Things Past – On the Balance of Power
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   On the Balance of Power
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Tue Apr 26, 2011 @ 10:18pm
Location   ch'Rihan
Timeline   2343
“Does it concern you, Rh’vaurek?” Isha asked, her voice barely louder than their breathing. Her cheek which was pressed close to his chest was damp and growing sticky as the sweat dried between them. She shifted slightly, easing herself up to where she could see his face.

“Your pointy chin concerns me!” he said slipping one hand beneath it and his ribs. With the other he moved her hair back behind her ears, “so does the uncanny ability you have to make me act like a besotted moron every time you smile at me with those eyes.”

She wriggled on top of him and rested her pointy chin on her folded hands and gazed down into his eyes. Isha rested there for a moment, the addition of her weight having now impact on his gentle breathing, “I do no such thing,” she said.

“Smile, or make me behave like a moron?” Rh’vaurek asked craning his neck so that his nose almost touched hers. His tone was languid as the unseasonable warmth that plagued Ra'tleihfi that spring.

“Could I really make you do anything?” she responded.

As he let his head fall back on the cushion Rh’vaurek chuckled, and linked his fingers at the nape of her neck, “If you were an enemy you’d be perfectly positioned for blackmail, or coercion, not that I’d be that easily persuaded.”

“Can we never have a conversation where you are not mentally comparing me to some vaehkh floozy who is after your secrets or planning to slide a knife between your ribs?”

“How do I know that you’re not?” he teased as a lopsided smile spread across his face, “A spy wouldn’t reveal her true identity whether I’d done what she wanted or not.”

Isha rolled her lower lip between her teeth, “Don’t be ridiculous,” she said, “you know my lineage.”

“Because you never, ever shut up about it!” Isha felt his fingers tighten a little as he spoke, “It wouldn’t be the first time someone in a powerful position had been replaced,” he continued, “and right now, if you were not the sweet but incisive Isha t’Khellian, you’d be looking at the end of your career,” he told her as his thumbs caressed her throat.

“That’s not funny, Rh’vaurek,” Isha replied as she realised that her position gave her no leverage and that she was quite unable to move away from him.

“Its not supposed to be funny,” Rh’vaurek replied with a smirk. He held her there a few moments longer, as if he had a point to prove.

Rh’vaurek did of course have a point to make. He had tried to dissuade her, but nothing he could say to her seemed to make her realise that he was not good for her, and one day he would end up with no choice but to hurt her.

He could see that she knew that she was in trouble and did not quite know how to proceed but was doing her damnedest to appear nonchalant. Rh’vaurek saw the glimmer of concern in her deep green eyes, it was a gaze he just could not resist.