Unity – Meeting the competition
by Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw & Chief Executive Officer Eleni Monteros (NPC)

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Title   Meeting the competition
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw & Chief Executive Officer Eleni Monteros (NPC)
Posted   Sun Aug 29, 2010 @ 9:31am
Location   Monteros corporate offices
Timeline   SD16 1500 hours
Wayne had heard about the Monteros Corporation and he had liked what he had heard. The fact that their main offices were located on DS5 was just that much more of a plus for him. Deciding to see if the CEO would be interested in a possible merger or at least figuring out where the line was drawn would be important to him. This is what brought him and his top officers to their offices on this particular day without an appointment and ready to do battle on the corporate battleground.

Eleni was still fairly busy unpacking her office while doing deals on her comm at the same time, "Yes, good, I'm happy to know our trilithium production is over expectations, Mr. Rourke." She smiled at the news from the director of one of their mines as she placed family pictures on her wall, including a recent one of Rianni and Ashara at Rianni's adoption ceremony, "I want our entire fleet in that area to be self sustaining, Mr. Rourke, I want to purchase no trilithium this year. Okay, good bye, Mr. Rourke."

No sooner had she hung up with the mine director than the comm rang again, someone from inside the Klingon Empire wanting to sell lands once held by the House of Duras, disruptors, even ships, anything to make enough money to stay afloat, "Yes, we can make a deal for the ships, and the land if we get mineral rights." She said, adjusting her certificate of honorable retirement from Starfleet as she did so, "I don't know about the disruptors, we do have a deal already with a company here in the Federation to arm our security staff. Half price? I suppose we should have something available to our colonists and miners... I'll tell you what, knock off another slip per unit and I'll take every unit you have. Then we have a deal? Excellent! It has been a pleasure doing business with you General Kraf'ien, good day."

She finally turned to see a large gathering of men outside her office, wondering who they were and what they were trying to sell, ~It never ends.~

Cdr. Phil Cassidy was head of security for the DS5 installation for Monteros Enterprises, and he was not happy. Some underling had come to tell him that some bunch of guys in suits had just walked into the place without identifying themselves and without an appointment, ~See if that dumbass kid ever works entry again.~ He swore to himself, walking over with a phalanx of his armed security men, their weapons not drawn, but accessible, "Can I help you, Sir?" He asked, his face stony and his voice far less than welcoming, but still professional, Phil Cassidy was strictly business.

"Yes you can young man. Tell your boss that Wayne Bradshaw and company are here and we would like a meeting to discuss certain things so that we do not step on each others toes." Said Wayne coolly he was not in the mood for small talk especially not with an underling.

He had noticed the armed guards that had accompanied the chief of security and was now thankful that each man of his 7 man team was also armed.

"If you want to talk to Ms. Monteros I think you should walk over there to the front desk and make an appointment like everybody else does, Mr. Bradshaw." Cassidy replied, "Nobody see her without one. Operating procedures, you understand."

Eleni, watching from her office window and seeing what might be the start of serious trouble, stepped out into the main lobby, "It's okay, Phil, send him in."

"Yes, Ma'am." Cassidy nodded, locking eyes with Bradshaw, "Ms. Monteros will see you now, Mr. Bradshaw. Only you."

Wayne gave a half nod to the chief of security then turned back to his own men. "Alright Wayne you know the drill spread them out and stay alert I am not sure how things will go but if they go bad you know what to do." Said Wayne to his eldest son

"Yeah dad we know exactly what to do and no bunch of civilian security is going to stop us." Whispered Wayne flatly

"Alright chief lead the way." Said Wayne bluntly

"Yeah, you know what, no." Cassidy shook his head, "You and your guys are not going to walk in here and start making threats. I'm going to ask you to leave now, gentlemen, do it while you can of your own accord."

"What's going on, Phil?" Eleni asked, this was not what she wanted to have going on before lunch.

"We got this guy and his bunch of thugs trying to make threats and intimidate people." Cassidy replied, "Nothing to worry about, I'm tossing them right now."

"All right, Phil, it's your operation." Eleni shrugged, returning to her office and shutting the door, she had other things to deal with.

"Gentlemen, there's the door, good day." Cassidy said, there was no concern or interest in 'working things out' in his voice or in his mind, his job was to protect this installation and Ms. Monteros and he didn't give a frack who he offended by doing his damned job.

Wayne Jr. spoke up first. "Listen kid as long as our boss is in there with your boss we are staying right here. and if your hired muscle thinks that they can take on a squad of trained and battle hardened starfleet marines you are welcome to try. Why don't you go about your business and when this meeting is over we will leave. and be happy to do so." said Wayne Jr. calmly but firmly his men had already taken up positions around the lobby and were quite content to wait things out. "Rest assured that we will not cause any trouble for you but certain things prevent us from leaveing unless the big man is with us as well." He added

"Rest assured that he is coming with you, boy." Cassidy replied, this punk was not about to bark orders at him while he was on his territory, "Because he's just as out of here as you are. Don't try me, punk, you will not like the results."

While this was going on Wayne Sr. was up in the CEO's office. "Eleni Monteros it is a pleasure to see you again. I did not know that it was your company that bought out Weiltzer Corp. I do hope that we can reach an agreement of sorts or a partnership." Said wayne politely he would use all his business charm and political skill in this meeting of that he was sure. hell even the timeing was intentional as was the show that he was sure was still going on downstairs.

Eleni turned to face him, a disruptor in her hand on maximum setting pointed directly at his chest, "I believe my chief of security ordered you to leave, Mr. Bradshaw. I would advise you to do as he says. Maybe bullying, threats, and intimidation works for you with other people, but it won't work here. Now, leave my office before I vaporize you."

"So it has come to that has it. I came here to offer a partnership, a simple business transaction and you greet me and my top officers with disruptors drawn. Alright Eleni if that is how you want it then I hope you like corporate war cause you just woke up a giant." Said Wayne flattly it was not a threat he had studied the Monteros Corporation before coming to the meeting and he knew that though they were big and a powerfull corporation they were on the lower edge of of the lass that his own company was in.

"You and your top officers as you called them staged an armed invasion of my offices!" Eleni snapped back, "Then after you're told to leave you decided to storm into my office to try and scare me into agreeing to whatever you have in mind. You're nothing more than a gangster, and I know how to deal with your wretched kind. Now get out!"

He picked up his briefcase and walked out the door and back down the stairs. He did not spare a glance at anyone in the office rather he simply walked out forcefully his anger and disappointment evident on his face that things had in deed turned for the worse. As a parting shot he turned just before he walked out the door. "Chief tell your boss that she has just lost any chance of a partnership for an expansion into the gamma quadrant and can expect no help from us whatsoever." With that he walked out the door leaving his sons in the dust and formulating a plan make Eleni realise that she had stepped into a hornets nest. he needed a spy.

"Ms. Monteros doesn't need your help, fuckboy." Cassidy spat, "Or any of your punk ass kids, either. You aren't going to intimidate her or me, so you'd be advised to stay clear of here, otherwise you might meet a tragedy."

Wayne so wanted to show the man who was obviously about 20 years younger then him but he stayed his tounge and his hand and continued to to walk down the corridore and away from the company he would see them broken and begging before he would ever set foot back in this office and then it would be to buy the company out.