Judgement – ''what do you mean Flash Gordon approaching?"
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   ''what do you mean Flash Gordon approaching?"
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Thu Sep 08, 2011 @ 10:32pm
Location   Box of Delights (Holosuite)
Timeline   SD 39 21.30

"Hey Spartan," Vedra draped herself along the back of the booth he occupied at the back of the Box of Delights, and dangled an isolinear chip in front of him. "Look what I found in the holovid library. Now since I've got a night off, I thought you might want to play with me."

The Marine watched the isolinear chip like a cat watching a mouse. "Uh huh" he said distractedly but with a touch of cynicism. "And how much will this little adventure cost me?"

The Risian girl laughed, her clan marking creasing lightly. "You're a marine. The pleasures of the Box are on the House."

"Really....but this is the Box of Delights nothing's 'free'." Spartan gave her a curious and some what mischievous look. He was confused as to why Marines got special privileges, so much so, that he asked "and why is it on the house for marines?"

"Becuase the terms Darson reached with the Boss are nice and fuzzy. the only thing actively excluded is the gaming tables. Holosuites are not gaming tables, so this is as much on the house as the beer." She pulled the isolinear rod back from his grasp, and walked towards the stairs to the Holospa, hips swaying back and forth like a pnedulum, her tight shorts cut so high they gave glimpses of tanned pert bottom. She stopped and glanced back at him, "So you coming?"

The marine his jaw almost hitting the floor nodded in silent agreement. He got himself of the chair with little effort and followed the woman up to the holosuites. The professional in him told him he shouldn't go....and he couldn't help but feel like he was walking into a trap or some sort of spiders web.

She was waiting for him outside the Wardrobe replicator in the holospa, "Birdman or Arborian?"

"Eh?" Asked the Marine confused as hell. In all his time using holosuites he had never been asked such a question, nor did he know what the hell was being talked about. Still, when in Rome...... "Urrmmm Birdman please babe"

"Good choice." She thumbed the replicator and it produced. the requested costume. It was skimpy. She handed it over with a dirty grin. "I'm so pleased you chose this." she gave him a shove towards the changing rooms. "See you in a sec!"

The marine looked at the costume in his hands his face was an image of slight indignation and his lips mouthed the words 'what the hell' silently. He had only come to this place on a recommendation from other s in his fire team.....he began to wonder if he had been set up as he put on the costume.

When he emerged, a site for sore eyes greeted him. Vedra had changed into a tight red satin outfit that clung for dear life to every swell and curve of her body. Her dark hair was held back with a red band. "Ready to rock?"

Not for the first time the marine had to drag his jaw up from the floor as he nodded slightly dumbfoundedly. All thoughts of set up, where thrown out of the window when he saw her. He was totally off guard. It wasn't that he wasn't use to this sort of thing, it was just that it had been some time. He followed after her.

"I'll take that as a yes," she grinned at his gaping as the holosuite doors whisered open. She put a hand on his chest, the leather webbing serving to emphasise his marine physique. "Shame about the plot. But i'm supposed to be preventing intersteller war, not causing it. And poor Barin's almost tried to kill you twice already."

Spartan nodded, the look on his face had turned to one of acceptance, but only because there was the potential of violence, something that was much further into his remit. Not to put to much of a finer point on it, but Spartan was pretty good at the violence thing, something he would be pleased to do, as it was something else he had not got a chance to do recently. After all there where no wars on. Plus the hand on his chest was just enough to find intoxicating.

"Its very simple." She called over her shoulder as they walked into the centre of the suite. Alone on the gridded floor was what looked like a hover platform with a handlebar. "We capture the rocket, crash it into the palace, stop the wedding, you get the girl, I get the boy."

"Semper fi " mumbled the marine to himself as he traced his hand along the edge of the hover bike, it put him in mind of the drop pod bikes the marines used in converted Wyvern Hopper Transport "So I get the girl huh" he said almost as an after thought.

She stepped onto the hover bike. "Grab on, or you're going to have a very sudden drop."

He awkwardly put his hands around the curvy woman. It wasn't the first time he had found himself in a situation like this, but that had been on drop ships with female marines all in combat gear and armed to the teeth. This was a whole different ball game.

Vedra told the program to start. Over the course of two seconds, maybe three, all sense of ground fell away, they were surrounded by sky and dropping low through a thick cloud bank. On the otherside he could see a city of soaring spires, graceful curved lines and art deco towers. Almost as soon as they cleared the clouds, phaser beams shot from massive ground to air batteries, and peppered the sky around them with explosions.

Spartan suddenly felt a wave of emotion, a slight smile crept across his face as these emotions where accompanied by memories of the second Battle of Betazed, where a joint starfleet and marine task force had taken back the planet of the Dominion. He had been a young private back then fresh out of boot, it had been his first battle and he had found a rush in the drop ships coming under heavy fire before they landed in the cities.

"I've done this literally a hundred times!" Vedra called pack, and sent the little bike dipping and twisting and dodging around the fussilade. She seemed good to her word too. Either she was completely precognitive, or she had run the program so o many times she new exactly when and where to duck and spin.

And suddenly the rush was gone. It wasn't the real thing it was a simulation, and he was in the hands of someone who had run this gauntlet more times than they could count and knew where every shot and every blast would come from. But Vedra looked like she was having a good time. Even though he recalled that she thought the simulation wasn't top brass. Perhaps he was just a a little cynical or old but his face was slightly emotionless.

And then bursting through the fusillade came the long sleek shape of rocket, barreling towards them with deadly speed. He could feel Vedra's intake of breath, sharp and sudden, as she threw the bike around and headed back into the cloud. As she did so a shot from the rocket pased their heads, so close he could feel the heat from it. The rocket was gaining, and the shots would only get more accurate

The Marine shouted to the Risian girl over the loud sound of weapons fire and engines. "If you turn around and get above it I can jump down on its roof."

She looked back over her shoulder with a doubting look on her face. "I already tried that. Its suicide."

"But you didn't have me with you." said the marine with a slither of a smile on the corner of his lips on his otherwise grim edged chiseled features.

She gave him a beaming smile. "I knew you were the right man for this job!" She turned the bike around, picking up the radio as she did so. "Vultan! Ajax is right behind us. We're going in."

The radio crackled back with a blustery male voice, "Save a few for me! Dive my Hawkmen. Diiiiiiiivvvveee!"


NPC'd by: Yolanthe Ibalin


Corporal Spartan
NPC'd by: Rick Dunham