Interlude – Haze of Red
by Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Haze of Red
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Wed Sep 01, 2010 @ 11:39pm
Location   Eden Colony - Near the Cardassian border
Timeline   Immediately after the events of "Red"
"Report." Tharek's lowered tone asked, as he strutted his way into the main camp, every bit of his visible skin still dripping with the blood of men, women and children alike.

A petite female acknowledged him. "We've cut off all their food, they'll either starve to death or scatter. Either way, we win." She said with a large, proud grin.

Tharek continued moving, and threw down his pistol and grenades. He kept his rifle though, and began on his warpath to the last remaining threat on the planet. A large infastructure with a cell of rebels that thought they could fend off the Union. Poor fools.


Sebastian was on his knees. The harvest had been brought in and they had burned that in the barns. They had doused the fields with chemicals and razed them too. As he saw the barn explode ... if there was any defence it was given by children.

He pushed himself up, and straightened. "People," Sebastian said, "We have few beam weapons, use them well. We never anticipated that they would hit the barn first, it was undefended and ..." he choked again as he spoke. Nobody could have foreseen it, not with an obvious target close by, but as thay had waited, the Cardassians had attacked their homes.

"We move."


"We move." Tharek exclaimed to the men and women that had followed him on his warpath. They were jogging in synchronisation with Getal, their footsteps echoeing his. Their puffs of breath mimicing Getal's. They all had one mission in life from that point on, and that was to follow the will of Getal to live. Anyone who differed from that would be killed by rebels, or Getal himself.


"We should have been there, not here," someone said with a jerk of his rifle.

"They should have attacked us here ... not ... not there," Peter said, he had sons and daughter there, but no lomger a wife.

"They didn't, but they'll come for us now."


"Open fire!" Getal shouted, as a volley of phaser bolts and plasma streams launched toward the building. He himself was charging at the building, flanked by a dozen troops on each side of him. He motioned his rifle left, then right, and the troops corresponded and went in the gestured ways. Tharek wanted to kill everyone himself. Like he had something to prove to someone. Anyone. Everyone.

Why Peter asked and thought as he moved his people on between the rocks. Their bombardment had been one to make noise rather than damage. Each pace they ran took them away from the settlement, and he, liike everyone following him hoped that would give them time to get away, hoped that the engineered axplosion had deterred the Cardassians before they entered the building.

For now, they ran.

As did Getal. He ran for anyone. He didn't care, he just wanted them dead. To feel the splatter of blood across his face as he mowed down everyone in his path.

About five hundred meters away there was a steep slope, the sort of place the kids were scolded for if they went climbing it. The surface was loose and rocky and the clmib in the day time was treacherous, and at nght ... well, normally only a fool would have tried it, as the only safe route was a narrow gully channelled by rainwater that drained down from the higher land. But this was not a normal night. They scrabbled up that slope by whatever route they could managed, about fifteen meters, up to the crest of scrubby shrubs that marked the edges of the uncultivated land.

"How many are we?" Peter asked, a count of seven being made two women, five men. Where the others were, well, noone knew. In the short time they had they heaped as many rocks and loose stones beneath the shrubs as they could, the larger ones they could kick down the slope, the smaller ones they'd throw. They had only two phasers between them, Peter took one and Madeleine took the other.

"Take as many of the bastards with us as we can," Peter said as they waited.

Tharek waited also. A good hour passed, as he made his way as slowly, as silently as he could to the small group. This time, a Glen accomponied him into battle. Getal knew the Glen wouldn't survive this fight. He was too new. Too fresh.

He waited, and waited. Hours seemed to pass as quickly as minutes to Getal. His eyes focused on the two with phasers.

"What the helll are they waiting for?" someone muttered, "Why don't they just come and get it overwith?"

"Because they want us to make a mistake, to do something stupid," Madelaine said, "The more stress we're under, the better it is for them." There might only b a handful of them left, but this position was not going to be easy for the Cardies to take, not from the ground.

Madelaine thought she saw movement below and eased back out of sight benhind the shrubs, she was itching to shoot at it, which was what they wanted. Her hands tightened on the aged phaser rifle she carried, Eden was supposed to be an escape from this sort of thing, but it had turned into Hell.

