Time is Fleeting

A few days prior to Captain Tahirs return, Commanders Davies & Villiers are awoken by a desperate SOS from a ship using communication technology that is not known to them.

The signal is faint, but it has origins less than 30,000 km from the station, but no ship can be found.

Lieutenant Commander Rianni Monteros & Lieutenant Dunham head to investigate. They discover a small rip in the space / time continuum and turnabout to head back to DS5 to report their findings, only to pulled into the rift.

A small ship swaps places........
Life on DS5 has returned to normal, all the crew are in place and there has been no recrimination from the Romulans regarding the attack on DS5.

Captain Tasha Tahir is enroute back to DS5, but cannot raise the station. Thinking that she is still out of radio range, she presses on, despite warnings from Jayfe to make full contact with the station.

Mission Specifics
Start Date   Tuesday, April 7th, 2009 @ 12:01am
End Date   Monday, November 9th, 2009 @ 10:10pm
Total Posts   68 [ View Posts ]
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