good, actually.=^= Rianni answered, the lilt in her voice obvious as Ayren crossed her mind, =^=In fact, I can safely say things are the best they've been since I woke up.=^=

=^=That sounds cool. Was their a spring in your step this morning? What's their name?=^=

=^=You remember when we were at that staff meeting? The Chief Diplomat I was flirting with, Ayren Kelan?=^= Rianni asked, giggling like a school girl, =^=I spent the evening with her last night: dinner, drinks, flying lessons, even let her blow up part of an old Klingon hulk. It was great fun.=^=

=^=Oh Boy. She is hot. No disrespect intended boss. I mean the Diplomatic officer. Whoa damn she is fine. Sounds like you had a great time. I wish it was that simple for me=^=

=^=Uh oh, that does not sound good, flyboy.=^= Rianni laughed and sighed in unison, =^=What's wrong?=^=

=^=You remember yesterday i mentioned your Aunt set me up on a date with Chelsea. Well it went well and I am fooling head over heals for the lovely women. This is great. But she is in a relationship sort of. With this other dude. Yet I know she has feelings for me to. I don't get it.=^=

=^=Welcome to the world of women, Rick.=^= Rianni laughed, =^=It can never be simple with us. For instance, when you're going out to a bar, you throw on some jeabs and a shirt, maybe a coat, and you're good to go. With a woman, going to that same bar could take an extra hour to get ready; we've got to change clothes about fourteen times, complain about our hair, change clothes a few more time, yada, yada, yada. Only thing you can really do is stand by and wait to find our what's going to happen. Wish I could tell you the divine secret, but the truth is I don't understand women either.=^=

Both figherts banked to port and did a large arc as they changed their flight pattern.

=^=Ah hell. I don't get it. I like her I like her allot and I feel like I have known her all my life. but...=^=
The first edges of doubt started to creap into his mind. =^=Its bloody complicated=^=

=^=It always is.=^= Rianni agreed, =^=You just have to decide if she's worth it or not.=^=

=^=Women your all so bloody complicated=^= He said with a smirk and a lop sided smile. Dunham worked the controls inside the confines of the small cockpit he put one hand on the throttle and added a little speed to his fighter. Then placed both hands on the flight control stick. =^=She is worth and from what she has told me this other dude does not appreciate her and may be with some other chick on the side. Does that seem right to you?=^=

=^=Men.=^= Rianni rolled her eyes, =^=You're asking the wrong person about men, Rick, I've been divorced by three of them. I couldn't keep a relationship with a man working to save my life. But, if this guy is cheating on Chelsea she's probably going to leave him soon. If she sticks around with a cheater you don't want her anyway because she's nuts.=^=

=^=True true.=^= He sighed. =^=Divorced three times huh? That kinda sucks=^=

=^=Yeah, the best part is this, my three combined marriages lasted less than two years.=^= Rianni recalled, =^=And before my coma I was trying for number four, we see how well that worked out, huh?=^=

=^=Thats sounds like a hell of a roller coaster ride, Sir=^= Said Dunham knowing full well that she didn't like being called sir. But he fancied a giggle.

=^=You ass!=^= Rianni fired back, =^= You wait until we dock, pal, I got something for you!=^=

Dunham smiled to himself. =^= Sorry didn't catch that last one bit of static on the comm band=^=He banked his fighter again for the final approach back to the station.

=^=Uh huh, I'll show you some static.=^= Rianni said menacingly as she followed behind him, ~I'll static my foot right into his butt.~ Rick couldn't hear her, but Rianni was laughing, quite happy for the first time in a while, life was looking up now.


Lt. Cdr. Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian


Lt Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader