Unity – Initial Reports
by Colonel James Darson & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   Initial Reports
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Colonel James Darson & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Thu Feb 04, 2010 @ 4:52pm
Location   Deck 72 - Marine HQ - MTAC
Timeline   SD 17 - 0000

Flynn groaned to herself, leaned against the walls of the CCC and rubbed her eyes. It had been a long day already, but there was still one more thing left to do today, and she wanted to get it done as soon as possible: the initial reports to the station’s leadership.

She didn’t really feel like it, considering that there was still much of the devastation to sort through...unimaginable casualties, civilians and Starfleet both, as well as several of her own Marines being unaccounted for, probably dead….but it was her duty as Acting Marine Commander.

She looked up with slightly bleary eyes at the clock. It was late, but she doubted that any of the senior staff was asleep, following an attack like this. She reached into one of her many Fatigue pocket for an energy pill, which she ingested right then. Feeling the invigoration spreading through her body, she stood up and stretched, before saying aloud, “Computer, please relay secure messages to the station’s senior staff, requesting their presence in the Marine HQ”

She quickly moved over to the dispatchers’ area and relayed orders in hushed tones for verification to be sent to the Marines guarding the station’s commanders that the messages were in fact genuine, and should escort the officers down when they were ready.

* * * *

Gabriel's comm badge chirped as he continue to oversee the evaluation of the corridor surrounding the main Science Lab. It did not make sense why so many crazy things would happen in the span of one day: First the random Cardassian freighter comes charging full steam ahead towards the station. Now, bombs are detonated on the station, but in non-vital areas.

His comm badge chirped again, reminding him of the request to meet the jarheads.

"Trellis, take over here. I'm going to the Marine Tactical Command." Gabriel stated as he turned to leave.

"The hell you are!" Trellis responded indignantly. "You are still under confinement; your release was only temporary to handle the sudden bombing on the station. You weren't just given a free pass." He said as he stood in front of the man.

Gabriel didn't have time for this crap. He had too much to do and not enough time to do it. "Shoot me if you want to stop me." he said in a defiant manner as he walked past the younger man and continued on his way to the turbo lift.

Trellis watched the man descend within the lift. His flagrant disregard for rules or protocol had made Gabriel a liability to the station.


The CMO was operating when she received the summons but wasn't far from the end of the procedure so was able to hand over to the recovery staff and Senior Medics to finish off.

Her 'Security Escort' had been given various useful tasks out in Sickbay which made her smile as his relief at being rescued from underneath a pile of PADDs headed for the office, was obvious. They set off together for

[Marine HQ]

and once they got there, found themselves in a 'jobsworth' about whether she should leave her 'Security' escort in favor of a new 'Marine' escort and who should be ready to see her back afterwards.

As things got heated Chelsea gave a sympathetic roll of her eyes and thanked the gold clad officer for his help earlier. She had to leave him to wrestle out the logistics of the next stage and allow herself to be taken the rest of the way in the meantime by a new 'protector'.

* * * *

Oh good, Karen thought as she pulled her jacket back on and thrust the idea of a long, wet bath to the back of her mind. As she left her quarters she twisted her hair into a knot and swore before authorizing a site-to-site arriving right on the doorstep.

* * * *

The call startled David, who had fallen asleep on the chair of his quarters. The report was half narrated upon the PADD at his side.
He wiped his hand across his mouth, clearing the saliva that had tracked its way down his chin and stood, kicking over the cup of cold tea that he had put there an hour before. He cursed as his toes registered the collision before his brain did.
Taking a deep breath, he slipped his stocking feet back into his shoes and tapped his comm in response.
=^= "On my way." =^= He acknowledged, smoothing his thick hair back into place and exited his quarters, to be startled by the marines still posted outside.
"Gentlemen, shall we?" He said as they made their way to the turbo lift.

* * * *

Dunham sat on the small bridge of one Deep Space Fives Garrison Patrol Vessels; a Wallace Light Escort. The bridge lay out was very similar to a Danube Runabout, but slightly bigger and with a command chair in the centre of the room like a Defiant class. Dunham was sitting in the command chair getting use to the feeling of it. The Wallace escort was still in dry dock onboard Deep Space five. But Dunham wanted to do a systems check before her mission later in the morning. Sitting in the chair his finger was tracing the side edge of the arm rests. He was beginning to get the feeling he could get use to sitting in places like this. He was shaken from his revere by a hail from the Marine Captain. He stood up smartened his uniform, left the USS Pollux via the airlock and headed to the CMC. He broke into a gentle jog as he saw that Commander Karen Villiers and Lieutenant Commander Chelsea Adams were entering the main entrance. “Good Morning” he said to the officers with a smile as they entered.

