Judgement – A peaceful night?
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Colonel James Darson & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Master Chief Warrant Officer Jackson Jester & Crewman Kahlan Al-Khira & Citizen Min Zhao & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant JG Robert Feinstein & Arrival James Grayburn & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman

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Title   A peaceful night?
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Colonel James Darson & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Master Chief Warrant Officer Jackson Jester & Crewman Kahlan Al-Khira & Citizen Min Zhao & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant JG Robert Feinstein & Arrival James Grayburn & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman
Posted   Sat Feb 05, 2011 @ 6:03pm
Location   Near DS5
Timeline   SD36 05:45

Aboard The Shuttlecraft:

Nolan Michrach was a petty criminal, mostly anyway. He'd done cons for the most part. He had even gotten caught a couple of times. It didn't worry him, not until the last time. Something went wrong; he'd found himself with a phaser in hand and the charred remains of his fellow con-artist before him. He hadn't been able to post bail without help, and if he showed up at his trial he'd never escape from the debt. So he ran. Fourteen sectors away, and he figured he would be safe. Nobody would follow him this far, especially if he changed his name. His thin, unnaturally pale face contrasted sharply with the dark beard that had begun to grow. Every minute closer to his new home felt better, more confident that he had made a clean break. Of course, 150,000 latinum wasn't bail anyone was really expected to be able to post, nor was it money that was lent without stipulations--hefty ones.

Dunham leaned back in his pilot's chair and put his feet up on the flight control panel. His black boots made a slight thudding noise as he did. He stretched a little bit and sighed satisfactorily, he then smiled as Deep Space Five came into view through the shuttle's small canopy glass of the cockpit. The shuttle would pretty much fly itself now, the guidance systems and navigation were all on auto pilot. In the corner of the screen he could see two Valkyrie Space Superiority Fighters gliding next to them as their escort. The door to the shuttle's small bridge opened behind him; Dunham got his feet off the dashboard and swivelled in his chair to see who had come in.....

Deep Space Five's newest recruit entered through the doors, dressed immaculately in her Starfleet uniform. Kahlan Al-Khira wasn't exactly the most aware of her environment as she nearly tripped over a cable to sit at one of the empty seats, pulling the overhead safety bar down and staring unblinkingly at everyone around her.

Min Zhao sat at one of the window seats, her ruck sack at her feet, staring out the window as the shuttle approached DS5. It'd been two years since her departure from the USS Orion. Two Years. She'd left the ship in disgrace after an accident in Engineering. Her watch. Her people. Inwardly she shook her head. Stupidity & Cowardice. Those were what drove her off the ship. That, and she couldn't face Lt. Edwards after the board of inquiry rendered it's verdict.

Lieutenant Edwards. Min sighed fondly. He was one of the better ones. It'd been a short fling. Too bad it'd had to end the way it had. He'd been cleared of any wrongdoing but it still left his career in tatters. Last she'd heard, he was on the USS Wolff.

Min gave Commander Dunham a demure smile as he stepped into the Cabin. She'd caught glances of him during the short flight and recognized the deeper blue hue of the Fighter Ops. ~Wonder if he's got a lady friend? Fighter Jocks usually do.~

Rick smiled warmly and nodded a greeting to the stranger. Wondering to himself briefly why the universe had chosen that moment to give him a gentle smile from a pretty woman.

Min returned the nod with a shy smile and turned back to face the window, trying to hide the slight flush she'd felt wash across her face when he'd returned her smile. That smile he'd gave Min reminded her of the smile Edwards gave her every time they passed in the corridor.

~Did she....did she just blush?~ thought Rick to himself. ~Nice to bring a little happiness to someone~ Rick smiled again, and turned back to his work.

Kahlan flicked her eyes toward the two, clearly unfazed by whatever had happened. She turned her head back out the window to gaze at the looming structure of Deep Space Five.

Rick began the docking approach for Deep Space Five, his fingers moving rapidly over the touch screen flight control panel.

On DS5:

James Grayburn chuckled as he checked his watch. Another twenty minutes until he would lay claim to a pretty good job. McIntyre Bail Bonds had given him one last job before he'd left, or at least the offer. It was lucky for him, he'd found that his quarry was going to try to go to ground right inside the bounty hunters' new home. Luck was with him now.