They had the weapons, they had the numbers ... there was really only one way this was going to end, but not without a fight.

They waited.

Tharek motioned to the Glen's belt, where a grenade lay. The Glen relinquished the grenade to Getal, trying to not make any sound at all. The small click noise was barely audible, but Getal took no chances. As soon as the small ball of explosive power was free, Getal armed it and lobbed it with all his might.

Something hit the slope and began to roll. A couple of the settlers craned foward but they saw nothing until the flahs came. The ridge shook but the grenade had landed short and had minimal impact, except on the pair that had looked to see what landed, their eyes, which had grown accustomed to the darkness were now half blinded and useless to the defenders.

"That's what we were waiting for," Madeleine said flatly. Now they would come.

And they did. Like a storm that never ended. Getal and the Glen rushed up from their hiding place and began a spray of fire that engulfed the area, streaking beams of gold through the air. Between them both, Getal and the Glen managed to take down three people before having to duckfor cover.

In that lapse they were met with a shower of rocks, sticks, pebbles; anything that could be thrown. One of them was not fast enough to avoid it, a short blast from Madeleine caught him right in the back and as more stones rained down on the attackers she moved her position, there were only two of them and she did not want them to know where she was firing from.

Getal watched on as the Glen fell before him, his eyes fixed on the Glen's, who seemed to stare back. Unblinking. It sent a shiver up Tharek's spine. A shiver that could only be quelled with blood. He rose from his spot, and fired two quick beams, which both hit their mark. The men fell in sychronisationwith a gaping hole in the center of their chest.

"It's just us," Madeleine said quietly. "Retreat or ..."

Peter wiped a hand across his face. They couldn't go forward, there were only two of them, and to there backs was only more rugged, scrubby counryside. If they could get far enough they could survive no more than a day or two on what was out there. He extended a hand to Madeleine and drew her close, "Best not give them the satisfaction," he said softly, swallowing as she nodded her understanding.

With no distraction the first sign of phaser fire they would see their position and that would be it, there was only one shot left. "Sleep well," he said as he pressed the tip of his knife into the pulsing vein in her throat. Her body convulsed and her fingers protested but he held her there until she was gone. He didn't want to risk her being left for them.

Peter pushed her gently to the ground and laid his hand on her forehead for a moment before reaching for the phaser rifle. He was sure they were creeping closer in the darkness but that didn't matter now. He took the weapon, and with hands slick with Madeleine's blood he turned it on himself.

Tharek wouldn't allow that. These bastards had taken the Glen's life. Blood must be spilt by a Cardassian hand. He charged at the man and lunged at the weapon with a forceful kick. The weapon shattered under the sheer force of Getal's blow.

How the fuck! They had been below. Had it taken her that long to die? A thousand questions ran into his head in that instant. At least he had saved her from this.

Getal puffed and panted as he stood over the deceased body of Madeleine. Glaring down at her, then switching his blood-shot eyes to Peter. The intention was very clear in his eyes, and sent a clear message without the use of words.

You bleed, because Cardassia commands it.

After all this Peter was damned if he was going to die on his knees in the dirt. He got to his feet, a large rough pebble in the palm of his hand and it was that which he slammed into the side of the Cardassian's face drawing blood. Peter was going to die anyway, so it really didn't matter what he did anymore, there was no-one else left alive.

Tharek keeled back with the shock of the blow. A vile mixture of spit and blood gushed forth from his mouth. Arenaline soon took its hold on Getal though. He turned to Peter, and unleashed a beastly fury of fists, kicks, and blows that would've crippled a Klingon onto the poor man.

"You'll never win," Peter said through a difficult breath. He was on the floor and wasn't getting up again, "You'll never win, because whatever you do we will fight you. You might kill us. but you won't break us," he managed before his head fell back and he went to join his friends and family.

"We've already broken you." Tharek said through gritted, bloodied teeth toward the still man.

A few valiant colonists, NPCd by Louise

Tharek Getal, Snake of Eden