[Marine Command]

Chelsea was really pleased to see Rick. He always had a way of lifting her spirits and recharging her batteries. As was always the standing joke between the two of them she raised one eyebrow, planted both feet and folded her arms in a pretence of annoyance that didn't fool him for one second.

"Morning? It's the middle of the night you Pah'Wraith!" She grinned and slipped her hand into his not really caring if her Marine security escort noticed. "I've hardly left the Operating Theatre all day, apart from a promise of pizza that never happened and here I am starving hungry, exhausted, bruised and unlikely to get any sleep for the foreseeable future. The last thing I need is a bright-eyed flyboy popping up all chirpy *without* any pizza.... “She lied even though they both knew it was *exactly* what she needed.

She checked him over with an exaggerated look up and down to see if he was carrying anything. "...you don't have pizza secreted about your person do you?" she looked hopeful.

“Alas Ma’am” Said Dunham emphasizing the Ma’am, he said insinuating her senior rank. But with a grin on his face. “I have no pizza, I do however have this bit of Gum” Dunham pulled out a silver wrapped stick of chewing gum. “However if you order me to go and get you pizza I would be happy to lieutenant commander.” Dunham said with a sparkle in his eye and a mischievous smile on his face.

"Do NOT tempt me!" she grinned back and accepted the gum instead. "Thanks" she added, unwrapping it and putting the foil wrapper back in his pocket cheekily.

Jarred emerged from a back service corridor near the marine barracks, he saw several of the senior staff, as he walked closer he engaged the safety on his side arm, "Rick how’s the preparations on the Pollox?"

Dunham gave a thumbs up "good to go."


Greo lay on the biobed, his body burned and battered. Slowly he opened his eyes and looked around. He could barely move his neck; in fact he couldn't feel anything below his neck. He smothered a brief moment of panic, hoping it was a precautionary measure rather than paralysis. Bizarrely he noted the ceiling was an interesting shade of grey. A medical officer stood over him. He tried to speak, but his throat was dry. He coughed and spoke again.

"Wh... what happened?"

"Take it gently now" CPO McBain replied, brining over a small tumbler of water with a straw sticking out and some wet cotton gauze which he used to moisten Greo's lips and tongue before offering him a drink from the straw.

"The CMO will be back shortly and can explain everything when you've rested but she gave you a nerve-block so you won't feel any pain or any sensation at all until it wears off. Don't try to move around, your legs and arms won't respond yet and when they do, they'll be wobbly and weak. Anything you need, I'll be right here to deal with for you. You've had some pretty serious surgery and we're still regenerating your burns so we'll be hovering over you tending to your wounds while you rest. More? Just a sip or two at a time!" He offered more to drink as he was explaining.

Greo drank the water he was offered a small trickle running down his face. His body betrayed him as his mind sent the messages to wipe the drip away, yet his arm remained at his side. His face felt warm as he turned his head to the side. His mind was already racing. Who had access to the lab? Why would they blow him or his core up? . None of it made sense. He closed his eyes and let his mind focus.

* * * *

Flynn exited the CCC and stood at the top of the small stairway, gazing down upon the senior staff talking amongst themselves. She leaned on the railing, breathing a little faster than normal. Normally only used on the battle field, those pills delivered a super charged burst of energy. Dangerous in quantity, she had had to cajole the Marine Doctor to give them to her. Right now, everything was super defined, sharp and hard. She was noticing every little thing, and it was all happening in slow motion.

She leapt over the railing instead of taking the couple of steps down and landed in a crouch, her combat boots making a soft sound against the floor. She was up and moving towards the group immediately. As she did, she noticed the Commander entering, flanked by a squad of Marines. She waited, tapping her foot impatiently, while the Commander seemed to take a lifetime to move towards her.

It was a brisk jog from the lift to the CMC and as he entered with his own personal entourage, David felt a rush of guilt, as he appeared to be one of the last to arrive.

"Sorry, fell asleep." He briefly explained as he drew up alongside the Marine Captain. "What have you found?" He enquired, not knowing why the urgency at this time of night.

He looked around and he could see that nearly every member of the stations staff assembled, were looking as jaded as he felt, except for Dunham, who looked as though he had gotten a good 8 hours but he knew that Dunham hadn't.

