Lieutenant JG Opaka Jo'el’s Personal Log - Heading to DS5

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Title   Heading to DS5
Author   Lieutenant JG Opaka Jo'el
Posted   Sun Oct 26, 2008 @ 11:50pm
It is with a heavy heart that I embark on the USS Rio Grande for the long trip from DS9 to DS5. This Cardassian eyesore has been the closest thing to a home that I have had over my seemingly brief life, and I must admit that I am already nostalgic for the old days. While most of the crew, residents, and shopkeepers are no long on DS9, I was still persuaded by Commander Vaughn that now was the time to truly spread my wings and see other parts of the galaxy.

The real problem is the move itself. How does one whittle 15 years of history down to one storage container? Of course, I packed and repacked my shrine, my swords, my baseball memorabilia, and then... and then it was over. I don't have many tangible pictures. Most of my holophotos are on isolinear rods, along with my favorite holoprograms. I wonder what passes for Vic's on the Romulan border.

The XO, Lt. Commander Rakka wrote to greet me and inform me that DS5 has its own Klingon restaurant, so at least I'll get to revisit some of the aromas of old. I hope the chef makes a decent blood pie.

It's funny, after three years of service on DS9, one would assume that I would know my way around a station. And I do, but now I'm going to a completely different class of station. At least the lighting will be brighter and I won't have to worry about tripping over the lips of every doorway.

More than anything, I am looking forward to putting more distance between myself and the past. As little of a past as I have, it's strange that so much of what I remember is hardship. I have to take the time to appreciate the blessings the Prophets have given me in this clean slate. Hopefully when I return to Bajor, I'll have a new perspective on my past and the people that I've hurt by staying inside my little boat. It's time for me to get out of the boat and venture outside of my safety zone. I can be anybody on DS5. Maybe I'll start by being Jo'el.