Unity – Oasis
by Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Oasis
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Sun Jan 24, 2010 @ 9:17am
Location   Officers' Quarters - Deck 3
Timeline   (Backpost) 19:00 approx - SD16

Rick and Chelsea were early to go up to level 2 to meet the counsellor as it was still only around 7pm but as they were all dressed up ready to go, they stopped in at Rick's old quarters, strangely bare now they were empty of all his and Kim's personal items.

Chelsea trailed her fingers over the back of the sofa as she wandered around it, deep in her memories. "We had some fun here, even though it was such a short time." she muttered rhetorically.

There was something distant about her, not just lost in thought but tired and a little bit inexplicably lost.

Dunham came up behind her and placed both his arms around her waist; he kissed her neck tenderly and nuzzled his face into her neck. “Are you ok?”

Chelsea nestled back against him, comforted by his presence as always. "You seem to have a way of making everything seem ok, no matter how much I feel at sixes and sevens with the universe" she murmoured, wrapping her arms around his in front of her and holding them closer against her.

She turned her head slightly and rubbed her cheek against his softly. "Such a lot has happened to us both recently. Do you ever feel like a piece of tumble-weed blowing around. Or one of those seed things that fall from Sycamore trees with like a little wing attached that helps them spin on the wind until they find somewhere new to belong?"

“Yes. Then I think of you, and it’s all better” said Dunham with a smile.

"Aww" Chelsea said squeezing his arms tighter. "I'm so lucky to have you. Did I tell you lately that I love you?"

Dunham pulled an over exaggerated face of a man trying to remember something long forgotten. “I think I remember you mentioning it after the poem?”

"Well, it wouldn't do to spoil you I suppose." she teased.

“Doesn’t hurt to spoil me now and again” he said in mock exasperation.

"You're right" she laughed and wriggled right round in his arms so she was facing him but without his having to let go of her. ".....but you know that was only about an hour ago, right? So i'd say you're not SO neglected as you might have me think, if I let you"

“But surely it earned me some brownie points?” He said with a mischievous smile. "It took me ages to write that thing"

"It so was NOT a *thing*" she protested. "It was a beautiful piece of artistic expression of a deep and wonderful sentiment." She grinned and reached up, messing up his hair. "Much like you" she added, putting her head on one side as if working out which angle he looked best from.

"As for Brownie points, you can't be a Brownie, they were all girls if you studied your history..... but you do deserve a reward. What would you like to claim as recompense for all your time and effort?" she asked with a smirk adding the most unlikely suggestion imaginable: "Perhaps you'd like a little peace and quiet to rest?"

Her pretence at a 'serious enquiry' face was badly disguised but the sparkle of pure mischief in her eyes would have blown it anyway. Rick always saw through her no matter how much she tried to look convincing.

The way he raised an eyebrow and looked at her for a second before replying, reduced her to a fit of giggles.

Dunham folded his arms across his chest in mock seriousness. “So your laughing at me now?” he said an overdramatic sound of remorse in his tone.

"um...... ye.... nooooooooooooooo! of COURSE not.... " she snickered.

"Well as always, no matter how its done. I'm always happy to cheer you up." Said Dunham unfolding his arms and embracing Chelsea. "You know what.....I think you me are going to be brilliant together, forever."

"Forever is a long time, babe" she said quietly.

Returning his hug and tilting her face upwards to kiss him softly, Chelsea felt a surge of pure happiness for the joy of just being close to him. The touch of his skin, the strength of his arms around her, the warmth of his kiss and the passion in his eyes were everything she had ever wanted - all in one amazing man. She began to wonder briefly how anyone could *be* this perfect. Surely, no-one in the history of time had ever been as happy as the two of them right now. Her kiss deepened and she lost herself in the moment, trying not to question how she had become the luckiest person in the universe.


LT Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader


Lt. Cmdr. Chelsea Adams