Interlude – That Pesky PADD
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Cardassian Gilnn Denat Meran

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Title   That Pesky PADD
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Cardassian Gilnn Denat Meran
Posted   Fri Jul 23, 2010 @ 8:36pm
Location   Isha's Aapartment, Romulan Consulate
Timeline   After 'If you go down to the woods today ...'

Isha walked back into her apartment and sat on the chaise beneath the window. She had thought that it was just a ruse to get to see her, but what if Meran’s padd actually did contain information that could be useful to her? She hesitated, holding the Cardassian device in the palm of her hand as she curled her legs beneath her. At worst it would be blank or contain a laundry list or something equally mundane … at best?

She pressed the button, activating the device.

The padd vibrated and roared in her hands, as if accessing sensitive information. A moment, and the screen flashed brightly with two small icons. The first was a letter with 'Restricted & Imperative' in the memo-line. The second, was a small clip of Denat in his quarters on the thumbnail. Isha wondered which to tap first:

She opted for the confidential memo.

Upon opening the file, Isha noticed it was still available to edit freely, not that this was relevant.

The message read: hello, & greetings. My naME is denat meran. The first lines were formal, but incorrect. She continued: By now, wE have probably met once or Twice. And if it is going accordingly, I have agreed to send the uMbreon daffodils to you. HopEfully, we can meeT again sOon and discuss more plaNs to unIte our empires toGetHer. Maybe tharek shalT join us aswell.

It was a very simple code that her brain processed immediately and without thought; meet me tonight.

"Tonight being?" Isha muttered, did that refer to the night of the day Meran had given her the padd or the night on which she read it?

Isha moved on to the other file.

It was a short clip of Meran himself sitting in his quarters muttering about their first meeting, almost like a personal log. But, his quarters were strange, in the background was a cabinet, with small markings that resembled latin. Familiar markings were also noticeable with the gestures Denat was making with his hands and fingers as he spoke. They too spelled out a small sentence: Man in gray was faintly translated from the cabinet, and Twelfth strike was motioned by Meran.

This was a lot more cryptic, the missives were in the environment. As she watched, Isha rolled her lower lip between her teeth; it did not make sense to her - there was a disconnect between the delivery of the padd and the events in between then and her reading it.

Isha flipped it open. The back panel dropped silently to the carpet and as she straightened she examined the inside.

So that was it! He had transmitted the message after their encounter in the arboretum. She left it alone, relying on the transmitter to be suitably encrypted. Isha stretched down to the floor to retrieve the back of the padd.

So Meran was going to turn up at midnight! She slumped against the end of the chaise and resisted the temptation to weep. Instead Isha clicked the back back in place, she could not afford to break down now. She just wanted to be somewhere she could feel safe.

------------------------------- 20 Minutes Ago ----------------------------------------------

"Computer, transmit my two last edited files to the remote transmitter in Padd 5-9-A."
Denat laughed hard in his chair. Recollecting himself, he brushed tears of his cheeks, engulfed a small rag on the table close by and began rubbing the markings of his cabinet, Bellowing loud cackles and shrieks coherent with the motion of the rag sliding across the casement.


A Joint Post by:

Ambassador Isha t'Khellian
Suspecting that she is helping to dig a pit for herself


Gilnn Denat Meran
Traitorous little bugger