Bounty hunting was a rather controversial profession. Not to mention difficult to get into. James had not only a PI license, but agreements with over a dozen bondsmen and a difficult-to-obtain weapons license. It was well worth it, though. Ten percent of any offender's bail, especially ones like Nolan Mikrach, was well worth the effort. Fifteen minutes.

~~~Fifteen Minutes Later~~~

A tall, bulky man entered the public shuttle area. Most of the shuttle's passengers would be Starfleet, which made this job a bit more difficult than James liked. As the shuttle set down, DS5's newest bounty hunter waited for the scumbag to get off.

Nolan picked up his small duffel, containing his life savings and what little clothing he had and got off the shuttle behind a couple of Fleeters. He glanced around the bay and set his eyes on James. He gripped his bag tightly and tried to take off. Instead he ran directly into a group of Starfleet officers, some who had just gotten off of the shuttle and others who had apparently come to greet them.

James jogged over and hauled his quarry up by his shirt. "Sorry about that, sirs, ma'ams." His strong hands gripped Nolan's wrists and yanked them behind his back. He quickly restrained the bail-jumper and gave his most winning smile. I had hoped he'd run the other way.

On the edge of the docking bay, Sergeant Allen looked up at some commotion by the ramp of the shuttle that had just arrived. A fight of some sort by the looks of it. He cast a glance at the rest of the fire team that was with him. Two of them were engaged in an asinine discussion of which actress in the ongoing space drama “Andromeda 90210” was hottest, and the other one was leaning against the wall playing with a PADD.

Allen gave a disgusted grunt. With all the terrorism and attacks that had taken place so far, the Colonel had dispatched small detachments of Marines to help out with Customs and Immigration. What that amounted to was standing around with a gun looking important. But this was just stupid. He swiped the PADD from the Marine on the wall, who looked up just in time to get smacked across the face with it. The other two received a kick in the backside and were told to straighten up and look sharp. The Colonel could inspire loyalty, but it was up to the Officers and NCO’s to enforce order.

Pulling his duty cover on, he began to head over to the shuttle ramp at a light jog, calling out to the person who appeared to have restrained the other, “Hey, hey you! Stop!” While he couldn’t really arrest anybody unless they did something terrorism related, at the very least he could break up what appeared to be a disagreement.

James cursed silently and put on his best smile, simultaneously giving a sharp tug on Nolan's bound wrists when he tried to make another break. That tug resulted in a grunt as Nolan tripped and a groan as he landed on his posterior on the hard deck. James didn't make any effort to help the man stand. Instead he reached into a pocket to pull out his credentials. Even so, he kept an eye on the chagrined jumper.

"Sorry, Sergeant," James began, having noted the rank, "James Grayburn, P.I., Bail-bond Enforcement Agent, you get the idea anyway." He extended the small padd that contained his licenses along with his most personable smile. Licenses like his weren't cheap or easy to obtain, least of all with the official Federation seal on them. He had managed it though. In addition, the padd contained a copy of the contract Nolan Michrach had signed with the bondsman, authorizing this action. It didn't mean that Starfleet or Federation officials liked the "vigilante" attitude bounty hunters had a reputation for having, and they seemed to love making trouble for men like James.

Kahlan stared blankly at the commotion, moving off past it without a second glance to what was actually going on. She stopped in front of a station schematics label once she got onto the promenade, beginning to scan it. She started to blink slightly as she felt something swimming on the edge of her consciousness, her hand paused mid-reach toward the schematics. She had planned to download them into her cerebral implants, but seemed frozen solid as something unknown played out behind her dazed expression.

"Miss?" a voice interrupted, a hand waving in front of Kahlan's face. The ex-Borg's expression seemed to snap to reality and she blinked, seeming to come back to herself.

"Where is station operations?" Kahlan asked, the question sounding more like a statement with her emotionless inflection.

The woman staring up at her pointed to a turbolift. "Just tell it to go to Ops."

Kahlan slowly moved off in the indicated direction, stepping into the lift and looking perturbed as she stated coldly, "Ops."

Rick moved past the commotion quickly; it was security's problem, not his. That was probably a bad call on his behalf, but he wanted to get to the gym, and work off some of this sleepiness he had been feeling lately.

Lower Decks
He had managed to keep himself to himself for the last few weeks, scraping by a meagre survival by selling recycled uniforms and equipment. Be it Starfleet or civilian, it had given Mokab a small stash of food to see him through for at least another week. He had only been asleep a few hours, but that sound from behind the bulkhead woke him again. "Third time this week," he said, as he pulled the box door inward to peek outside.

The light was dim, as it always was before 0700, and he could not see anything in the immediate vicinity; but the hairs on the back of his hand had risen and he shuddered, sending a shiver that ran from the base of his neck down his back to all his extremities. He knew that something was not right, that he he was being watched from a secretive area in this desolate place, which he shared with only a few others and the unseen lifeforms that harboured in the lower decks of the station.

He closed his eyes and held his breath, attuning his hearing to his surroundings; all he could hear was the rush of blue blood pumping around his body. He shook his head and pushed the cardboard flap into place, easing himself back onto the pile of papers that served as his bed, and pulled the dirty, thin linen sheet back up to his neck. The Bolian did not try to go back to sleep, too frightened of whatever it was that lay beyond his box.


