Beg, Steal or Borrow – Avoiding a Riot.
by Lieutenant JG Petro & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova

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Title   Avoiding a Riot.
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Petro & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova
Posted   Wed Apr 15, 2009 @ 12:42pm
Location   Civilian Quarter Deck
Timeline   SD8 1400 hrs

Petro did her best to ignore the burning in her shoulder. There was still too much work to be done and she still didn't know where the explosion came from. Was it caused by something internal or external?

As she made her way down the corridor, she was almost knocked over by someone exiting their quarters.

Claire's mind was not in battle was in goodbye mode until the explosion knocked her off her feet. She felt the station shudder against the explosion. She got up to her feet and ran from her quarters. "OH! Petro...I am sorry!"

Petro cringed as Claire grabbed her shoulder to stabilize her. “In a hurry?” she asked, wincing from the pain.

Claire gasped. "I am sorry. You are hurt! Let's get you to sickbay."

The quartermaster shook her head. “No time for that now. We have to make sure everyone is secure.” She said, looking back down the corridor. “I think whatever caused that explosion did more to get people in their quarters than anything I said.”

"I will take you to sickbay first. I will check for stragglers..."

Petro shook her head in disagreement. “I’ll be fine.” She insisted. The thought of Claire being out of her quarters puzzled her. “What are you doing in the corridors anyway?” she asked.

"I was going back to look for stragglers. The commander left me in charge of securing the Romulan civilians. I checked the corridors twice before I made my way back to my quarters but after that explosion I had to make sure a third time."

“Well,” Petro said, “Everything back that way is secured.” She said. “I’m sure there’s going to be a lot of scared people before this is over with.” She looked towards the lift. “I was heading to the next deck up. Perhaps you could help me make sure that one’s settled.”

"I'd rather be helping than 'hiding' in my quarters. Let's go." Claire remarked.

Petro smiled. “Alright.” She said, leading the way to the lift. They took the short ride to the next level where there was a crowd of people gathering, scurrying and in general disarray. Some looked frightened, some angry and many confused.

Claire looked at Petro as she saw the chaos. "Everyone!" She shouted over the chaos. "Return to your quarters!" She helped a woman that stumbled and fell at her feet. " your quarters." She said to the woman.

The woman looked at her, a fear deep in her eyes. “My daughter. I need to find my daughter.” She cried.

“We’ll return your daughter to you, but please, we need everyone to return to their quarters.” Petro said, trying to look through the crowd. “What’s her name?” she asked.

“Kailen.” The woman answered. “Please, she’s only six years old.”

"I will find her. I will take her to my quarters if we can't get to you. I will keep her safe. Now go! Please!" Claire assured her.

The woman looked at her, despondent but nodded. “I’m in 2.” She said and made her way back through the crowd. Petro lost sight of her as people merged around her and tried to push their way to the lift.

“You brought this on us.” One of them shouted. “You’ve trapped us here to die.”

“It’s those strange creatures like before.” Another yelled. “They’ve come back for revenge. We’re not going without a fight.” He shouted to the crowd behind him. The others roared in agreement, raising their arms.

“This isn’t good.” Petro whispered to Claire. “Not good at all.”

“Don't let them near me..." She whispered back and closed her eyes. Claire concentrated on the anger, fear and chaos. She took the emotions inside of her, Claire would pay for this later but for now it would stop a riot from happening. She suppressed all the emotions, closing her mind to everyone around her. "NOW! Everyone! To your quarters! That is an order!"

The crowd silenced, looking at the woman who spoke with such authority. "And who are you?" One man asked, stepping out in front of the others.

"I am a Lieutenant aboard this base. Get to your quarters I will transport you to the brig myself!"

It was an idle threat and the man knew it. “You can’t keep us all in the brig.” He said. “How are we any safer in our quarters or in the brig?”

“In your quarters you can escape if a boarding party comes to it. In the brig, well, who knows.” Petro offered. She thought of Rakka. Had she still been there then they would be safer in the Brig, but without her she didn’t know.

Some of the crowd began to disperse, but there were a few that remained diligent in their disobedience. “We’re not subservient to you or to them.” One of them said. “We have rights.”

"Fine die here...I will not be responsible for your death." Claire blurted.

Petro cringed. This was not the help she was looking for. “People, please. It’s for your own safety that you return to your quarters so that we can do what we need to in order to defend the station.” Petro yelled.

“Will you protect us?” Someone cried?

“Will you keep us safe?” Another yelled.

Claire tried to calm herself down enough to handle the situation. Taking on everyone's emotions the way that she had was making it difficult. She hadn't done that since she experienced the mind storm.

“Yes...we are trying to protect you and keep you will be a lot easier if you all made your way back to your quarters. Please everyone."

Though most of the crowd slowly dispersed, there remained a few stubborn people that stood defiant in the halls. “We want to help.” They said, uncertain of what action to take.

“Then return to your quarters and stay out of the way.” Petro said.

"They will go. I can sense their thoughts. We have to go find that child."

Petro nodded. “It should be easier now.” She said, walking past the few that remained who already were making their way back to their quarters. It was obvious that they were scared and their outbursts were caused by their fear. A little way down the walk, she saw a little girl huddled against the rail.

"There she is!" She started jogging to the child. "Kailen!" The child looked up when her name was called. She had been crying. "Your mother is looking for you, honey." Claire knelt down to the child's level. "Mama?" Kailen asked. "Yes honey." She picked up the child.

“We need to return her to her mother.” Petro said. The base shook and Petro grabbed hold of the rail. “Now would be good.”

Claire hadn't stood up with the child in her arms when the base shook again, she stumbled forward nearly falling on Kailen before she caught herself. ~Shit!~ "Let's go Petro." The child wrapped her arms and legs tightly around Claire. She could sense the fear in the child and did what she could to relieve the fear. "Let's go before the station is hit again!"

Petro nodded in led the way. In moments they were at the girls quarters where the mother was waiting anxiously for her daughter’s safe return. “Thank you.” She cried, taking Kailen in her arms. “Thank you so much.”

"You're welcome." Claire said handing over the child. "Please stay in your quarters until this is over."


Warrant Officer Petro

Lt (JG) Claire Mackenzie
Acting Chief Counselor
NPC'd by Mandy