Bruce shimmered into marine command having once again used the site to site transporter. His uniform usually gold was now black in many places, covered with pretty much anything you could imagine since he had been working on rebuilding the promenade. "You know if you guys keep calling these unexpected meetings I'm going to start putting on weight around here." He said slapping his stomach and taking his seat.

Flynn gazed over the assembled officers with eyes that were a little bit too bright and said quickly, “Ladies and gentlemen of the senior staff, thank you for taking the time to come down here, especially considering the lateness of the hour. I hope that we can get through this as quickly as possible, in order to let you get back to whatever you need to be doing. We’re still a couple of people short, but if you would all please follow me, we’ll move to a more…appropriate, and secure location. The remaining people can catch up later.

“A location where,” she said as an aside as she turned on her heel, “Food and refreshments will be served. Now, step to.”

Davies shook his head and wondered just how much sleep anybody had had in the last 24 hours and refrained from making a retort that food and drink was the last thing on anybody’s mind at the moment, but he considered that might be a little selfish of him.

Flynn walked quickly, resisting the urge to spend some of her boundless energy on a full on sprint, guiding the motley party through the Marine HQ. Despite the chaos, Marines parted around them, working seamlessly, in a complex pattern to make sure that everything was made right.

As they came up on the large and heavily armored door to the Marine Restricted section, the destroyed entranceway of the Marine Detention Center could be seen off to the right at the other end of the room, cordoned off, with Marines picking through the wreckage. Flynn only spared it a glance as she moved towards her main objective and checked in while a platoon of heavily armed Marines looked on.

The door opened, revealing the checkpoint, she spun abruptly to face the assembled officers, “In light of the recent events, security has been increased heavily. You will all surrender any weapons on your person to the guards, and you will receive them at the end of your visit,” her eyes sent a laser like stare at Wallace in particular, “please remove all your weapons, then pass through the scanner.”

Bruce was the first to walk through the scanner. He rarely had a phaser on him and he had left his tools back on the promenade so he wouldn't have to lug them around. Once through he waited for the rest to join him.

Dunham passed through the scanner next, a bemused smile on his face and curiosity in his eyes as he watched the scanner work. He carried no weapons on him; he rarely did. He stood next to Freeman when he was done.

Davies looked at the scanner and wondered why they were being asked to relinquish weapons, but if he could not trust his own crew, who in the hell could he trust.

He was tired, emotionally drained and getting more and more annoyed with this charade by the second, but he eased up his shirt to reveal he had no weapons, though he knew he should have kept the phaser and belt on him and strode through the archway.

Jarred pulled out the pistol from the holster at his hip, the phaser in his right pants pocket, the dektagh from the holder on his back, the five throwing knives from his belt, the two Derringer from his left boot, the k-bar knife from right boot, and the piece de resistance the second pistol in a quick draw holster on his left thigh, and finally he pulled out the sixth throwing knife from his right boot, and threw it at captain Flynn, missing her ear by mere millimeters, "any other stupid requests?" Jarred growled like a Klingon.

Davies moved to the left to avoid the knife.

"Are you mental?" He barked, shocked more than anything else.

Karen, for one was pleased that she had hung back and waited as she made a mental note of the incident.

"No, just proving a point, if someone wanted any of us dead it will happen whether or not we take precautions or not, if we can't trust each other then who can we trust?" Jarred said as he saw a few marines reaching for their side arms "Stand down marines we don't need to fight amongst ourselves."

Flynn had barely had time to register the oncoming blade before it buried itself in the wall. She was frozen for a moment as her mind tried to register the audacity of what the Intelligence officer had just done. She drew her sidearm immediately and aimed it at Jarred as the other Marines closed in. One of them approached her to ask if she was alright, only to be driven back by the look of immense rage taking hold in her eyes.

Dunham had his hands in the air, trying to diffuse the situation. “Jarred the commanders right, that was out of order, but were all very very tired,” He said looking to everyone empathetically ”it’s been a mental twenty four hours, let’s just get this done, and go our separate ways, and try and get some rack time.” He lowered his hands and spoke a little more quietly “we are all on the same side, but you are right Jarred, this is exactly what the bombers want, us fighting amongst ourselves, let’s all settle down."

Not really caring to much about the bombers at the moment Bruce went over to a broken panel and started to repair it.

To be continued......


Commander David Davies

Lt. Cmdr Chelsea Adams

Lieutenant Commander
Dorian Gabriel
Chief of Security

Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer/JAG

Lt Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader

Lt. Bruce Freeman

Marine Captain Miranda Flynn
Acting Marine Commanding Officer
Played by James Darson

Lt. Jarred Wallace

Lt Commander Greo Tovan
Chief Science Officer