Judgement – Recalled
by (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   Recalled
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Mon Nov 28, 2011 @ 1:23pm
Location   IRW Dhelan
Rianni was finally beginning to get comfortable in command of the Dhelan, several days having passed since she last had her orders second guessed or outright ignored. Destroy a few ships and see how fast they warm up to you. She thought, having to fight back a smirk from her face, "Helm, report."

"We are on course and closing on our target, erie'Riov." The Uhlan at helm, Rianni couldn't remember her name since she was only working their first shift together, reported, "We should be in range within twenty minutes."

"Good." Rianni smiled. The three day hunt for the pirate vessel Dukat's Revenge was about to end, most likely in an epic fireworks show. The impending victory would bolster the Dhelan's increasingly fearsome reputation immensely, perhaps even more so than the strafing of a pirate encampment the previous day; they'd missed the Revenge by an hour or so, but had managed to destroy four ships on the ground and kill dozens of wanted pirates whose bodies now lay in cold storage, the press would want pictures of the slain pirates, Probably sell a lot of papers.

The fact that it was a Cardassian vessel didn't bother her, either, though it would've been better if she was called Getal's Revenge or Getal's Pride, that would really make the kill sweet. I do wonder why so many pirate vessels have the word Revenge in their name.....

"Tactical, readiness?" She pressed her Tactical officer, Arrain G'mer, "I want to blow this thing sky high the second they refuse my offer of surrender terms."

"It's a Groumall class freighter, erie'Riov, I've diverted 80% power to forward weapons." G'mer replied, "One shot with a full barrage will give your desired result."

"Excellent." Rianni smirked, this was going to be almost too easy.

"erie'Riov." Uhlan Pol, communications, interrupted, "I've received a message from enRiov tr'Khellian."

"Six minutes to target." Helm reported, tearing Rianni's attention briefly away from Pol.

"Increase closing speed." Rianni ordered, turning back to Pol as the helm officer nodded her obedience, "You said something about a message?"

"Yes, ma'am." He answered, "It's marked 'Recall,' erie'Riov."

"Four minutes to target."

"Send it to my console, Pol." Rianni sighed, knowing this was not the news she wanted, adding, "In exactly six minutes."

"Understood, erie'Riov." Pol considered protesting, knowing that this would probably backfire on both himself and erie'Riov t'Khellian, but knew that would probably not be the best move for him to make, I hope she knows what she's getting herself in to.

Rianni could feel the tension rising on the bridge, but knew if she brought in yet another victory any anger directed their way would dissipate, Used to get myself out of trouble with a big win all the time in the Corps.

"erie'Riov," The helm officer spoke up, "We're in firing range."

"Good, communications, send our standard surrender message." Rianni ordered, "Tactical, lock weapons on target, charge all forward disruptors."

"No reply to surrender demands." Pol informed, "Rebroadcast?"

"No." Rianni shook her head, "Mr. G'mer, you know what to do."

"Firing on your command, erie'Riov." G'mer answered. She was coming around, he would give her that.

"Now, Mr. G'mer." Rianni replied, her words barely escaping her lips before the viewscreen was filled with an explosion that turned the blackness of space into a rainbow colored conflagration of fiery death.

"Well, that's that, I suppose." Rianni sighed as she stood from her chair, "Helm, set course for DS5, XO take the conn." She already knew what was in that message, she didn't need to read it, "I'll be in my quarters."