Kahlan walked down the steps in front of her as she exited the turbolift, looking out of place in the station's main core as she was only a crewman. She found the commanding officer on shift and approached him warily. She pointed at the readings on the science scanner in front of him. "Borg," she said. "Borg life-signs." She pointed at a cross-scan and shook her head. "Those are mine. Ignore them. These are separate. Borg drone. They are dangerous."

The Captain's room swathed in light as her console communication channel opened.
=^= Captain Tahir. Report to Ops immediately. We have a situation," the voice called, disturbing Tasha from the little sleep she'd had.

=^= "Tahir here. On my way," =^= she responded as she flung back the single cover, and rolled from her bed.
She rubbed her eyes, focusing on her desk and then to the wardrobe. Pulling open the door, she grabbed the first jumpsuit and dressed, slipping her feet into her shoes and pulling on her tunic jacket as she exited.

A few minutes later, Captain Tahir entered Ops.

"Report," She ordered, before she even reached the console.

One of the administration staff looked up.
"Ma'am, reports coming in, regarding an as-yet unidentified life form in the lower decks. First reports suggest a Borg," he said, still trying to get a positive result from the station scanners.

"A Borg!" Tasha replied, as she rounded the first tier and stepped onto it. "How in the heck has a Borg found it's way onto the station? What are the scanners finding?" She inquired.

Robert had just entered Main OPS to check on the staff there, and he heard the word, 'Borg'. He relieved the ensign at the Operations panel, and started to pull a more detailed scan of the lower decks. "Showing one Borg, lower decks. Triangulating location. Appears to be near the Trash and Recycle storage."

Tasha watched Robert as he rechecked and confirmed his scan.
"Signal Security. Full sweep of the recycling area and no phasers. No provocation. Engineering, prepare a phasic modular shield with communications frequency jamming for immediate deployment." She knew if the Borg was found, weapons would be of little use; but the shield had proven its worth before and usually, where there was one Borg, there were more.

Robert's fingers flew over the control panel, sending to Security the location of where the sensor scans detected the Borg.

Marine HQ

In the MTAC, Senior Chief Warrant Officer Kaoru Kotegawa, a lithe middle aged woman of Eastern Terran descent assigned to the Intelligence section, sweated a little bit as she leaned back in a chair that had been designed for a much larger, much more armored, and decidedly much crazier entity then she.

She knew that graveyard shift was the short straw, but to run MTAC as Officer of the Watch, for even a short while in the early morning, was considered a great honor. And there were perks, of course. You got to sit on a throne and order people around. You got to see every corner of the station. You had stewards who would bring you whatever you want. And for whatever reason, the chair had a massage function built in.

There was just one rule…don’t spill anything.

So yes, pretending to be the insane CO, while he was off gallivanting somewhere, was fun…right up until something like this happened. “Report!” She shouted out, almost unnecessarily. The men and women in the trenches were professionals and already doing their jobs.

“Sir!” One of the technicians called out, “We have an intruder alert on the station. Entity appears to be reading as Borg. Main Operations and Security are running sensor sweeps as we speak, location has been determined to be deck 1101, Waste Recycling. Attempting to narrow down location and piggy-backing onto the search reports.”

“Computer,” Kaoru said, “who is the senior-most Marine Officer currently inside the Complex?”

“Marine Captain Miranda Flynn.”

“Alright then., =^=Warrant Officer Kotegawa to Captain Flynn. Ma’am, we have a situation and need you in MTAC.=^= She spun in her chair, and said to one of the many Marines manning a station, “I want a platoon that’s on standby to be brought to full combat readiness. Ballistic loadouts, anti-Borg countermeasures. Be prepared for close quarters combat.”

“Put me through to Captain Tahir in Main Operations…secure channel,” she waited till she had the go-ahead and said, =^= “Captain Tahir, this is Senior Warrant Officer Kotegawa in MTAC, are you seeing what we’re seeing?” =^=

Tasha had failed to notice the new intelligence officer, standing a few meters from the central rostrum, as she stepped to her left and the communication console.

=^= "Officer Kotegawa. Tahir. I could see something, but I do not believe that a Borg can simply vanish!" She remarked as the lifeform's signature faded.

At that moment, Kahlan stepped forward and announced herself to Tasha.

Tasha glanced around, recognizing the voice of the woman she had spoken to on the Sarek, a week earlier.
"Crewman Kahlan. Thank you for coming down. What can you tell us?" She inquired, keeping the comm channel open between herself and Officer Kotegawa.

The officer didn't give a vocal response, she moved to a console and ran some procedure that Tasha could not make out but after a few seconds gave a simple reply of Temporal anomaly and that was all that the Captain needed.

The Captain nodded resolutely. "Could be temporal. Lieutenant, Officer," She referred to Robert and Kotegawa, "Alter sensors to register any temporal anomaly." Her brow arched upwards in question to Kahlan, asking if she was ordering the correct procedure.

Roberts hands flew over the operations panel. "Captain. Sensors are aligned to detect temporal anomalies. I had to pull power from the uppers decks to compensate for the added use in the lower sensors."

Tasha nodded her acknowledgement and moved a little closer to the security console. The lifeform register brightened and faded as she watched, mesmerised by the apparent pulse of light.

It was then that a thought struck Tasha, but for now she would keep it to herself.



Captain Tasha Tahir

Mokab Melibrate
Bolian Trader - Tasha

James Grayburn

Nolan Mikrach
NPC Bounty by James

Lt Cdr Rick Dunham
Shuttle pilot.

Pip Sullivan
NPC by Louise

Min Zhao

Hera Reginaldo
NPC - Jools

Colonel James Darson and assorted Marines

Lieutenant Robert Feinstein
Chief Operations Officer

Crewman Kahlan Al-Khira
Technical Specialist, DS5