Cascade – A Step Closer...
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   A Step Closer...
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Tue Apr 02, 2013 @ 8:36pm
Location   Pradai, Cariel System.
Timeline   (SD 71 2100-ish)

The Darkness was the dominant feature as the ship entered the atmosphere, the crew were tired from their journey but needed to complete this task. They circled to the provided coordinates and started the landing cycle.

As the ship landed the man seated in the command chair looked at a display to see a small congregation at the far end of the safe zone near the landing zone. As the ship extended the landing gear and landed the ramp extended the while light as blinding as it was there was a blackened figure at the top of the ramp, although he was cloaked there was clearly someone going out to greet their guest.

"Hello ambassador."

So sensitive was this meeting that Isha did not take the risk of having her guest brought to the house by a stranger. Even here beyond the borders of Romulan space there were watchers who would report back. Only her most trusted staff had access to this area, but even they might ask questions she did not wish to answer right now.

"Lieutenant Wallace, I have been retired for so many years that I hardly recall I was ever an ambassador," she replied, "Why don't you join me in the Lodge. it will be somewhat warmer and the temperature drops so rapidly after nightfall." She indicated a small structure a short distance away. Orangy light glowed from the windows, invitingly warm compared with the chill air.

As the light shifted Jarred saw the shock of several people at the mass of scars that littered his face, along with the ominous discolored eye on the right side. "I don't think we need to use titles here Isha, I'm not alive remember?"

Isha paused as she recalled his given name (any suggestion that she had forgotten anything being obviously untrue), "Very well, Jarred is it not? Its very rare that the dead come to visit, but when they do I find they eat little. This way," she walked towards the stone-walled building assuming that he would follow.

Following behind her he spoke again "So what is the big secret that I was diverted here?"

"I hoped that you could tell me if there is a heaven," she replied obtusely. It was her belief that Rh'Vaurek was exactly the same sort of dead as this man, "Perhaps you encountered one of my friends?"

"Doubtful, I spent my time in a small town that is fairly isolated on Earth that was equally peaceful though, but I highly doubt this is solely a theological meeting" Jarred said as he pulled the hood back on his long-coat.

"Of course you did," Isha said as the rustic rough hewn door opened itself at her touch. The lodge might appear a simple structure, but it was far from it. It led into a flagged square hallway with doors opening off it, one each to the left and the right plus a third. Isha headed for the door on the right.

The room, like the hallway was square but the floor was covered in a thick woven rug on which stood several comfortable chairs, and a low table. At the far end of the room was a large hearth in which a fire blazed, the source of the warming light.

"Make yourself comfortable," she said as she curled into one of the chairs. "My timing must be impeccable if you just happened to be passing, given that your usual abode is a small isolated town on Earth. I shall consider myself most fortunate."

"I was returning to Deep Space Five when I was asked to escort you back to the station, which is highly unusual and from a personal level curious." Jarred to a seat across from Isha, switching to a common Romulan dialect "I don't think a loyal servant of the Empire would need the escort of a Federation spy."

"But the method of transport will be so much less ostentatious than what I should otherwise employ. Do you not think it appropriate that the very first exchange officer from the Stelam Shiar to Starfleet arrive in a Federation vessel rather than a Romulan one? There, I never could keep a secret," Isha said with a slight smile. "Is there a more appropriate export than a spy for a spy?"

Jarred looked at Isha, he knew from what he could read from her that she was being honest about her intentions, but her fears of being turned in as a traitor were present. "Unless you have any objections, soon as my crew is done resupplying and you give any final instructions to your....staff I assume?...we can go."

"I don't see why not. I've no real wish to come out of retirement, but how could I possibly refuse. Tell me, Jarred can your craft accommodate all of us?" she didn't think he would be expecting that question.

"We can accommodate your staff, but it will be tight regrettably, this ship wasn't designed to be a luxury ship, plus we barely could fit on that landing pad as it was." Jarred said somewhat smiling for the first time.

"Staff? You misunderstand me. What would people think if a ship full of Romulans turned up and started taking over Deep Space five. This is to be a low key exchange, I will take up an official non-Diplomatic post on your station, and an officer of Starfleet will be given an equal appointment on one of ours. I meant my children, Jarred," Isha explained, she was putting luxury aside for now. "I'd prefer not to leave them behind."

"My mistake madam, The Dawn star should be ready in a couple of hours this was the longer part of our trip so we do need time to check over a few systems." Jarred said.

"Take all the time you need. My people will assist where required," she replied. "Would you like to meet them while we wait?"

"Yes, seeing as we will be in close quarter for a few days." he paused "I still have to meet my children, mostly to protect them from why I had to hide."

