Intermission – Keep Adam away from the Shiny Things
by Lieutenant JG Mark Dexter & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Keep Adam away from the Shiny Things
Mission   Intermission
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Mark Dexter & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Sun Jul 14, 2013 @ 7:33pm
Location   Sickbay
Timeline   SD73 0900
"River look!!" Adam grabbed River's hand and tugged her further into the massive sickbay. The smile on Adam's face was huge. He practically bounced from bio bed to bio bed, almost but never quite touching. "This is going to be fun." As whenever he was really excited Adam's voice had gone up another half octave.

River was just as wide-eyed. She hadn't seen a Sickbay this big or comprehensive since "the Zefram Cochrane Memorial" on Earth. She held back a little although she did allow Adam to drag her inside but she was trying to take it all in and looking round at all the startled faces of the Medical staff inside. She blushed and tried to "shhh" Adam softly.

At that moment a group gathered around a woman with Commander's pips at her teal uniform collar and soft Bajoran ridges at the top of her nose all looked over to see what all the squeaking was about. The students did not move but the Commander handed her PADD to a Lieutenant (jg) beside her and muttered something to him about carrying on with the demonstration.

She left the group and came over to River and Adam and as she approached she held out her hand in greeting. "Chelsea Dunham." she said succinctly, by way of starting the introductions.

River recognised the name and the rank of the CMO and withdrew her hand from Adam's and offered it to shake the outstretched hand offered. "River Danar, Ma'am.... er... Sir? I never know what to call senior female officers.... I'm a JG Lieutenant - newly transferred.... and this is Adam." she indicated Chase beside her and stopped to allow him to finish his own handshake and details.

"Chase, Nurse." Adam finished for River, then took Chelsea's hand, top side up, and kissed it. "Lovely sickbay you have here, absolutely gorgeous." Then he was distracted again. "Is that a self draining autopsy table?" He was off, investigating the shiny table.

Chelsea's eyes widened. It had been a long time since anyone had kissed her hand. In fact she couldn't remember the last time. "Yes, it's not bad" she replied to his comments about the Sickbay and she shrugged pleasantly at River. "I received your transfer papers, both of you are very welcome to our department. We're one big family here and I hope you're both going to be happy with us." she said.

"Thank you, Ma... um..." River began.

"Ma'am or Sir if it's a formal occasion, I don't mind which, but Chelsea when it's just day to day." Dunham told her, assuming what River was stumbling over, since she had mentioned it a few moments ago.

River nodded, happy not to be too formal but at the same time, distracted by whatever Adam might be doing over in that side room where the Autopsy suite was situated with it's door standing open.

"They have a full systemic bypass system with built in tertiary backups!" Adam was bounding out of the autopsy suite and off to the ICU. "This would have come in handy earlier!" Adam chirped to River. "Oh, Doctor Dunham, lovely to be here." Adam paused, realizing he was being a hyper ferret. "Do you mind if I look around?" He asked, very after the fact.

Chelsea smiled indulgently. He reminded her of her four year old. He had spirit and something that was irresistibly pure in a childlike enthusiasm for the kind of things that most people took for granted or just missed when they looked at the world.

"I'm glad you like my Sickbay. I'm very proud of her. Please take a look around and familiarise yourself with everything before you start your first shift proper." the CMO replied and spread one arm outwards towards the rest of the vast and impressive facility.

"And when you're bored up here, there's a whole second "Auxiliary" Sickbay on the deck below which we open up in times when this one is overloaded." she added with a sparkle in her eyes. "Imagine how much we would have to do to fill this one, then double it and you have an idea what a major incident is like on a Starbase like this one." she let that sink in before moving away with a quick "Come find me if you have questions." as she left them to explore.

Adam barely contained himself long enough to listen, then he was off exploring again.

River stood alone now, wondering if she should follow Adam and try to keep him out of mischief or whether to pretend she didn't know him. She opted for the job of following him and putting back all the things he touched, opened or moved to see how they worked or whether he could fit one into his bulging med-kit to make good use of later.

"Adam?" she peered into the Theatre complex where he has just disappeared.

"Yes dear?" He asked, poking his nose into the supply cupboard

"Just wondering where you had gone...... Oh! What are you doing?" she asked with a horrified tone. "Do you want to get us both sacked and sent back to the Mars Colony to have our disreputable tendencies 'repaired'.

"Oh relax, I'm just looking." He admonished. "I wouldn't disturb anything in here." He stopped his putzing though. "I'll be good." He put on his best innocent smile. "How can you be so calm around here, it's amazing!! I want to marry it and have little bio-bed babies!"

"You can't! You're already married to Mark, Dufus!" she replied with a grin. "Are you two likely to want babies then?"

"What??" Adam turned, slack jawed. He'd been playing, not talking about literal babies. "No, definitely not." But then his grin turned mischievous. "I should bring that up though, just to be evil."

River rolled her eyes. "Poor Mark!" she faked sympathy for Adam's husband but secretly thought the two were so well matched that he probably gave as good as he got when it came to jokes.

Adam just chuckled. "Ohhhh" Adam had spotted something else and was wandering off again.

A JP between:

Commander Chelsea Dunham


Lt (jg) River Danar
Medical Officer (NPC by jools)

Ens Adam Chase