Unity – Crude Matrix
by Colonel James Darson & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Crude Matrix
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Colonel James Darson & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Wed Nov 18, 2009 @ 5:23pm
Location   Security Offices
Timeline   SD 15 - 1100 Hours (Backpost)

Darson stalked down to the Security Offices, determined to have a talk with the newly detained Commander Gabriel. He had just received a report indicating that he had been brigged for the assault of Lieutenant Tan, and felt that he had to go down to have a little chat with Dorian. Or mock him. He hadn’t really decided yet.

He entered the security offices and bypassed the receptionist, using his clearance to instead head through the corridor used by Security personnel. He encountered no trouble at the first checkpoint, his rank and clearance sweeping him through easily. When he got to the Holding Cell checkpoint, he moved to talk to the officer on duty behind the desk.

“Colonel Darson, here to see Commander Gabriel,” he stated in a no-nonsense tone.

Ensign Sin'Zal looked up from his console as Colonel Darson entered the Holding Cell area. It was not everyday that a Marine traveled to this portion of the Security. Typically, whatever issue they had was quickly solved at the front desk. It was even rarer for the Commanding Officer of the Marine Detachment to pay a visit, especially when the Chief of Security was confined at the same time.

He did not need to inquire into Darson's reason for visiting the officer. His presence alone spoke loud enough. He simply pressed several buttons on the console and the wall to Darson's right unsealed itself, revealing a compartment for him to place his weapons. Federation or not, there were rules and procedures that had to be followed, no matter who entered the area.

“Of course,” Darson said, reaching inside his cloak and withdrawing his duty sidearm. This wasn’t his HQ, so he felt that he was obliged to follow their rules here. It didn’t especially bother him because of the fact that he had several other weapons besides his pistol concealed on his person. He slid out the magazine, and racked the slide back to eject the round that was already chambered. He placed all of those in the designated lock box and sealed it.

He signed in, and then was waved through the heavy door. He stepped into the brig, and the hatch shut behind him. He looked up towards the ceiling to see the surveillance cameras and gazed at them for a second before shrugging to himself and continuing to the left, towards the Alpha section of the cells.

As he entered the final section, he saw where Dorian was being held. Darson moved slowly up to it and looked down past the flickering force field into the cell, at the decrepit man. He was silent for a moment, then said, “…Hello Dorian.”

Gabriel continued to stare upward at the top of his cell. The past two days had been like a whirlwind of events that he could not have ever foreseen. The station's Tactical system had been compromised resulting in the death of Starfleet officers. Federation Investigation, Romulan Embassy, probably the new JAG Officer, all knew about that green-blooded sonovabitch.

There was no doubt in Gabriel's mind that Vincent Tan was involved in this somehow. It was only due to the fast response of Security that Gabriel didn't kill the man with his own bare hands when he had the opportunity to. Now here he sat, alone, in a cell, no doubt on his way to a Court-Martial for conduct unbecoming of an officer. Unfortunately, his personal hell was to be prolong just a little longer.

"What do you want, Darson?" Gabriel asked as he sat up in his cell and looked towards the man in his clownish garb.

Darson raised his hands to his cowl, and slowly lowered it, revealing fully his death mask-esque armored head, “I came here to see how you were. After all, when I read the report on that unfortunate incident in Operations, I nearly died of laughter. Heaven knows how you must be taking it.”

“All kidding aside though, I must admit that I am concerned.”

"I'm sure that you are. Let me guess, you came all the way down here to offer me your moral support during these "trying times" Gabriel replied as he began to walk back towards his cot.

"Save me the theatrics, Darson. I'm not in the mood." He said with finality.

“Don’t turn me away, Dorian. I might be the only friend you have on this station right now. Your erratic behavior has almost completely destroyed your reputation on board, not to mention your career. And I’m here to offer you help.”

Gabriel raised a brow before he responded. It was typical of the Marine to have some form of ulterior motive, especially when it came to station activities. Gabriel knew that his current situation left him vulnerable to various forces, none the least suspicious was the man standing before. However, Gabriel wanted to find out what exactly he had in mind.

"Go on," he replied.

“Alright,” Darson said, moving closer to the forcefield, “Assaulting Lt. Tan was a very poor move, but we may yet be able to surmount it. I think that with the right maneuvering, and the right amount of pressure on the people in charge, specifically those above Commander Villers, I can get the charges mitigated, and have your punishment delegated in such a fashion that will allow you to keep your position. You’re willing to take a demotion, aren’t you? In exchange for your freedom?

~And so we reach the center of the shrubbery maze~ Dorian thought to himself. "I'm sure you would love nothing more than to have this station's security run by a lowly Lieutenant." He said accusingly. "You can go to hell, I've worked too damn hard to get to this position and I'll be damned if I let it be taken away by Tan, Villiers or even those conniving Romulans." He shouted.

Darson silently weathered the outburst, and cocked his head to the side, looking at the incensed Commander, “Dorian…I don’t give a damn about you and your rank. And you shouldn’t either. If you want to have even the slightest chance, the slimmest margin, of getting back what you’ve lost…you’d best be prepared to sacrifice something. Of course,” here his tone took on a darker, more somber tone, “If you still think that you’ll be able to climb out of this pit you’ve dug yourself, then I’ll take my leave. And when you’re dismissed by JAG for violations of Starfleet Protocols, and the UCMJ, I’ll make sure to have a more…cool-headed…person assigned to be Chief of Security. Maybe Lt. Wallace will be looking to move up from the intelligence department in the same way you did? Or maybe…even get myself installed in your place?”

Pulling his cowl back up over his head as his icy gaze fixed on the silent, sullen officer, Darson said in a cordial tone, “Well…regardless, this is where I take my leave of you. I do wish you the best of luck though…in whatever you chose to do. Goodbye, Mr. Gabriel,” with that said, He turned around and began to walk towards the hatch of the detention block.

"James wait. . ." Dorian said as the Marine began to turn away.

Darson slowed to a stop, but did not turn around, waiting for Dorian to continue.

"Let me be clear," he said in a quieter voice as he stepped closer to the field. "I will burn this station to the ground before I let you or anybody else take away my department. Starting with that little treehouse of yours, do I make myself clear?" He said in a much more pointed and serious tone.

Darson remained silent, and still without turning around, lifted his arm to show his acknowledgment at the incarcerated officer, before quickly departing the Detention area, recovering his weapon from the checkpoint, and heading on to his next destination.


Lieutenant Cmdr.
Dorian Gabriel
Chief of Security

Lt. Colonel James Darson
Marine Commanding Officer
6th Combined Operations Group