"I understand," Isha said as she rose and smoothed the front of the loose tunic she wore. It had been a tough decision to decide to bring them, even after years away she was not without enemies on Deep Space Five, but if she left them here she risked not seeing them again. "This way."

"found it odd that I got a request to escort you back to the station, have things changed more than I am aware of, or is there another reason, aside from discretion?" Jarred asked.

As they once again entered the hallway Isha paused, "I don't know what you are aware of, Jarred. I have agreed with much reluctance to take a role that will cause much controversy. I considered my duty to the Empire paid many times over, but they seem to have different ideas."

"This wouldn't have something to do with a dissident group I've seen a couple of reports about?" He looked over expecting a half answer.

Again she paused, just as she had been about to open the door directly opposite.

"There is no monitoring in this building, the rooms are constantly swept for devices. This is our true home, not the palace I built in the centre of the city where I present the face of the colony. Please speak freely here. I will.

"I have long been a re-unificationist, I have worked for decades for the cause within the Empire whilst appearing to oppose it, I almost died for it. This officer exchange will not serve the purposes my government think it will, but then they do not have access to my soul. I am telling you this because I need you to trust me," Isha added.

"This won't be the first time I've helped Romulan dissidents." Jarred mused.

"I don't consider myself to be a dissident. I'm merely someone who despite my privilege can see what is best for our future. If it goes wrong, which it could I'll lose my colony. That's why I have to bring them with me now. There are here only people I trust, and some of them may prove untrustworthy. I cannot risk that, despite my undoubted enemies on DS5."

"Either way, I'm here and you need a ship, plus I do miss some of the old cloak and dagger days." Jarred commented as he tried to smile, the network of scars added a bizarre appearance.

"I have my own ships, Jarred, you know that. I happen to want yours," Isha said she was not so impolite as to comment on the ravages anyone had gone through in the line of duty. "Its two weeks to Deep Space Five, I hope that you can cope for that long. Eviess and Argelian might appear reticent but they are far from it. You'll see."

"I'll manage, I still have one stop left on my itinerary its a colony about three days from Deep Space five, so we won't be stuck in the ship full time, plus I think I can get Ensign Marcos to set up some computer terminals for you and the kids so you won't be too bored." Jarred turned "My lone request is that when we are landed that you be in either a jumpsuit or a uniform just to keep up appearances."

"I will look indistinguishable from a Vulcan," Isha replied.

"Exactly." Jarred looked over with a crooked smile "it will attract less attention too."

"I know," she replied with reticence. It would pain Isha to crop her hair to her shoulders, but she would do that, and no more. It would also give her and her family protection.

"Tie your hair back, I don't follow regulations on that stuff." he said with a smile.

"In some cultures when a transition occurs in one's life the event is marked by a physical change. That way everyone knows that a pivotal moment has been passed. Everyone must know that though I am still Isha, I am no longer an Ambassador. On this planet I may still have my priveleges, but I plan to leave them at home."

"I think if change is for the future, then breaking with traditions is the first step." Jarred mused.

"Only if it is the correct traditions that are abandoned. To break with them all just for the sake of it is to leave one's soul hollow. We will keep what is of value, and leave the rest behind. How ever did we become so philosophical?"

"The ideas are universal, too bad they can't solve all the galaxy's problems." Jarred changed the topic "I should see to the last of the repairs to the Dawn Star before we depart."

"Of course you should. We have ample time to discuss ideas on the journey," it was after all about two weeks at warp 5 to Deep Space Five. Isha pressed her hand to the door and it slid away beneath her fingertips.

A soft yellow light glowed in the corner of the room tinting the edges of the two small beds with gold. "It seems they're sleeping," Isha said softly as she gazed at the small figures. "Please let me know when its time to leave," she said turning back to Jarred.

"I will Isha...I'll be back soon." He turned to return to his ship.

"Jarred," she said as he turned, "I'm sure you won't make the mistake of trusting me entirely, but don't bring them into it," she said with a nod to her sleeping children, "I don't believe you to be that sort of man, but trust me in this, I will react with swift and devastating violence if they are so much as threatened by anyone."

Jarred let out a crooked smile "I nearly died because I trusted someone."

"I think I've lost count of the times that I would have died had I not."

"You and the Children will arrive at all costs." Jarred turned to leave "I'll see you in a few hours."

Isha lingered a while in the doorway after he left. This was a strange new beginning in a saga that was already well underway. She was not the same woman who had run four years earlier. Would her enemies recognise her? Would her friends?

Eventually she stepped back and let the door close. She crossed the cool and silent hallway, her soft booted feet making barely a sound on the flagstones. She did not return to the warm cosy lounge immediately but went instead to the third door.

"Its time, Ekenda," she said.

Even Wallace would hardly recognise her when he returned.


Isha t'Vaurek,
NPC by Louise

Jarred Wallace
Starfleet intelligence.